Archives August 2024

Featured image for How Is Jawline Contouring Performed

How Is Jawline Contouring Performed?

Jawline contouring is a type of plastic surgery procedure that aims to give a patient a more refined and powerful-looking jaw. The procedure can offer stunning aesthetic results, leading to a complete aesthetic overhaul of the jaw. Though the procedure is steadily growing in popularity, many people still wonder how jawline contouring is performed. If you are curious about Epione’s Jawsome jawline contouring, take a look at this guide, which describes some details of the procedure.

What is Jawline Contouring?

Jawline contouring is a type of cosmetic, non-surgical aesthetic procedure. Although it falls under the medical branch of plastic surgery, it is actually a non-surgical operation that involves injecting various kinds of dermal fillers into the jawline to sculpt its appearance more fully. Jawline contouring is renowned for offering patients a more refined and defined jawline appearance. In addition, the procedure can assist those who have suffered injury to their jaw and are looking to restore some element of their appearance.

Two major types of fillers are employed in this procedure. In general, they will likely involve one of the following:

  • Dermal fillers
  • Hyaluronic acid          

The Benefits of Jawline Contouring

There are many benefits to jawline contouring, though the exact benefits you reap will depend on your goals for the procedure. The following are some of the most commonly reported benefits of receiving jawline contouring:

  • Stonger chin
  • Enhanced jawline shape and definition
  • More symmetrical facial structure
  • More defined facial structure
  • Increased volume in the lower portion of the face
  • Increased satisfaction with one’s appearance

How is Jawline Contouring Performed?

There are several steps involved in the jawline contouring procedure. Generally, most patients undergo the following:

  • Patients have a consultation with their physician, and their general medical profile is examined.
  • A general treatment plan is outlined with regard to the patient’s goals for the jawline contouring process.
  • The region that is to receive jawline contouring is identified and marked out.
  • The physician injects the filler into the previously determined areas of the jaw.
  • A post-treatment guide is prepared and provided for the patient.
  • Possible follow-up appointments may be recommended depending on the details of your procedure.

Following one’s physician’s instructions at every step of the process is essential for ensuring the best results. Do not be afraid to ask questions about your procedure.

How Long Do Jawline Contouring Results Last?

The longevity of jawline contouring results depends on the level of work performed and the type of filler used in the procedure. Dermal fillers tend to last for about six months to two years, while hyaluronic acid can last for one to two years.

In addition, the longevity of one’s results is somewhat dependent on how one treats one’s jaw and general lifestyle. For example, prolonged periods of overexposure to UV rays without protection have the potential to negatively impact one’s results.

Risk of Jawline Contouring

Jawline contouring is generally considered a safe and low-risk procedure. However, there are mild risks and side effects of the procedure that one should be aware of. Take note of the following potential risks:

  • Mild bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Numbness
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity and swelling in the jaw
  • Asymmetrical appearance of the jaw
  • Allergic reaction to the fillers, which can result in itching

In addition, one should pay attention to the following symptoms that they are facing a severe allergic reaction to the fillers:

  • Infection
  • Acne-like lumps in the jaw
  • Inflammatory skin reactions
  • Skin nodules

If any of the above side effects persist for more than a few days, contact your physician as soon as possible to schedule a follow-up appointment.

The Top Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles

The doctors at Epione Beverly Hills are widely regarded as some of the top non-surgical cosmetic surgeons in Los Angeles. If you are interested in the benefits of jawline contouring, contact our office today to set up an appointment and begin looking your best.

Before and After photos of a patient who has undergone neck lift surgery as the featured image for Tips for a Smooth Neck Lift Recovery

Tips for a Smooth Neck Lift Recovery 

A neck lift is a popular way to enhance the appearance of one’s neck and achieve a more youthful look. It reduces sagging skin, tightens underlying muscles, and smooths the skin. It is ideal for middle-aged people, as the neck is usually one of the first body parts where the first signs of aging appear. Just like any other surgery, a neck lift exposes you to risks and possible complications. However, this should not deter you from achieving the look you want. You can minimize the risks by seeking the service of a board-certified surgeon who is experienced in providing personalized plastic surgery in Beverly Hills. You should also note that recovery from this type of procedure usually lasts two weeks, and the first week can naturally be uncomfortable. If you are wondering if there is something you can do to minimize discomfort, reduce the risk of complications, and help you enjoy your new look sooner, here are some tips for a smooth neck lift recovery.

Tips for a Smooth Neck Lift Recovery 

Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions

Following your surgeon’s instruction is an essential first step towards a smooth recovery process. Make sure you understand your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions and follow them meticulously. The instructions may include care for your incisions, medications to take or to avoid, and limitations on activities. You should ask for clarification if there is something you do not understand. Remember that these instructions are specially tailored to your procedure, circumstances, and medical history, so if you know someone who has also undergone this procedure, do not be surprised if your instructions are different from the ones given to them.


Your body needs time to heal. Take time off from work if you can. It is important to prioritize rest and free yourself from the unnecessary burden of chores. Remember that overexertion may lead to complications like increased swelling or delayed healing. Arrange for someone to help you with cooking, washing, and cleaning during your recovery. Sleep as much as you can, as sleep not only supports immunity but also helps your body fight infections.

Elevate Your Head

Keep your head elevated even when sleeping to reduce swelling and prevent seroma—fluid accumulating at the incision site. Use extra pillows to prop your head up, and avoid lying flat on your back.

Manage Swelling and Bruising

Although swelling and bruising are normal during recovery, you can minimize their severity. During the first 48 hours after your surgery, apply a cold compress to your neck to reduce swelling. Your surgeon will likely tell you when and for how long to apply the cold compress. They may also prescribe medications to help you manage your pain and to reduce inflammation. Make sure that you only take medications prescribed by your surgeon and take them as directed. If you require medications for a medical condition, make sure this is discussed with your surgeon during your initial consultation so they can plan accordingly.  If, by chance, you forgot to inform your surgeon pre-surgery of your medications, remember to inform them before you go home from surgery. The internal interactions between some medications can be fatal, so you must speak with your surgeon about all of your prescriptions.

Avoid Strenuous Activities

Stay away from activities that can strain your neck or increase your blood pressure. This means no heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, bending over, or anything that requires you to exert significant physical effort. Be extra careful when turning your head to avoid straining the neck muscles. Keep in mind that light walking and gentle movements are fine and promote circulation, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots. Always ask your surgeon before you resume any form of physical activity or workout. 

Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Healthy Diet

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. This will not only help reduce swelling but also flush out toxins and promote healthy skin. However, caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate your body and may interfere with the healing process, so you should abstain from them for the time being.

Get proper nutrition. Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals to ensure that your body gets the nutrients it needs to repair tissues. Berries, leafy greens, and other foods rich in antioxidants can help reduce inflammation and support your body’s overall recovery.

Attend Follow-Up Appointments

Follow the schedule of your post-operative visits to your surgeon. Follow-up sessions allow doctors to monitor your progress and ensure that you are healing as expected. These appointments also allow your surgeon to make the necessary adjustments to your post-operative care plan to address possible concerns.

Consult a Licensed Surgeon Today

Recovery from surgery takes time, patience, and proper care. By following these tips and your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, you can ensure a smooth recovery process and enjoy the full benefits of your procedure. If you are considering a neck lift in Beverly Hills, now is the perfect time to contact us. Our team will ensure a safe and personalized procedure that will provide you with stunning results and leave you feeling young and confident.

Featured image for Do You Need Bone Grafting Before Dental Implants

Do You Need Bone Grafting Before Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an excellent modern solution for people who are missing one, several, or all of their teeth. However, not all patients are eligible for dental implants due to their oral health conditions. Fortunately, there are various solutions for solving this issue, and bone grafting is one of them. In this article, we describe this procedure and answer the question: do you need bone grafting before dental implants?

Do You Need Bone Grafting Before Dental Implants?

Only some patients who plan on getting dental implants also require bone grafting. This procedure is recommended in cases when jawbone resorption takes place. Bone resorption is a loss in its density. Dental implants are metal posts that are placed directly into the jawbone and fuse with it over time. Thus, when there is not enough density in the jawbone, dental implants will not be stable and secure and might fail.

Why Does Jawbone Resorption Happen?

Jaw bone resorption, or density loss, happens if a patient is missing teeth for a long time. Since teeth roots no longer stimulate the bone, the body stops sending nutritious elements to it, as it is considered “useless.” As a result, the bone literally shrinks. In the first year after teeth loss, the jawbone density tends to decrease by up to 20%. Thus, if you have been missing teeth for more than a year, your dentist is likely to suggest bone grafting before dental implant placement. 

The Procedure of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is aimed at restoring the jawbone. A dental bone graft can be made of natural or artificial materials and is surgically placed into the bone in places that need restoration. The grafts prompt the regeneration processes in the bone, and new tissue grows around them.

Bone grafting is typically performed using local anesthetic, so the patient feels little to no pain or discomfort. The procedure might take 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of grafts needed and their location. After the grafts are placed, the gum tissue is placed over them, and stitches are applied.

Bone Grafting and Sinus Lift

Another situation where you may require bone grafting is when you need a sinus lift before dental implants. A sinus lift might be recommended for patients who are missing their upper teeth at the back of the mouth. Sometimes, the sinuses might drop and occupy the area where teeth roots used to be, thus not leaving sufficient space for dental implants. In such cases, your doctor will lift the sinuses and then use a graft to prompt the regeneration of the tissue that will keep the sinuses in place.

Is Bone Grafting Safe?

Generally, bone grafting is a safe procedure with a high rate of success. Some of the risks of this surgical procedure include:

  • Complications with anesthesia
  • Infections
  • Bleeding
  • Nerve damage

Additionally, the success of bone grafting depends on the patient’s general health and personal habits. Smoking, alcohol intake, and certain illnesses might prompt bone grafting failure. 

Recovery After Bone Grafting

The healing period of a bone graft can take from 3 to 12 months to heal completely, depending on the size of the graft. However, you might expect the initial recovery after the surgery to be complete in 7 to 10 days. During this recovery period, you might experience swelling, minor pain, tenderness, and bruising at the surgery site. 

Over-the-counter medications, such as Ibuprofen, are effective at reducing post-surgery pain. Remember to follow the instructions and never exceed the recommended dose of pain medications. You can also apply ice packs to the face and keep your head elevated when lying down to reduce swelling. 

In addition, you should follow a liquid diet for the first 24 to 48 hours after the surgery and then switch to a soft diet for the rest of the recovery period. It is also important to completely abstain from nicotine and alcohol during the recovery, as both these substances significantly slow down healing. 

Another critical point is to maintain thorough oral hygiene by carefully brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every evening. Your dentist might also recommend rinsing your mouth with salt water 3 to 4 times a day or after meals. If you were prescribed antibiotics or other medication, make sure to take the entire course according to schedule.

Make an Appointment Today

If you plan to replace your missing teeth with dental implants or require bone grafting, do not hesitate to make an appointment at our cosmetic dental office today. In Smiles of Arcadia, we use top-quality materials and modern methods to restore your smile and oral health. We look forward to your visit.

Featured image for Can Blepharoplasty Correct Eye Asymmetry?

Can Blepharoplasty Correct Eye Asymmetry?

Your eyes are one of the first features people notice when they look at you. Bright and youthful-looking eyes make you look awake and friendly, whereas fine lines, wrinkles, and skin sagging can cause you to look tired and older. The apparent age of your eyes can impact your overall appearance and self-confidence. Another factor that affects the eyes’ appearance is eye asymmetry, which is a common concern for many people. It occurs when there is a noticeable difference in the size, shape, or position of your eyes. You may wonder, can blepharoplasty correct eye asymmetry? 

Can Blepharoplasty Correct Eye Asymmetry?

Blepharoplasty effectively addresses eye asymmetry. The procedure focuses on addressing various issues with your eyelids and is customized to meet your unique needs. It commonly includes the removal of excess fat and tissue, as well as muscle tightening, to achieve a more even look between your eyes. Many people undergo the procedure to reduce the signs of aging. Blepharoplasty is effective in addressing eye asymmetry through the following techniques.

Fat and Tissue Distribution

A common cause of eye asymmetry is a difference in fat and tissue distribution. Sometimes, one eye may be more puffy than the other due to the tissue, or the fat deposits may make each eye look different. Uniformity between both eyes is ideal to ensure optimal facial symmetry. Upper blepharoplasty is a great way to address this. This is achieved by removing the excess tissue and fat. In some cases, the fat is repositioned.

Skin Tightening

Sagging skin can also cause eye asymmetry. Skin laxity occurs due to the natural aging process and poor lifestyle habits. These include stress, smoking, excessive drinking, poor sleep habits, and not caring for your skin. Blepharoplasty can address sagging skin and smooth out the eye area. Excess skin is removed during the procedure, and the remaining skin is tightened to achieve eye asymmetry.

Muscle Tightening and Balancing

The natural aging process and poor lifestyle habits impact the muscle tissues in your face, leading to sagging skin and eye asymmetry. Additionally, some eye muscles may be more active than others. For these reasons, you may notice asymmetry in your eyes. Eyelid surgery in Reno can adjust and tighten the muscles in your eyes to achieve a more balanced look. 

Types of Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty focuses on the area around your eyes. There are two types: upper and lower blepharoplasty. Both are effective in addressing the signs of aging and poor lifestyle habits. Some people only need one, while others may get both. It is common to combine the procedures for optimal results.

Upper blepharoplasty focuses on the upper eyelid area. It helps open up your eyes so you look more awake and youthful. This is achieved by removing the excess skin and fat and tightening the area around your eyes. Lower blepharoplasty is effective in addressing the areas under your eyes. Common issues below your eyes include chronic puffiness, dark circles, and bags. The procedure involves the removal of fat and excess skin. In some cases, the fat may be repositioned to give your eyes a smoother and more youthful look.

Eyelid Surgery in Reno

The first step in addressing eye asymmetry involves scheduling a consultation with a skilled surgeon. The surgeon can assess your eyes and determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Once it has been determined that you are a good candidate, you can proceed with the procedure.

The team at Nevada Eye Plastic Surgery is highly skilled and experienced in blepharoplasty. Their patients have reported a boost in self-confidence due to the procedure’s results. Contact their office today to schedule a consultation!  

Featured image for How Are Nuclear Stress Tests Performed

How Are Nuclear Stress Tests Performed?

A nuclear stress test is a tool that helps diagnose heart issues. It is also highly effective in monitoring your heart health and assessing the effectiveness of specific treatment plans. The results of this test help your doctor understand how your heart is functioning, which is critical for them to identify issues and improve your heart health. You may wonder, how are nuclear stress tests performed? Below, you will find helpful information about what to expect before, during, and after the test.

How Are Nuclear Stress Tests Performed?

A nuclear stress test is helpful in learning more about how your heart is working. The test involves two parts. If you have been scheduled for a nuclear stress test, it is important to consult with your doctor about how to prepare. They will provide you with helpful information about preparation, what to expect from their specific treatment process, and what will happen after. Below are general guidelines for how nuclear stress tests are performed.

Before the Nuclear Stress Test

You will need to physically prepare before your nuclear stress test. Things patients are most often told to avoid include eating, drinking, or taking certain medications for some time before your test. Your doctor will provide you with specific information about this. It is essential to follow their instructions carefully. Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your doctor first, as this can be dangerous and may impact your results. On the day of the exam, wear comfortable clothes. You should be able to exercise in them if the test calls for it.

During the Nuclear Stress Test

A nuclear stress test is performed at a cardiovascular health center. The nuclear stress test starts with an injection. The injection is a small amount of radioactive material. It is referred to as a tracer and is injected into your arm. The injection travels through your bloodstream to reach your heart. It is then absorbed by your heart. A special camera will then take a set of images while you are lying down. They show how your blood flows to your heart when you are resting. 

The second phase of the test involves assessing your heart when your body is not at rest. This portion of the exam is completed by measuring your heart during exercise or with medication. During this time, another set of images is taken. This shows the doctor how well your blood flows to your heart when it is under stress. Throughout the entire exam, several things are monitored, including your heart rate and blood pressure.

After the Nuclear Stress Test

Once the test is complete, you will be asked to rest for a short period. The doctor will observe you to ensure that your heart rate normalizes. The doctor will assess the images and review them with you. In some cases, you may need to set up a follow-up appointment to discuss your results. Your doctor will let you know what to expect after the nuclear stress test in advance. 

Do I Need A Nuclear Stress Test?

Your nuclear cardiology doctor will determine if you need a nuclear stress test. There are several reasons why you may need a nuclear stress test. The most common reasons are as follows.

Diagnosing Heart Conditions

A nuclear stress test assesses whether someone has coronary artery disease. It is also helpful in diagnosing several other heart conditions and assessing the severity of heart disease.

Treatment Assessment

If you are undergoing treatment for heart issues, a nuclear stress test can help assess your treatment. Your doctor can use the information to determine whether other treatments are necessary or if you are on the right track.

Apex Cardiology

The team of experts at Apex Cardiology is skilled in nuclear stress tests. If you feel you need to schedule an appointment for a nuclear stress test, contact their team today! 

concept for coping with mammogram anxiety

Coping With Mammogram Anxiety

Mammograms are an important screening tool used to detect breast cancer. It’s highly effective as it can detect breast cancer often before you experience any symptoms. A mammogram is a smooth and non-invasive tool that utilizes X-ray technology to get a picture of your breast tissue. Regular mammograms are necessary for women of average risk over the age of 40. Even though mammograms are a routine screening tool, many women experience anxiety around it. Below are some helpful tips for coping with mammogram anxiety.

Coping With Mammogram Anxiety

Anxiety around mammograms is common for so many women. Many women fear the appointment and are awaiting their results. This can impact your day and cause unnecessary stress. Finding ways to cope is key, as it can help you stay calm. Consider the following ways to cope with mammogram anxiety.

Educate Yourself

One of the best ways to cope with anxiety regarding mammograms is to educate yourself. If you are concerned about your first in-office mammogram, talk with your doctor, a friend, or a family member about the process. This can help you feel prepared and more in control on the day of your mammogram. If you are concerned about the waiting period until your results, ask your doctor how long it takes. This can help you understand when you should be getting your results. That way you don’t have to sit and wait without any information about the timing of it.

Talk to a Trusted Friend or Family Member

Talking with a trusted friend or family member can help you manage your anxiety around a mammogram. Women have been getting mammograms for decades. Despite this, it can be really stressful no matter what age you are. Ask a friend to talk with you about their experiences and let them know your fears. They may be able to give you more information or dispel any unnecessary myths. Utilizing your community of friends and family is important in stressful times.

Engage in Relaxation Techniques

Stress is a common issue many women face. From work and home life to personal relationships, stress is often everywhere. Finding a way to manage your stress is critical. Many women find peace through meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. Find something that works for you and employ that strategy before and after your mammogram. Even just 5 minutes a day can help reduce your stress and provide you with peace and calm.

Stay Busy

If you are concerned about your mammogram, plan your schedule before and after your appointment. This can help you stay focused and avoid ruminating over the appointment. Plan something that requires focus before your appointment. This may be a work meeting or other task that needs to be done. Alternatively, plan something fun afterward. This can be a coffee date with a friend or a movie. Be sure to keep yourself busy after the appointment until you get your results so you can keep your mind off of it. 

Women’s Health Center in Abilene

Women aged 40 and over who are at an average risk for breast cancer should be getting regular mammograms. For those who are high-risk, you may need to get your first mammogram sooner. Those at high risk are those with close family members who have had breast cancer. Early detection is key, so it’s important to work with your doctor to assess your risk.

If you are due for a mammogram, consult with the women’s health center in Abilene. They offer mammograms and provide you with fast results. The team at West Texas Health is committed to providing you with the best care. Contact their team today to schedule an appointment!

Featured image for The Kim Kardashian-approved Salmon Sperm Facial

The Kim Kardashian-Approved Salmon Sperm Facial

While practicing skincare is not new to the modern age, it has become increasingly popular in recent years. As the practice becomes more popular, the available treatment options become more numerous and widespread. Naturally, this also leads to the rise of unexpected treatments. One such treatment is the Kim Kardashian-approved Salmon Sperm Facial.

Bustle recently spoke with Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc.’s own Dr. Gabriel Chiu about the Salmon Sperm Facial. We recap their discussion below.

Is It Actually Sperm?

The name Salmon Sperm Facial is not exactly a misnomer, but it does simplify the reality of the facial. The facial is performed by injecting Rejuran under a patient’s skin to improve their skin elasticity and give their complexion a smoother and more youthful appearance. The main ingredient in Rejuran is PDRN, which scientists extract from salmon milt, the sperm-containing fluid in male fish. This means that while the Salmon Sperm Facial does not directly use salmon sperm for treatment, it does utilize components from the same source.

The History of Salmon Sperm in Skincare

Though the use of salmon sperm as a skincare tool may seem contemporary, Dr. Chiu explained to the team at Bustle that salmon sperm has had a use in skincare for many years. In fact, he said that salmon milt has been used in skincare since the 1980s and has been used as a bio-stimulator “for about 15 years.” Additionally, Bustle says that the modern version of the Salmon Sperm Facial has been around for about nine years.

What is the Process?

Dr. Chiu describes the facial as “the injection of Rejuran in microdroplets under the skin of the face and neck.” In this way, it is similar to other dermal filler procedures, which involve injecting patients under the skin for the desired effect.

Benefits of Salmon Sperm Facial

The idea of the facial can initially be challenging to get behind. Nonetheless, the procedure has some truly incredible benefits. Dr. Chiu describes some of the benefits himself in his interview with Bustle, saying, “Some of the most notable benefits of the salmon sperm facial are that it smooths the texture of the skin, shrinks pores, reduces acne scars, improves skin hydration, promotes collagen production, improves fine lines, and reverses signs of aging.”

Even better, Dr. Chiu also stated to Bustle that “any skin type can benefit from the treatment,” so anyone interested in the Salmojn Sperm Facial can undergo it. Like most skincare treatments, though, it is best for older patients. Dr. Chiu specifically stated that “those with skin damage from sun exposure and aging are likely to see the most [results]” from the procedure.

That said, the treatment’s incredible benefits should not be a huge surprise, as there are many studied benefits of fish oil and fish-heavy diets. Still, just as there are benefits to the Salmon Sperm Facial, there are risks to be aware of.

Risks of Salmon Sperm Facial

As with all cosmetic procedures, the Salmon Sperm Facial has some risks. These include injection site reactions, such as swelling, bruising, and redness, though these symptoms should disappear a few days after treatment. A more serious reaction would occur if a patient is allergic to PDRN. This is unlikely but not impossible, so it is essential to speak with a doctor if considering this facial.

Chiu’s Final Thoughts on the Facial

Dr. Chiu concluded his discussion with Bustle by summarizing his thoughts on the procedure: “Only time will tell if the Salmon Sperm Facial will actually gain FDA approval in the US. I’m sure that there are many who will jump on the bandwagon to exploit the latest trends, but from what I have reviewed about its claims versus actual results, I won’t be jumping on just yet.”

concept for does root canal treatment hurt

Does Root Canal Treatment Hurt?

Root canal treatment is a standard procedure performed in cases of severe tooth decay. But does root canal treatment hurt? Please read our article to learn more about the procedure, its benefits, and recovery tips.

Does Root Canal Treatment Hurt?

Modern anesthetics allow dentists to perform even the most invasive treatments with little to no discomfort for the patient. Root canal treatment is not an exception, and most patients report not feeling any pain during the procedure. In some cases, patients might feel discomfort or slight pain during the root canal treatment. However, your dentist might be able to adjust the strength of the anesthetic during the procedure if you are in pain. 

Once the anesthetic wears out after the procedure, you will most likely feel soreness and tenderness at the treatment site for a couple of days. But keep in mind that the tooth decay pain you most likely experience before the procedure is much greater than that you might feel after the tooth is treated. The post-root canal treatment soreness typically can be remedied with over-the-counter painkillers, such as Ibuprofen. 

If you feel a lot of anxiety because of the upcoming procedure and if your pain tolerance is very low, ask your dentist about sedation dentistry. It might be a good option for you, as the relaxant is administered before the procedure begins and allows the patient to go through the procedure without stress. 

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is done in cases of severe tooth decay. It involves accessing the pulp chamber of the tooth and removing the infected pulp. After your dentist cleans the canals of the tooth from infection, they will be filled with a special biocompatible dental material and sealed. This prevents the reinfection of the tooth. 

In some cases, if the infection severely weakens the tooth, a dental crown is placed on top of it after the root canal treatment is complete. The crown reinforces the tooth and protects it from future damage. 

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

To help cope with anxiety about root canal treatment, keep its benefits in mind:

  • Root canal treatment helps eliminate the source of the infection in the mouth, preventing the surrounding teeth from also getting infected and decaying. Thus, it improves your oral health.
  • Root canal treatment helps save the infected tooth from extraction and avoid more complicated and expensive treatments, such as dental implants, in the future. 
  • By eliminating the harmful bacterial growth in the mouth, root canal treatment helps prevent gum disease—chronic infection of the gum tissue. Gum disease is a dangerous condition because it weakens the support for the teeth and can penetrate and destroy the jawbone, leading to tooth loss. 
  • Root canal treatment improves your general health. Bacteria and infection in the mouth can negatively affect the well-being of other organs in the body, for example, the gastrointestinal system. The health of the gut is closely linked to the appearance of the skin and the mood and energy levels. Also, gum disease is associated with heart, lung, joint, and blood sugar issues. Thus, by treating tooth decay with a root canal procedure, you can boost your quality of life. 

Recovery Tips After Root Canal Treatment

To make sure that your recovery is fast and smooth, follow several tips we list below:

  • Avoid eating for several hours after the procedure, especially while the anesthetic is still working. 
  • Chew your food on the other side of the mouth for a couple of days after the procedure to avoid damaging the newly restored tooth and let it fully heal.
  • Adhere to a soft diet that does not require a lot of chewing or biting for several days after the procedure. The options of such a diet might include yogurts, cottage cheese, smoothies, pate, soft pasta, etc. 
  • Use cold compresses if you experience swelling. Apply the compress for 15 minutes at a time to the outer side of your chick and take 30-minute breaks between the applications.
  • Keep your head alleviated during the night to reduce the swelling.
  • Take over-the-counter painkillers if you feel soreness or pain. However, remember to never exceed the recommended dose. 
  • Maintain thorough oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every night. Also, rinse your mouth with warm salt water after every meal.
  • Avoid sports and other strenuous activities for at least a week after the procedure. 

Make an Appointment Today

If you have signs of severe tooth decay and experience pain, do not hesitate to make an appointment at Smiles of Arcadia today. A root canal in Arcadia is an effective way to eliminate the infection in the mouth, save your tooth from extraction, and boost your oral and general health. Our specialists will ensure that the procedure is stress-free. We are looking forward to your visit.

concept for how to prepare for liposuction revision

How to Prepare for Liposuction Revision

Liposuction surgery is a handy tool that surgeons use to repair, reshape, and reform certain parts of the body. Though it is commonly misconstrued as a weight loss procedure, it offers plenty of additional benefits. Liposuction can be used for things like fat harvesting and abdominal reconstruction during a tummy tuck. In most cases, liposuction results are meant to be enjoyed for life. Below, we cover how to prepare for liposuction revision.

How to Prepare for Liposuction Revision

But what happens when your surgery does not go as planned? Perhaps you encountered some trouble during recovery. Or, maybe you did not end up liking your results after you healed. Whatever the case may be, you might be the perfect candidate for liposuction revision surgery. In the article below, our Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc. experts will show you step by step how to prepare for liposuction revision.

Step 1: Be Candid During Your Consultation

When you have your first one-on-one visit with Dr. Chiu, you should explain exactly what is wrong with your liposuction results and what you would like to achieve with this revision. We will work with you to make the perfect treatment plan. We must know why you are dissatisfied with your current state to create something that more closely aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Revisions look different for everyone. Your revision liposuction might involve areas of your body that have already undergone liposuction treatment. These areas may be more difficult to treat, but our techniques can absolutely help you with revision.

Step 2: Maintain Your Weight

Extreme weight fluctuations can cause symptoms such as flabby skin and stretch marks. Many people sign up for liposuction in the first place because they want to reshape their bodies after going through a weight change. You might have experienced more weight fluctuation after the fact, which can warp your results. You can make sure this does not happen again by remaining close to your target weight before signing up for a revision.

Step 3: Avoid Drinking, Smoking, and Some Medications

Once your surgery date is set, you should start preparing for your liposuction revision at home. You might want to stop certain bad habits such as smoking or drinking, as this will only slow down the healing process and inhibit your results from flourishing altogether. Additionally, certain medications might dangerously interfere with anesthesia during surgery. Make sure to let your doctor know about all of the medications you are taking and how often you take them.

Step 4: Educate Yourself About the Procedure

Your medical team will let you know about the ins and outs of liposuction revision surgery so you are not left with any questions going into your procedure. Whether you are worried about anesthesia or you want to know more about the process of liposuction revision, we are here to answer your questions before your appointment. It will give you better peace of mind to know what your surgeon will be doing while you are on the operating table. Revision liposuction can include a variety of techniques such as fat grafting or fat removal.

Step 5: Prepare for Recovery

The biggest part of preparing for liposuction revision is getting ready for recovery. Make sure you have a clean and restful place at home to keep you comfortable while your body rejuvenates. You should surround yourself with water and snacks that will keep you satisfied even when you are in pain. If you are worried about feeling pain, we can prescribe a painkiller medication that will ease some of the initial symptoms.

You can expect some swelling and bruising around the surgery site. This is normal and should dissipate within a few days. Your surgeon will be in touch with you throughout your recovery to make sure that everything is healing as planned. It is a good idea to avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a few weeks following your procedure. Your doctor can give you a timeline of when you can start to see your new and improved results. Thankfully, you should not have to wait very long.

Find the Best Liposuction Revision Options at BHPSI

From ruined liposuction results to botched facelifts, there is nothing that we cannot treat through our innovative revision plastic surgery in Beverly Hills. The best way to guarantee success the second time around, however, is to be educated about your current results as well as your future goals. Knowing what caused you to be unhappy with your results can help us avoid making that same mistake during revision. Depending on your individual needs, you can become a candidate for one of our many liposuction revision techniques.

Get in touch with Dr. Chiu and his team of plastic surgery revision experts to learn more.

Line art illustration of a plus size woman with stretch marks on legs and her belly as the featured image for Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented

Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

Stretch marks are an unfortunate physical trait that can be an eyesore for those who have them. Getting rid of them can be somewhat aggravating, as they tend to arise suddenly or after events out of a patient’s control. However, there are steps an individual can take to stop stretch marks from forming in the first place. These preventative measures can save a patient a large amount of time and money in the long run. If you have stretch marks or are worried that you may be vulnerable to developing them, this guide describes how stretch marks can be prevented.

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, also known as striae, are indented streaks that appear on various parts of the body when the skin is stretched beyond its comfort zone.

Stretch marks are not of medical concern but can be aesthetically bothersome. Often, stretch marks fade naturally over time. However, some stretch marks tend to linger and require professional intervention to resolve. Long-lasting stretch marks have the potential to worsen one’s well-being by diminishing self-esteem and one’s self-image. Therefore, if a person has the ability and resources to get rid of their stretch marks, they will likely see the payoff in the long run.

What are the Symptoms of Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can appear in many different forms. That said, there are many easy-to-identify signs of stretch marks, such as:

  • Itchiness
  • Irritation
  • Discoloration on the skin
  • Sunken lines under the skin
  • Glossy-looking skin

Of course, stretch marks will appear and function differently for each person, and it never hurts to have an expert assess your stretch marks to determine their severity.

Risk Factors for Stretch Marks

Several factors can increase the likelihood that an individual develops stretch marks. Being aware of these factors can help you prepare for and take more active steps to treat stretch marks. Qualities that increase the chance of one developing stretch marks are:

  • Being overweight
  • Being pregnant
  • Using corticosteroids
  • Undergoing breast augmentation
  • Having certain genetic disorders
  • Having a family history of stretch marks

Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

Luckily, stretch marks can be prevented. There are several methods for preventing stretch marks, and finding out which ones best suit your routine can help provide a sense of security that you will be able to prevent their development. Those interested in preventing stretch marks should consider adhering to the following:

  • Drink enough water: Hydration is one of the best lines of defense for the body in general and can help prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Eat plenty of Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the best compounds for skin health and is doubly useful for preventing stretch marks. Including a healthy amount in your diet can help you prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Control your weight: Dramatic weight loss or gain is one of the most common causes of stretch marks. Making more modest and gradual weight gains can help prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Eat plenty of nutrients: Eating a well-balanced diet high in nutrients can maintain the presence of collagen and elastin fibers in your skin, making it less susceptible to stretch marks.
  • Keep track of when they appear: It is easier to treat stretch marks that have recently appeared than those that have been left to linger. Making an appointment with a dermatologist sooner rather than later can help you resolve this issue before it becomes too severe.
  • Get plenty of sun: Vitamin D is another compound essential for skin health. Fortunately, the sun is a plentiful source of Vitamin D. Getting some healthy sun on the parts of your skin that you often cover can help prevent the development of stretch marks. If you are sensitive to the sun, consider taking a vitamin D supplement.

Your Cosmetic Resource in Beverly Hills

Epione Plastic Surgery offers a full suite of resources to aid patients in fading their stretch marks or preventing their development. If you would like to discuss stretch marks with a cosmetic dermatologist in Beverly Hills, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.