What Facelift Technique Is Best For You?

A facelift is a wonderful plastic surgery technique that can offer its patients a total revamp in their appearance. However, what is not as widely known is that there are several different types of facelift and that each of these techniques specializes in producing different results. Below, we look at what facelift technique is best for you.

What Facelift Technique Is Best For You?

Selecting the right technique is paramount for receiving results that you’re going to be happy with. If you’re interested in receiving a facelift procedure but are unsure which of the various techniques would work best for your personal situation.

The Facelift Basics

A surgeon carefully pulls back the skin on the face during a facelift. This can lessen the development of jowls, tighten the skin, and get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

A patient can have very amazing results from a well-done facelift. A poorly executed one, on the other hand, can make one feel even worse about their appearance.

Some warning indicators of an improperly done facelift include:

  • Discernible scars
  • Skin that seems stretched-out and artificial
  • Minimal facial jerks
  • An unbalanced aspect of the face and neck
  • Oddities with one’s ear lobes’ look

A decent facelift often involves doing the reverse of these frequent blunders.

Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift is often times considered to be the cutting edge of current facelift procedures. It’s an in-depth update to the facial features of a patient. A deep plane facelift involves removing excess skin while also tightening the underlying muscles on a deep level.

Deep plane facelifts are revered for their ability to offer results without significantly altering their appearance. If this is what you’re looking for, you might find that a deep plane facelift is the right choice for you.

SMAS Facelift

An SMAS facelift is short for a superficial muscular aponeurotic system facelift. This type of facelift tightens this part of the face while removing excess fat and skin to counteract the signs of aging. SMAS facelifts are also applauded for their ability to produce natural-looking results.

Skin Only Facelift

Skin Only Facelifts are so named due to the fact that they only involve manipulating the skin of a patient, not the muscles. In general, they’re considered to be somewhat outdated by most physicians. That being said, some patients may find that this is the type of procedure they would prefer if it fits their aesthetic preferences.


A C-lift is a type of non-surgical facelift that is highly customizable. A C-lift is utilized by certain doctors to add facial definition and can be used in many other ways as well.

Which Type of Facelift is Right For Me?

Determining which type of facelift is the right one for you is a highly personal process. Much of it will require carefully consulting with your doctor on what your personal aesthetic goals are with your procedure.

This is because each type of facelift carries with it certain strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these strengths and weaknesses can give one an edge in determining which kind will benefit you the most.

Finding a physician who’s a specialist and board-certified by the ABPS will be absolutely instrumental in determining the best type of facelift for you, as well as moving forward with whatever procedure you decide will ultimately be the most beneficial.

Getting Good Results

A patient who has had a facelift done well should theoretically look significantly younger than they did before the procedure—in most cases, as much as 10 years younger.

When you enter the operating room, this is what you should be aiming towards as a patient and a doctor. Any less could mean losing out on potential.

Additionally, this anti-aging technique should strive to look seamless and natural rather than forced. Every successfully completed anti-aging procedure has this as its general objective.

One of a facelift’s main components and one that needs to be done carefully is the skin-tightening procedure.

When the skin is pulled in several different ways during the skin-tightening procedure, it may often be seen that a facelift has been done improperly.

When the skin is pulled taut in the desired direction, the facelift has been properly performed, and the doctor has done their job.

The Facelift Experts of Beverly Hills

Dr. Brent and the rest of his team live to serve the Beverly Hills community the best in facelift. If you’re interested in having a discussion to determine which of the various techniques would work the best for your situation, contact Dr. Brent today in order to schedule a consultation.