5 Surprising Facts About a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes loose and excess skin around the stomach. It also tightens torn abdominal muscles, often due to pregnancy or weight fluctuations. As one of the most popular procedures that patients contact Dr. Brent for, tummy tucks offer years of rebounding confidence and a great figure that you can enjoy well into your twilight years. Below, we look at 5 surprising facts about a tummy tuck.

5 Surprising Facts About a Tummy Tuck

While it is a common part of a “mommy makeover”, tummy tucks are not just for moms. Anyone can experience the significant benefits that come from a personalized body contouring procedure. If you are surprised by this fact, then this is the article for you. Today, we will highlight 5 surprising facts about a tummy tuck that you might not have known before.

Tummy Tucks Do Not Alter Your Belly Button

Pregnancy and rapid weight loss can stretch abdominal tissue beyond its original shape, leaving behind loose skin that interferes with normal movement and makes clothing fit poorly. A tummy tuck can excise excess tissue, giving the abdomen a more streamlined contour and making it easier to get into smaller clothing sizes.

A tummy tuck can also address hernias and strengthen the abdominal muscles, reducing back pain, improving posture, and strengthening core strength. This can reduce the risk of future hernias and help people feel more comfortable in tighter clothes. However, your belly button will not be affected. Full tummy tucks can make a new space for the belly button in order to create a more attractive appearance.

Men Want Tummy Tucks, Too

Tummy tuck surgery offers women and men a chance to get rid of loose skin after weight loss, tighten wrinkly belly skin, and sculpt a sleeker silhouette. It can also enhance the results of other cosmetic procedures like a breast lift.

While the procedure is especially useful for women who have lost significant amounts of weight from pregnancy, it also benefits men who have also gone through weight fluctuations. Everyone can benefit from a surgery that will help them regain a more proportional figure while boosting their self-confidence.

You Can Get Pregnant After A Tummy Tuck

Pregnancy after a tummy tuck can alter results due to stretching of both the skin and abdominal muscles. This is why surgeons usually recommend that women wait to have a tummy tuck until after they are done having children. Still, pregnancy is not considered to be a major risk for women who have undergone a tummy tuck. Those who do become pregnant after surgery should maintain modest weight gain, in order to avoid excessive stretching of the skin and muscle tissue.

It is also important to inform your OB-GYN that you have had a tummy tuck so that they can monitor you carefully for any signs of stress urinary incontinence. Studies have shown that tummy tucks can reduce this bladder control issue by tightening the abdominal muscles.

Tummy Tucks Are More Than Skin Deep

Tummy tucks, which are also known as abdominoplasty, help you achieve a flatter and toned stomach. A lot of people think that most of the work is done on the surface. However, tummy tucks go through layers of your body to give you the exact right look. A tummy tuck tightens muscles, removes loose skin, and reduces stubborn pockets of fat.

Besides aesthetic benefits, a tummy tuck can also improve back pain and posture and provide stress relief. Patients who have a tummy tuck often report a greater sense of self. They even experience more positive things in life as a result of their new appearance.

You Can Combine Tummy Tucks with Other Procedures

A good candidate for abdominoplasty is close to his or her goal weight, no longer pregnant, and unlikely to undergo additional major weight fluctuations. Patients should be in good overall health and have any chronic medical conditions well under control.

You can also save money by combining your tummy tuck with other cosmetic procedures, such as liposuction. However, some plastic surgeons are hesitant to combine abdominoplasty with liposuction because it may disrupt the blood supply and compromise surgical healing.

Learn About Your Tummy Tuck Options Today

We utilize a variety of techniques and incisions to give you a tummy tuck that works. Many of our newer developments, including our hybrid tummy tuck option, are designed to give patients even more customization. With long-lasting results and very few scars left behind, this might be the procedure you have been looking for. Get in touch with Dr. Brent and schedule your first consultation with us today.