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Top 8 Reasons Patients Choose Breast Revision

Feeling confident about one’s appearance is important. Many women experience changes in their breasts throughout life due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and natural aging. A breast revision is a great opportunity for women to address their concerns with their breasts. Whether it’s the size, shape, or overall appearance, a breast revision is a great way to enhance the look of your breasts. Below you will find the top 8 reasons patients choose breast revision.

Top 8 Reasons Patients Choose Breast Revision

A breast revision is a great way to improve the look of your breasts and boost your confidence. Patients report an increase in self-esteem after a revision due to the success of their results. Consider the following reasons patients choose a breast revision. 

Implant Replacement: 

Breast implants are a great investment into your body. While they are a long-term solution, they are not permanent. Many patients need breast revision surgery every ten to twenty years. This is completely normal as natural wear and tear ultimately necessitates replacement. Working closely with your plastic surgeon on your progress is key in determining when you need a breast revision. 


Unwanted symptoms, such as pain or discomfort, point towards the need for a breast revision. A revision is beneficial for those who have breasts that are sensitive or tender. It’s also beneficial if you experience redness or burning, unusual swelling or firmness, or changes in the size and shape of your breasts. You should not have to live with these unwanted symptoms and a breast revision can provide substantial relief.

Capsular Contracture: 

Capsular contracture occurs when your body forms scar tissue around the implant. This can happen to some patients as your body is responding to a foreign object. Capsular contracture can cause pain and impact the appearance of your breasts. A breast revision in Beverly Hills can address these issues.

Aesthetic Issues: 

A revision may be necessary if you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts. Some women experience rippling or incision scars. These can impact the aesthetic of your breasts and impact your confidence. An augmentation is intended to improve the look of your breasts so consult with the best plastic surgeon in Los Angeles if you are unhappy with the look of your breasts. 

Deflation or Rupture: 

An augmentation that results in deflation or a rupture are agreat reasons to get a breast revision. While it is very rare, a revision is necessary to address the complication. If left untreated, there are health and safety risks.

Changes In Breast Shape: 

The natural aging process, weight changes, and pregnancy can impact the look, shape, and size of your breasts. A breast revision can dramatically improve changes to your breast. Each patient is uniquely different so a consultation is a great place to start. A skilled plastic surgeon can create a customized treatment plan to ensure your aesthetic goals are met. 

Implant Change: 

Saline and silicone breast implants are both used to enhance breasts. Some patients get a breast revision to change their implants from saline to silicone or the other way around. There are unique advantages to each so it’s important to work with a skilled plastic surgeon on which one is right for you. However, changing the type of implant you have is a common reason for a breast revision.


While it is rare, some patients are unhappy with their results. It may be due to an inexperienced surgeon, issues with the size, or something else. If you are unhappy with the results, consult with a skilled plastic surgeon to get their advice. A breast revision surgery can improve the look of your breasts to ensure they meet your expectations.

featured image for article about what causes a gummy smile

What Causes a Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile is characterized by a smile that is filled with your gums. The proportion between your teeth and your gums can have a serious impact on the look of your smile. Too much gum tissue can be distracting and impact your entire facial aesthetic. This can have a serious impact on your self-esteem. In fact, people who have gummy smiles tend to laugh and smile less. Issues with your confidence can have an impact on your professional and personal life. However, there are several treatment options available to address the issue. Before treatment, it’s necessary to determine the cause of your gummy smile. You may wonder, what causes a gummy smile? Below you will find the causes and what you can do to improve the look of your smile.

What Causes a Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile can make you feel insecure and even smile less. This can impact your confidence and self-esteem. There are options to correct the issue. Understanding the cause is critical to improving the issue. Consider the following causes of a gummy smile.

Short Teeth: 

Teeth that prematurely erupt may remain partially covered by your gums. This can make your teeth appear shorter and result in a gummy-looking smile.

Small Teeth: 

The ratio between your teeth and gums can impact how gummy your smile looks. In fact, teeth that are much smaller can make your smile look gummy. Small teeth may be due to genetics or just natural wear and tear.

Jaw Overgrowth: 

An overgrowth of your upper jaw area can cause bulging gums. This can result in your gums looking prominent when you smile. Upper jaw overgrowth is referred to as vertical maxillary excess.

Upper Lip Issues: 

There are a couple of issues caused by your upper lip that can impact the look of your smile. A small or short upper lip can result in a gummy-looking smile. In addition, a hyperactive upper lip can also result in your gums looking much larger when you smile. A hyperactive upper lip occurs when your lip is normal length when your face is at rest. However, when you smile, the upper lip raises too high and becomes nearly invisible.

Enlarged Gums: 

Sometimes the issue is the result of enlarged gums. Enlarged gums are referred to as gingival hypertrophy. The condition is characterized by gums that are long or enlarged.

Gummy Smile Correction Treatment

Due to the impact a gummy smile can have on your facial aesthetic and confidence, it’s important to address the issue. There are treatment options available that can improve the look of your smile. Gummy smile correction is a great treatment option that can leave your smile looking better than ever. This is a great option if the cause of your gummy smile is due to short teeth or overgrown gums. In other cases, alternative options are available. This includes bone surgery or a lip augmentation. A skilled dentist can determine which treatment option is right for you. The first step in moving forward with treatment is scheduling a consultation.

Laser Treatment: 

Laser treatment is a common treatment option to address a gummy smile. The treatment involves the use of a soft-tissue laser. It is used to trim back your gums and leave your smile looking much better. It helps balance out the proportions between your teeth and gums. It is precise and has a fast recovery period. Patients also report minimal discomfort.

Premier Dental Aesthetics

If you are unhappy with the look of your smile, contact the team at Premier Dental Aesthetics. They are skilled in cosmetic dentistry and can help improve the look of your smile. Contact their team today to schedule an appointment to see if gummy smile correction is right for you!

featured image for how long do dental veneers last

How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment. It can transform your smile by improving your teeth’ shape, color, and overall appearance. Veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored material that are attached to the front of your teeth. They are customizable to ensure they fit your overall aesthetic. They are long-lasting treatment options but they are not permanent. You may wonder, how long do dental veneers last? Below you will find helpful information about veneers and how to care for them to ensure they last.

How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Most veneers last between ten to twenty years. However, they can last even longer if properly cared for. The lifespan of dental veneers depends on several factors, including the type of veneers, your oral care routine, and individual lifestyle habits. Regular care and maintenance are key to making dental veneers last. Porcelain veneers in Arcadia are the most popular choice as they are long-lasting and look the most natural.

Caring For Dental Veneers

There are several factors that can determine how long your dental veneers last. Consider the following tips on how to care for your dental veneers.

Oral Care Routine: 

It is critical to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brush for at least two minutes and avoid using any abrasive products. If possible, brush after every meal. In addition to brushing, floss daily. Even though you have veneers, oral care is still necessary to prevent decay and other harmful oral health issues.

Regular Dental Checkups: 

Schedule regular checkups at the dental office at least every six months. This is necessary to ensure your oral health. Additionally, your dentist can monitor your progress and address any issues with your veneers early on. Talk with your dentist about when and how often you should visit.

Use Caution: 

Veneers are strong and durable, but they are not indestructible. It’s important to use caution when eating. Avoid biting down on hard substances, such as nuts, hard candy, ice, or other hard foods. In addition, avoid using your teeth as tools. Do not use your teeth to open things or even chew on objects. This can place too much pressure on your teeth and damage your veneers.

Address Grinding: 

Teeth grinding can place too much pressure on your veneers. If you grind your teeth, talk with your dentist about a mouth guard. Using a mouthguard at night can protect your veneers. It is also helpful to address the original cause of your teeth grinding as it is often associated with stress and anxiety.

Avoid Certain Foods: 

Veneers are resistant to stains. However, certain substances can impact the shade of your veneers. Avoid consuming teeth-staining foods in excess. This includes tea, coffee, sugar, and other processed foods. Not only is it good for your health but it can also improve the longevity of your veneers.

Dental Veneer Treatment

If you don’t like the way your teeth look, consider dental veneers. Many people are unhappy with the look of their smile. This can result in laughing and smiling less which can impact your confidence and self-esteem. If you feel like this, schedule a consultation with the team at Premier Dental Aesthetics. They can determine if you are a good candidate for treatment and discuss your overall aesthetic goals. 

The team at Premier Dental Aesthetics is skilled in cosmetic dentistry, including dental veneers. They have helped patients achieve their desired dental aesthetic and improve the look of their smile. In fact, they will work with you to ensure your smile is customized to meet your unique needs. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation!

featured image for article about pros and cons of natural breast augmentation

Pros and Cons of Natural Breast Augmentation

Enhancing the look of your breasts can improve your overall aesthetic. It can ensure your clothes fit better, your body is proportional, and dramatically boost your confidence. Natural breast augmentation is a popular alternative to traditional surgical breast procedures. It enhances the size and shape of your breasts nonsurgically. The procedure utilizes your own body fat to create fuller and more voluminous breasts. Consider the following pros and cons of natural breast augmentation.

Pros and Cons of Natural Breast Augmentation

Due to the natural aging process and other factors that impact your breasts, many women consider breast procedures. There are several reasons why natural breast augmentation is beneficial. As with any procedure, there are also some cons. Consider the following pros and cons of natural breast augmentation.

Pros of Natural Breast Augmentation

Natural Aesthetic: 

The pro that most patients love about natural breast augmentation is the natural look and feel of the results. One of the main benefits of a natural breast augmentation in Beverly Hills is that it provides a much more natural look, including both the aesthetic and feel of your breast. This is because it is done using your own body fat.

Secondary Benefits: 

Because the procedure uses your own fat, you get additional benefits from a natural breast augmentation. Not only is the fat used to enhance the look of your breasts, but it is also removed from an area that has excess fat. A natural breast augmentation and plastic surgery in Beverly Hills can result in a more sculpted appearance overall due to the secondary benefits. 

Reduced Recovery: 

Non-surgical alternatives have a much faster recovery period as compared to traditional breast augmentations. A faster recovery period reduces your risk of infection and ensures that you get back to your daily routine in no time. This is a great option for those who live a busy and active lifestyle. 

Cons of a Natural Breast Augmentation

Size Limitations: 

Traditional implants can vary in size as you have the option to dramatically increase your breast size. A natural breast augmentation has more limitations in terms of how big you can go. It can provide a modest increase in breast size, which is why it is a great option for those who want a natural look.

Not For Everyone: 

If you have limited fat in your body, a natural breast augmentation may not be right for you. The procedure depends on fat from your own body as it is harvested and then transferred into your breasts. If you are very lean, a traditional breast augmentation may be a better option for you. It’s important to consult with a plastic surgeon to determine what procedures you are a good candidate for. 

Varied Results: 

In some cases, the results can vary. Because the fat is transferred from your own body, the success of the transfer depends on your body’s acceptance of the fat. In rare cases, the results may not be as expected. When this does occur, it can sometimes result in uneven breasts. 

Natural Breast Augmentation Procedure

If you are unhappy with the look of your breasts, consider a natural breast augmentation at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery. The team is skilled in natural and traditional breast augmentations. They have helped countless patients improve the look of their breasts after weight gain, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. The natural aging process can impact the look of your breasts, which is why an enhancement can dramatically improve your confidence. The first step in moving forward with the procedure is scheduling a constellation. Contact the team at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery today to schedule an appointment! 

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