Archives October 2024

How to Get Natural-Looking Facelift Results

Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing signs of aging staring back at you? It is natural to feel a little disappointed about the way your face looks as it gets older. If you dream of the youthful appearance you once had, there is hope for you. Plastic surgery can produce incredible and natural-looking results that you can enjoy. We look at how to get natural-looking facelift results.

How to Get Natural-Looking Facelift Results

Today, your trusted plastic surgery expert in Beverly Hills will share some great secrets with you. You will learn how to get natural-looking facelift results when you combine the correct treatment with the correct surgical specialist. Our goal is to help you bring your inner beauty out, so you can enjoy the way you look again.

About Facelifts

A facelift involves lifting and tightening the skin on the face to give a more youthful appearance. While there are many different types of facelifts, the ultimate goal remains the same – to restore a more youthful and rejuvenated look. Dr. Brent’s facelift techniques span a wide range of popular facelift types, including:

  • Mini Facelift
  • Minimal Access Cranial Suspension (MACS) Facelift
  • High Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS) Facelift
  • Platysma SMAS Plication Facelift

But beyond just improving physical appearance, getting a facelift can also have a significant impact on one’s confidence and self-esteem. As we age, it’s natural for our faces to show signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin. This loss of volume and shape can make us feel self-conscious and affect our overall sense of beauty.

Do Facelifts Produce Natural Results?

Some patients shy away from plastic surgery because they are afraid of looking “fake”. However, it is important that your surgeon implements modern, state-of-the-art techniques that create symmetry between your existing facial features and new improvements. Here are some ways that facelifts offer natural, long-lasting results that make you feel instantly younger:

Remove Excess Skin While Retaining Your Natural Shape

One way in which a facelift can transform your appearance is by targeting loose or sagging skin. As we age, our skin loses elasticity due to the breakdown of collagen and elastin fibers. This leads to drooping jowls, neck bands, and deep creases around the mouth and nose – all tell-tale signs of an aged face.

During a traditional facelift surgery, excess skin is removed from the face while underlying tissues are lifted and repositioned for a tighter and smoother appearance. This results in sharper jawlines, reduced wrinkles around the mouth area, and an overall more youthful look.

Restore and Add Volume to Tighten Up Your Facade

Another way in which a facelift can transform your looks is by restoring lost volume in the cheeks. With age comes fat loss in certain areas of our face – particularly in the cheeks – making them appear hollow or sunken. By using fat grafting techniques or dermal fillers during a facelift procedure, surgeons can add fullness back into these areas for a plumper and more youthful appearance.

Your Surgeon Is On Your Side

One of the key factors in achieving natural-looking facelift results is choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon. This is crucial because an inexperienced or unqualified surgeon can result in an unnatural-looking outcome that may not meet your expectations.

A skilled surgeon understands the importance of maintaining facial harmony and balance while also addressing specific concerns such as sagging skin, wrinkles, and volume loss. They will take into account your unique facial anatomy, skin type, and any previous surgeries you may have had to create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Improve Your Age – At Any Age

Did you know that facelifts are just as popular with young people as with older people? You can prevent the eventual spread of wrinkles by getting a facelift now rather than later. In addition to surgical techniques, incorporating non-surgical treatments into your facelift procedure can also help enhance its overall natural appearance. These treatments include injectables such as Botox and fillers, which can address fine lines and wrinkles without altering facial movements or expressions.

Schedule Your Personal Facelift Today

For flexible, natural, and long-lasting facelift surgery options, put Dr. Brent on your radar. Our surgical team offers years of expertise delivering custom facelifts. You can learn more about the different types of facelifts to decide what treatment works best with your needs.

Visit Dr. Brent and use your personal consultation to ask questions and ensure that this certified surgeon is the right choice for you. When you are ready to look and feel younger without sacrificing your natural good looks, get in touch with our experts in Beverly Hills.

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The Differences Between Same-Day and Traditional Dental Crowns

Getting a dental crown can be daunting. Same-day porcelain crowns can be a great alternative to traditional crowns for many patients. In this article, we discuss the difference between same-day and traditional dental crowns to help you make an informed decision on what option is best for you. However, remember that only your dental specialist can provide you with definitive information after a thorough examination of your case.

The Differences Between Same-Day and Traditional Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are often placed after a root canal treatment. Both traditional and same-day dental crowns have the same function: they cover a tooth weakened by decay, reinforce its structure, and protect it from further damage for years to come. Also, both types of restoration require mild preparation of the tooth, which typically means that a small portion of the tooth’s enamel is removed to ensure that there is enough room for the crown to fit comfortably.

Nowadays, dental crowns are usually made of porcelain or similar materials that can be matched to the color and shade of your own teeth and look pretty natural in the mouth. In some cases, traditional crowns can be made of gold or silver, but they are less popular now. Both traditional and same-day dental crowns are pretty durable.

Traditional Dental Crowns

Getting traditional dental crowns typically requires several visits to a dental office: at least two appointments in most cases. During the first appointment, a mold of your tooth is taken, and a temporary crown is placed. A temporary dental crown is needed to protect the tooth while the permanent crown is being made. Then, it takes several days to custom-make a permanent crown that is placed and adjusted during the second visit. You might require follow-up visits to ensure that the crown fits comfortably. In some cases, you might need multiple impressions taken to create a crown that fits perfectly.

Same-day Dental Crowns

When you opt for a same-day dental crown, after preparing your tooth for receiving a crown, your doctor will use a computer program to generate a 3D impression of your tooth, which is used to create a comfortable-fitting dental crown that can be placed in the same appointment.

The grinding or milling techniques used in creating a same-day dental crown allow your dentist to have precise control over the procedure. Thus, same-day dental crowns typically fit well and are comfortable in the mouth. Some even consider same-day dental crowns to be more comfortable compared to traditional ones because the creation process is more precise.

The disadvantages of same-day dental crowns include several points:

  • Not all dental offices provide same-day crowns because this type of crown requires the office to have special equipment, and the doctors should undergo training.
  • In some cases, same-day dental crowns might be more expensive than traditional crowns.
  • Typically, same-day dental crowns are made of ceramic material (porcelain), which limits your choice of materials. With traditional dental crowns, you can choose porcelain, gold, silver, or resin composite.

Recovery After Getting a Same-day Dental Crown

Recovery after getting a same-day dental crown typically takes several days. During this time, you might experience tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, or soreness at the procedure site. However, these symptoms can be remedied with over-the-counter pain medication, such as Ibuprofen.

In addition, your dentist will most likely recommend abstaining from hard and crunchy foods for a couple of days and chewing your food carefully on the other side of the mouth. Salt rinses can be helpful in preventing infections, and you can use ice compresses to reduce swelling, if present.

If pain and discomfort do not go away in several days or intensify, contact your dentist and sign up for a follow-up checkup to exclude crown failure and complications.

Who Can Get Same-day Dental Crowns?

In most cases, any patient who is recommended a dental crown can get the same-day crown option. Dental crowns can be effectively used in the following cases:

  • To protect the weakened tooth after a root canal treatment
  • To restore a broken, cracked, or chipped tooth
  • To restore and support a worn-down tooth
  • To support a dental bridge
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To cover a severely stained or discolored tooth

Make an Appointment Today

Do not hesitate to make an appointment with a dentist in Arcadia today to get high-quality, same-day porcelain crowns. The methods and equipment used in our office allow us to provide our patients with comfortable and long-lasting solutions. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Smiles of Arcadia and helping you restore and preserve your oral health.

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How to Prepare for Revision Surgery

A well-executed plastic surgery has the potential to give a patient a new and refreshed appearance, as well as to resolve potentially serious medical issues that may have been bothering them. Below, we cover how to prepare for revision surgery.

However, mistakes are bound to be made in this area of medicine, and even an expert surgeon can perform an operation that doesn’t quite stick for one reason or another. When this occurs, you may have to return for revision surgery.

If you’re due to experience a revision plastic surgery procedure and would like to know how to properly prepare for plastic surgery repair, check out this overview that may be of some use.

What Is Revision Surgery?

Revision surgery is any type of plastic surgery that intends to amend some of the results of an initial procedure. In the plastic surgery sphere, a revision procedure is usually executed when a patient is unhappy with the appearance of their initial results.

Why Receive Revision Surgery?

The primary reasons that one engages in revision surgeries are either medical or aesthetic. Sometimes, if a surgery doesn’t go as intended the first time around, a revision surgery becomes a medical necessity due to the hazards that arise.

Other times, revision surgery is executed to give the patient the aesthetic results of a procedure that may have eluded them the first time around. In addition, the recovery period from any procedure is a delicate period where a patient must stay wary of certain indicators that their body has not responded well to the procedure. This includes the danger of infection.

After you receive any type of medical work, your physician will likely schedule a couple of follow-up visits for you to discuss how your recovery period is going. Should anything appear especially awry to them during these visits, then there is a chance that this will be the time that they determine that you should receive revision care.

Most patients who are interested in receiving a revision surgery should qualify for the work, as for the most part, the requirements for such a procedure will be very similar, if not the same as the original requirements for the surgery that one received in the first place.

How to Prepare for Revision Surgery

There are several different steps one might take to properly prepare for a revision procedure. Much of this is dependent on the exact nature of the revision surgery at hand, as there are many different areas of the body that might expect to see this treatment.

However, there are several steps that can be taken that will likely benefit you regardless of the exact type of revision procedure you are to receive. Some of these steps include:

  • Adjust your alcohol intake for several weeks prior to your procedure
  • Quit smoking for several weeks before your procedure
  • Adjust any herbal supplements or over-the-counter medications you use
  • Consult with your doctor about whatever prescription medications that you might use

Depending on your personal medical situation, there’s some chance that your physician may have additional advice regarding how you prepare for your procedure. In addition, it must be noted again that there will be a wide variety of possible preparatory steps depending on the exact type of procedure you’re going to take part in.

Recovering from Revision Surgery

The recovery period for a revision procedure will likely look similar to the recovery period from your initial procedure. There may be additional considerations at play depending on how your initial revision procedure has impacted you.

That being said, there are certain steps that you can take to improve your situation regarding having a successful recovery period. Some of these steps include:

  • Refraining from engaging in overly strenuous activities for the first several weeks following your procedure
  • Refrain from imbibing alcohol or smoking
  • Receive plenty of rest
  • Make arrangements for a family member or friend to assist with daily activities while you recover

Your physician will likely have additional steps for you to take in terms of handling your recovery period. Following this advice to the highest degree will represent your best shot in terms of having a healthy and safe recovery period.

The Revision Expert of Beverly Hills

Dr. Chiu and the rest of the team at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc run the best cosmetic surgery center in Beverly Hills. If you’re interested in discussing your upcoming revision procedure with Dr. Chiu, contact our office today to have a conversation.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Thigh Lift?

The warm summer weather is in full effect, and with it, people have transitioned to their summer wardrobes. Shorts, skirts, dresses, and swimsuits are all great ways to stay cool in the warm weather. For those who are unhappy with the look of their legs, this time of year may cause some anxiety. Aging and rapid weight change can impact the appearance of your thighs, such as an increase in loose skin and sagginess around the thighs. A thigh lift is an effective procedure that restores the look of the thighs, but before proceeding with the surgery, it is important to know who is a good candidate for a thigh lift.


Who Is a Good Candidate for Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a cosmetic procedure that dramatically improves the appearance of the thighs. A board-certified plastic surgeon performs the procedure, which can offer amazing results. A thigh lift involves the removal of excess skin and fat around your thigh, leaving the area thinner and firmer. It is highly beneficial for those who have skin sagging and stubborn fat around their thighs. Consider the following candidacy requirements for a thigh lift. 


People Who Have Experienced Substantial Weight Loss

People who have lost a substantial amount of weight often have excess skin on their thighs because the skin does not always fully bounce back after weight loss. The loss of elasticity in your skin is caused by the natural aging process and unhealthy lifestyle habits, which can accelerate the aging process as well. Those who have lost a lot of weight are good candidates for a thigh lift procedure. A thigh lift removes the excess skin and fat so you can show off your legs with confidence.


People Who Remain at a Consistent Weight

Candidates for a thigh lift should be close to their goal weight. Maintaining your weight at the time of a thigh lift is necessary to ensure the results of your operation last. If you have gone through a significant weight loss journey, it is important to have kept your weight stable for some time. It is helpful to talk with the surgeon during your consultation about your weight loss journey and how long you have been at your current weight. 


People Who Are Healthy Overall

Candidates for the thigh lift procedure should be in good overall health, which is necessary to ensure proper healing. Candidates should not have any serious medical conditions, as certain conditions can negatively impact the healing process. It is also important not to smoke. Smoking can impact the results of your procedure, so it is critical to avoid smoking altogether. Discuss your medical history with the surgeon during your consultation to ensure you are a good candidate.


Expectations Post-Surgery

Candidates should have realistic expectations about the procedure. A thigh lift can offer amazing results and those who have had the procedure report an increase in their confidence. To ensure such results, candidates should commit to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular exercise and eating a balanced diet, which are all necessary to preserve the results of the thigh lift.


Schedule Your Consultation

A thigh lift is a highly effective procedure that offers several benefits. It improves the appearance of your thighs and can improve your self-confidence. The results provide a firmer and more contoured look you can feel good about. Patients often report an increase in their self-esteem as their clothes fit better. If you are unhappy with the look of your thighs, consider a thigh lift.

The first step in moving forward with the procedure is scheduling a consultation with Dr. Brent Moelleken. Dr. Brent has helped countless patients improve the look of their legs with a thigh lift. He is focused on your aesthetic goals to ensure you look and feel your best. Contact his office today to schedule a consultation! 

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Can Tattoos Be Fully Removed?

Can tattoos be fully removed? Tattoos can be a wonderful accessory and a great fashion statement, as well as a very personal expression of spirituality and custom. When you have the right tattoo, it can speak volumes about your past and future.

However, just as much as a successful tattoo can bring joy and happiness into someone’s life, an unsuccessful tattoo has the potential to impact them in a negative sense. Fortunately, there are several methods available for tattoo removal for those who are interested.

If you have a tattoo that you aren’t proud of and have been considering trying to get it removed via cosmetic skin procedures, take a look at this overview of the subject to help you decide what the right path forward is.

What Is Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal refers to a set of practices and techniques designed to diminish and remove the presence of tattoos on the skin. Several different methods can be employed for these purposes.

Types of Tattoo Removal

As mentioned above, there are a variety of tattoo removal methods that can be employed to clear the skin of unwanted ink. Which method your physician decides to employ will have something to do with the specifics of your health and of the extent of the tattoo you want removed. The most common methods of tattoo removal include:

  • Dermabrasion: During a dermabrasion treatment, a physician uses a dermabrasion wand to remove the layers of skin where the tattoo was present.
  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels use light amounts of abrasive chemicals to remove the layer of skin where the tattoo is present. These chemicals cause these layers of skin to peel away.
  • Laser Tattoo Removal: Laser tattoo removal is perhaps the most common and popular method of tattoo removal. During this type of treatment, a high-powered laser is utilized to break down the ink particles on the skin into smaller parts. The procedure is relatively painless and does not leave a scar.
  • Surgical Excision: This is a surgical procedure that involves a physician cutting out the problematic tattoo using surgical precision. This type of procedure is highly effective for small tattoos but loses efficacy with large tattoos.

Risks and Benefits of Tattoo Removal

Removing a tattoo that is no longer wanted carries with it a number of emotional health benefits. In addition, some of the following benefits have been noted after successful procedures:

  • Improved sense of self-esteem and confidence
  • Quick recovery time and process
  • Small amounts of pain and discomfort
  • Tattoo removal is considered a relatively safe procedure

That being said, there are some risks that one takes on should they decide to go through with this procedure. The following risk factors should be taken into account:

  • Light pain
  • Infections
  • Scarring following the tattoo removal
  • Skin rashes and general irritation

In addition, you should stay wary of tattoo parlors or spas that claim that they can offer professional tattoo removal. These institutions do not typically have the training, expertise, equipment, and license to perform professional tattoo removals at the level of a skilled dermatologist.

Can Tattoos Be Full Removed?

The challenging answer to this question is that it is almost impossible to fully remove a tattoo. Even a surgical excision of a tattoo will leave a scar, so a patient will need to determine whether it is ultimately worth it to pursue treatment.

That being said, tattoo removal has progressed to the point that most of the visible aspects of a tattoo can be removed with very little irritation to the surrounding areas of skin. Depending on the size of the tattoo, multiple sessions will likely be required to remove the visible presence of the tattoo fully.

The color of your tattoo can also impact how effective the treatment is. For example, blue and black ink tend to disappear more easily than inks of other colors, as they are prone to absorbing light the easiest.

Much of what determines how your tattoo removal process will go has to do with the amount of ink that you’re looking to remove. This will be discussed with your physician during your consultation prior to treatment.

The Best Skin Clinic in Beverly Hills

Epione Beverly Hills is one of the premier destinations for laser tattoo removal in Beverly Hills. If you have a tattoo that has been bothering you and would like to discuss with a professional whether or not you can get it removed, contact our office today to set up an appointment.

Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures for Women

Aging, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can impact a woman’s facial and bodily appearance. Sagging, excess skin, fine lines, and wrinkles can all take a toll on one’s appearance and impact confidence and self-esteem. However, several cosmetic procedures can minimize the signs of aging. If you are concerned about your changing appearance, read on to discover the most popular cosmetic procedures for women.


Most Popular Cosmetic Procedures for Women

Cosmetic procedures have become increasingly popular over the last decade because they are safer and more effective than ever. Surgical techniques have also made the results look more natural and even last longer. Below are some of the most common cosmetic procedures for women.


Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentations are a popular cosmetic procedure. They involve using implants or a fat transfer to increase the size of the breasts. This procedure is excellent for women who are unhappy with their naturally smaller chests. It can restore lost volume and improve the shape of the breasts. Volume loss is common after weight loss or pregnancy. Breast augmentations are a common cosmetic surgery as they can dramatically boost one’s self-confidence.


Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves removing fat from the abdomen. Excess skin is also removed during the procedure to create a flatter and smoother abdomen. During the procedure, surgeons also remove stretch marks found on the lower abdomen. The abdominal muscles are tightened to create a slimmer and more toned figure. Tummy tucks are beneficial for women whose stomachs have changed due to pregnancy or sudden, significant weight loss.



Liposuction is a common cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat. Even for those who diet and exercise, stubborn fat in certain areas can be difficult to get rid of. Liposuction is a great way to get rid of those last few pounds of stubborn fat. It can be performed on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper arms, and back. Liposuction is often combined with a tummy tuck to optimize the results of the procedure.



Facelifts are a highly popular procedure among women. The procedure involves removing excess skin and tightening the underlying facial tissue. A skilled plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills can provide you with a more toned and youthful appearance after a facelift. The signs of aging cause skin sagging, deep wrinkles, and loss of muscle tone. A facelift can lift and tighten the face by reducing the signs of aging. It often leaves patients looking more than a decade younger.



Rhinoplasty is commonly known as a nose job. Many women are unhappy with their natural noses. A nose job can alter the appearance of your nose, including making it more proportional to the rest of your face. Rhinoplasty can also adjust the shape of your nose. For some patients, particularly those with deviated septums, rhinoplasty can also improve their breathing. A nose job can address both your health and cosmetic concerns surrounding your nose.


Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

If you are unhappy with your appearance, consider some of the most popular cosmetic procedures for women. Several cosmetic procedures are available to address your specific body and face concerns. The first step in moving forward with one such procedure is setting up a consultation. Dr. Brent is a skilled surgeon in Beverly Hills. With the help of his team, he has performed countless cosmetic procedures. Contact Dr. Brent today to schedule your consultation! 

10 Popular Skin Care Trends

Fashion and skin care trends are always shifting, and staying on top of the ones that are currently in vogue can increase your chance of achieving the skin care results that you’re looking for. Below, we cover 10 popular skin care trends.

10 Popular Skin Care Trends

2024 has been a big year for skin care, and many emerging and established trends are worth paying attention to for the long-term care of your skin.

If you care about the overall health of your skin, take a look at this guide to some of the most relevant skin care trends around at this moment.

1. Minimalism Is In

Multi-step routines and intensive surgeries aren’t considered to be the most in-fashion trends for patients at the moment. One concept that’s currently in fashion is the concept of “skinstreaming” which, points to a more streamlined process for your skin care routine. Knowing what’s best for your skin and taking action based on that is considered to be one of the best philosophies you can have.

2. Try Vitamin C

A constant in the world of skincare, antioxidant-rich vitamin C remains a constant that patients and physicians can stand by to count on for better skin. There are currently even more advanced formulas in the works to help a patient achieve the skincare needs that they’re looking for.

3. Ectoin

Ectoin is a skincare ingredient that has taken the cosmetics world by storm in the past few months. Ectoin is particularly adept at binding water to form complexes that surround cells, which act as a protective barrier.

4. Multi-Purpose Sunscreen

Sun damage remains one of the biggest threats to a patients overall skin health, and taking care to prevent the sun from damaging your skin is one of the best steps that you can take towards preserving the health that you need to maintain the health of your skin in the long term.

5. Retinols

Retinols are a dependable type of skincare compound that has undergone a bit of a revamp in recent years. Producers are generally aiming to make these formulations a bit gentler and softer on the skin without losing efficacy.

6. Consider Holistic Body Care Treatment

Your skin is just another organ in the body, and taking care of the rest of the systems of your body will help to ensure that your skin maintains a high level of health as well. Sticking to the basics, such as engaging in regular exercise and getting plenty of sleep, will take you a long way in terms of maintaining healthy skin.

7. High-Definition Liposuction

High-definition Liposuction is a trending type of liposuction that emphasizes a concept known as athletic definition over the simple concept of fat loss. This places an emphasis on producing a more “natural” looking set of results over simply allowing a patient to look slimmer and sleeker.

8. Updatable Injectables

Dermal injectables such as Aquagold are a more superficial microneedling procedure that can offer a patient a set of smoother and natural-looking results. This technique generally creates a smoother texture for the skin and improves the pore size of a patient’s skin. This technique has the general effect of creating a plumper skin tone and refined skin appearance.

9.  Cellulite Treatment

In recent years, there have been some major advances in terms of how basic cellulite treatment is able to provide patients with more advanced, long-lasting results. This represents a stronger move forward for patients in this regard, as cellulite has traditionally been a difficult problem to resolve. You should ask your physician about some of the available modern cellulite treatments that are available.

10.  Prejuvenation

This concept is fairly new but has gained some level of traction with patients who are interested in taking proactive steps to make sure that they maintain their youthful appearance throughout the years. This philosophy maintains that it is easier to take preventative steps to preserve the health of your skin and your body than it is to try to rectify those issues later on in life. Adopting this attitude would bring you in line with the most modern mindset of our time.

The Best Skin Care Option in Beverly Hills

Dr. Brent and his amazing staff are well known for offering some of the best minimally invasive plastic surgery in Beverly Hills. If you’re interested in discussing with Dr. Brent some of the options you have surrounding making the best situation for your skin possible, contact us today to set up an appointment.

How to Prepare for Cheek Lift Surgery

A cheek lift, or a midface lift as it’s also known, is a type of cosmetic surgery that attempts to add a sense of lift and youthfulness to the cheeks and midface region. With the right surgical touch, this procedure has the potential to offer a patient stunning results. Below, we cover how to prepare for cheek lift surgery.

However, proper preparation is key for anyone interested in maximizing the results they will receive from their cheek lift. Failing to attend to this has the potential to compromise your results.

How to Prepare for Cheek Lift Surgery

If you’re thinking about receiving this type of surgery, take a look at this guide that can help you take the necessary steps to prepare for it.

What Happens During a Cheek Lift?

During a cheek lift, your physician will reposition a set of pads in your cheeks known as the malar pads. In addition, the skin surrounding these pads will be tightened. Prior to any of the actual surgical work being done, you will be placed under general anesthesia.

Once the patient is put under, your physician will make incisions in the cheeks, and use a small endoscopic camera to observe the details of this area of your body. Following this, they will reposition the malar pads and skin of the cheeks to enliven and refresh this area of the body. Most cheek lifts can be completed in just about two hours.

Who Makes a Good Candidate for a Cheek Lift?

Most healthy patients who are interested in receiving a cheek lift should find themselves approved to receive this work. In particular, your physician will look for the following qualities in a patient:

  • Individuals with sagging or heavy looking cheeks
  • The skin under the eyes appears baggy
  • You are a generally healthy individual
  • You have no chronic health conditions
  • You are not a current smoker
  • You have a realistic set of expectations surrounding your procedure

Most individuals who decide to pursue this type of procedure are between the ages of 40 and 50. However, anyone over the age of 18 can decide to receive a cheek lift.

Benefits of a Cheek Lift

There are many well-documented benefits that can be incurred from a cheek lift procedure. This includes some of the following:

  • Quick procedure and recovery period
  • A cheek lift is a relatively safe procedure
  • A cheek lift can provide a patient with a massive self-esteem boost
  • There is a low chance of visible scarring
  • A cheek lift offers immediate and long-lasting results

The results from a cheek lift tend to be long-lasting, with most patients enjoying their results for about 10 years.

How to Prepare for a Cheek Lift Surgery

There are several preparatory steps one can take to get ready for their cheek lift. Some of the preparations include the following steps:

  • Undergo a physical exam from your physician
  • Adjust any supplements or over-the-counter medications you’re taking
  • Adjust your alcohol intake
  • If you smoke, quit smoking for several weeks leading up to the procedure

In addition, part of your preparation process should include discussing with your doctor their own qualifications for performing the surgery. In general, you should look for a board-certified surgeon who displays the following qualities:

  • They operate in an accredited surgical facility
  • They have privileges to operate in a hospital
  • They have successfully performed a cheek lift in the past
  • They have a plan for a surgical emergency
  • They have an accredited surgical staff

After Your Procedure

The time after your cheek lift procedure is just as important as the time leading up to it. Once your surgery is complete, your surgical site will be dressed with various bandages, and a small tube may be placed under your cheeks to drain excess fluid.

You’ll then be moved to a recovery room, where you’ll wait for your anesthetic to wear off. Following this, you should arrange for someone to help drive you home safely, as there’s a very strong chance that you will feel excessively groggy in the first 24 hours following your procedure.

In addition, your surgeon will give you a set of personal guidelines for how to handle your surgical recovery period. Ultimately, following these guidelines to the letter is in your own best interest.

The Top Option in Beverly Hills

Dr. Brent and the rest of the team at his office are considered one of the best medical teams working today in Southern California. If you’re interested in discussing whether or not a cheek lift would work for you, contact Dr. Brent today to go over some of the details and find out why he’s the best plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills.

Featured image for Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is one of the most common and deadly diseases in the world and, unfortunately, has many different causes. You may be at risk for coronary heart disease—or other types of heart disease—based on factors such as age, diet, genetics, and pre-existing medical conditions. Your family history and personal health profile can also contribute to the possibility of heart disease. Today, Apex Cardiology professionals will outline the most significant risk factors for coronary heart disease.

Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

1. High Blood Pressure 

A major contributor to the increased risk of heart disease is having consistently high blood pressure, medically referred to as hypertension. High blood pressure occurs as a result of stress, plaque buildup in the arteries—called atherosclerosis—, poor health habits, and other medical issues. Some people are born with blood pressure problems due to their genetics. Others might develop hypertension later in life as a result of unhealthy lifestyle habits. High blood pressure can build up for many years and go unnoticed, which is why regular check-ups are so important. Most risks can be detected and diagnosed through our non-invasive cardiac imaging treatments.

2. Smoking

It is no secret that smoking contributes to heart disease. The chemicals in tobacco can damage the lining of the coronary arteries and foster atherosclerosis. Nicotine, the other addictive chemical in cigarettes, also increases blood pressure while spreading your risk for cancer. Additionally, carbon monoxide from smoking has been shown to reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Each of these effects forces the heart to work harder, making it more likely that you will develop heart disease.

3. Diabetes

Folks with diabetes are at a huge risk of developing heart disease. This is because diabetes tends to raise blood sugar levels at an extreme rate. Excess blood sugar levels then interfere with the blood vessels and the nerves responsible for regulating heart functions. The majority of diabetic individuals also have other co-existent risk factors, such as high cholesterol levels, which only exacerbate heart disease symptoms. 

When being treated for diabetes, your doctor should also assess the health of your heart. This consultation provides an excellent opportunity to examine risk factors that you might have or be susceptible to as you manage your diabetes symptoms.

4. Family History and Genetics

Genetics and family history are two major contributors to the risk of heart disease. There is a higher risk of developing heart disease if immediate members of the family, parents or siblings, have had the disease at a relatively young age. As challenging as it may seem to treat a genetic complication, there are still a few things you can do to prevent future complications. The foremost of these include regular doctor’s visits and an intentional and healthy lifestyle routine.

5. Age and Sex

The risk of coronary heart disease increases as you get older. When they are younger, men are usually at a higher risk than women. As they age, especially after a woman has gone through menopause, this changes, and women are more likely to face heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the number one cause of death in women in the United States. Heart disease can look different in men and women, so women are likely underdiagnosed for the condition.

Age and sex both play an interesting role in your possible risks, especially as estrogen and testosterone levels change within the body. Other hormonal changes can also increase your risk of heart disease, especially as blood pressure levels fluctuate over time.

Assess Your Heart Disease Risk Today

Coronary heart disease is a serious issue that you may be at risk for, depending on your age and health. Luckily, there are plenty of actions you can take to prevent and minimize your risk. Such activities include regular exercise, healthy dietary habits, quitting smoking, and controlling your blood pressure. 

Visit our cardiology center to assess your risk for heart disease and to make healthy changes for a healthy future.

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The Rise of Post-Pandemic Plastic Surgery: A Conversation with Dr. Chiu

Numerous changes have occurred in the world over the past few years. Employers are more willing and able to accommodate remote and hybrid work schedules. Online shopping and delivery services for both goods and services are significantly more widespread. And globally, but especially in the United States of America, people are getting more plastic surgery.

This last point may come as a shock or seem unrelated to these other post-pandemic changes, but research published by the National Library of Medicine proves that there has indeed been a significant rise in cosmetic plastic surgery procedures over the past few years.

A Post-Pandemic Increase in Plastic Surgery

In fact, during a conversation with Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc.’s board-certified surgeon, Dr. Gabriel Chiu, and New York-based board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Shafer, the New York Post referenced a report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). From the report, they shared that the “overall demand for cosmetic procedures increased by 5 percent in 2023 over the previous year, with requests for minimally invasive work jumping 7 percent.”

Reasons For the Increase

There are a number of reasons for this uptick in the popularity of plastic surgery procedures. The New York Post notes that the “upward trend comes as Americans seek to speedily shed pandemic-induced pudge, with an increasing number vying for GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Wegovy to help them along.”

Another likely reason for this development is that most elective surgeries were canceled during the pandemic to stop any inessential spreading of germs and that people are now having the surgeries that were postponed because of social distancing requirements. Dr. D. Nepogodiev, with the National Institute for Health Research Global Health Research Unit on Global Surgery, estimated that approximately 28 million aesthetic plastic surgery procedures were canceled worldwide.

Unfortunately, these reasons alone do not explain why plastic surgery interest now is not only rebounding but exceeding pre-pandemic levels. One potential reason for this could be that patients in the post-pandemic have more time at home to recover from a procedure. This additional recovery time is likely the effect of the aforementioned increase in remote work and video conferencing options available to today’s workforce. Another reason is that people in the post-pandemic world see themselves on camera more often—whether this is due to video conferencing or the increased use of apps such as TikTok—and therefore have more opportunity to find aspects of their appearance that they would like to alter or enhance.

A Shift in the Type of Procedures Requested

Interestingly, post-pandemic cosmetic plastic surgery trends have also shown that the type of procedures requested has changed post-pandemic. While speaking to the New York Post and Dr. Chiu, Dr. Shafer said that patients’ aesthetic desires have shifted toward cosmetic procedures that make them appear “athletic and slender.” In contrast, Dr. Shafer says, the popular plastic surgery procedures of the recent past tended towards “over-exaggerated features.” Dr. Chiu emphasized this point by saying, “As plastic surgery practices opened up again [after the lockdowns], requests for a natural-looking but athletic contouring were the norm.” The New York Post aptly describes this influx of similar requests as a desire for a naturally lean-looking “athletic physique like that of a dancer.”

In 2023, the most popular cosmetic procedure for achieving this dancer’s physique was liposuction. Dr. Chiu verified this point by saying, “Liposuction is the backbone of this trend, which is also seen in the fact that for the last couple of years, it has been the most popular surgical procedure of all.” Luckily, as the New York Post reminded readers, liposuction is far from the only cosmetic procedure available to help patients achieve the body they want. In order of popularity in 2023, the five most popular cosmetic procedures were Liposuction; Breast Augmentation; Tummy Tuck, also called an Abdominoplasty; Breast Lift, also called a Mastopexy; and Eyelid Surgery, also called Blepharoplasty.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc.

Though we cannot yet know whether this steady rise in plastic surgery interest will remain over the coming years, readers can rest easy knowing that Dr. Gabriel Chiu of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc. has the experience and knowledge necessary to meet your cosmetic surgery needs.