5 Benefits of a Regular Breast Examination

Breast examinations can cause a woman anxiety for several different reasons. However, there are many benefits to a regular breast examination. In fact, regular breast checkups are an essential component of maintaining optimal breast health during a woman’s lifetime. Failing to engage in this essential process can leave an individual unaware of emerging health risks.

Knowing the ways that this can benefit you can encourage people to more consistently engage in this process, which ultimately has the potential to ensure better health in the long run. If you are on the fence about having a breast examination, take a look at this overview of the ways that an in-office mammogram can help you.

What Occurs During a Breast Examination?

During a breast examination, your physician will examine your breasts to determine whether or not there are abnormalities present. Should they determine that there is something to investigate further, then they will likely refer you for further testing and imaging work.

Overall, the entire process takes little time. It is usually completed within minutes. This allows patients to complete their examination at a convenient time of their choosing.

Although receiving a breast examination can be intimidating or anxiety-provoking, it beats the alternative, as failing to engage in this essential health practice can leave one completely unaware of the internal health of their breasts.

5 Benefits of a Regular Breast Examination

1. It Can Give You Peace of Mind

One of the main benefits of consistent breast examinations is that they have the potential to offer a patient peace of mind. Regardless of whether you ultimately have an issue with your breasts or not, getting them consistently examined can give you a clear answer and dispense any ambiguity.

Knowledge is power, and this applies to one’s health as well. Taking control of your relationship with your body can leave you feeling more empowered and able to respond to the potential issues that arise.

2. It Can Alert You to Developing Problems

One of the main advantages of receiving consistent examinations is that it is the most surefire way to alert you to potential developing health issues in your breasts. For almost all major health issues, it pays to catch issues that are developing early, as this increases the likelihood that you will be able to solve the issue with less stress.

In addition, taking care of issues on the earlier side can prevent further complications with other aspects of your health. Overall, it

3. It Can Give Your Doctor a Portrait of Your Health History

Medical professionals are able to offer individuals a higher level of medical care if they have a clearer portrait of an individual’s health history. If you stick to receiving treatment from the same technician, then there is a higher chance that you will be able to build a more intimate relationship with them in terms of how they understand your progress or lack of progress in major areas of your health.

This can often mean the difference between receiving high-quality care from someone who understands your body and being rushed through a process with a doctor who does not take your needs into account.

4. It Can Possibly Save Your Life

Although relatively rare, breasts can face very serious ailments, such as breast cancer. Failing to catch these conditions as they develop can have dire consequences, as it is essential to catch these types of diseases early in order to lessen their impact.

If you catch conditions like breast cancer early, you will have a significantly higher chance of beating it and maintaining a higher standard of health throughout your life. On the other hand, failing to catch cancer at the appropriate time can have deadly consequences.

5. It Can Help You in Other Medical Areas

If you determine whether or not a problem you are dealing with originates in the breasts, it can help you rule out certain health complications. This can help you determine what the correct path forward is for taking the best care of your health. Overall, as a quick and effective method of diagnosis, there’s no reason not to engage.

Your Resource for Breast Examination in Abilene 

West Texas Health is one of the most trusted clinics in Texas for providing patients with high-quality examinations and imaging care. Now that you know the benefits of a regular breast examination, contact our clinic today to discuss your options for moving forward with one in Abilene.