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How Are Dental Sealants Applied?

One of the first dental treatments many patients have will be the application of tooth sealant. Dental sealants provide teeth with exceptional protection against decay and wear. Patients often report surprise at how quickly the sealant is applied and how comfortable it proves to be. Still, before treatment, patients may wonder: how are dental sealants applied?


How Are Dental Sealants Applied?

A dentist can apply dental sealant in as few as five core steps. Most notably missing from the list is any anesthetic or drilling. Expect a pain-free treatment that protects your teeth and your smile.


Step 1: Cleaning the Tooth

Sealing off a tooth from decay will hardly help if it seals in bacteria. We use a special cleaning toothpaste to remove any lingering buildup on the tooth. We take extra care with kids to ensure a comfortable process. This initial cleaning is a necessary part of preparation for dental sealant application.


Step 2: Roughing Up the Tooth

Despite the name of this step, it is incredibly gentle. We apply a gentle acidic solution to etch the tooth. When we say acidic, we want to emphasize this solution does not hurt or damage the tooth.

This etching solution only creates a surface more suited to adhere to the sealant. The sealant will better bond with the rougher surface of the tooth for stable results.


Step 3: Rinse

With the tooth roughed up, we want to clear away anything lingering on the tooth again. We thoroughly rinse out the etching solution. Then we let the tooth dry. For this part, think of painting a wall. Trying to paint a wet wall certainly will not help the paint stick. A dry tooth ensures that the sealant can make direct and lasting contact with the tooth surface.


Step 4: Applying the Sealant

Finally, we arrive at the actual sealant. The sealant starts as a thin liquid coating that we spread evenly over the targeted parts of the tooth. Again, the process involves no pain or drilling. Your dentist will take care to ensure they cover each part of the tooth.


Step 5: Curing the Sealant

A liquid layer over a tooth will not last long. To return to the paint metaphor, you only finish painting a room once the paint dries. With paint, you have no choice but to sit and wait. With sealants, we fast-track the drying with a special curing process.

Again, this step involves nothing troublesome. We can harden the sealant material using only a special light. The materials in the sealant react to the light by hardening rapidly. As the sealant hardens, your dentist can make minor adjustments to the sealant shape to ensure a good fit.


How Long Does the Application Take?

We have established that applying sealants requires no pain or drilling. What is even better is that it is quick. An experienced dentist will spend only a few minutes with each tooth. That means your kid will not have to sit through a long, tortuous treatment, and you can get back to your day.


A Gentle Treatment Ideal for Kids

While a child will lose all their baby teeth, they still need to maintain oral health. Early tooth decay can lead to lasting oral health issues. Additionally, a child whose first dental treatment is a filling may develop persistent dental anxiety. While this will not always happen, we have seen it often enough.

Dental sealants offer a smooth transition into other dental treatments for children. When applying dental sealants to a child’s tooth, we use no drills or other potentially frightening tools. Even kids need no numbing for the treatment.


When to Start Applying Dental Sealants

With this quick procedure, your kid can feel in control of their oral health. Of course, we do not consider the treatment obligatory for younger kids who are not at risk for cavities. Sealants can prove helpful even for kids showing signs of decay, even for baby teeth. Still, we recommend that all kids have sealants at two points in childhood. 

  • First sealants around age 6 for their first set of permanent molars
  • Second sealants once their second molars come in at around age 12


Dental Sealants for All Ages

Choosing to have dental sealants can give your or your child’s teeth a significant advantage. Make a quick call to your local dentist to set up your appointment and give your teeth a head start.


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Who is the Ideal Candidate for Skin Tightening?

Skin tightening is a non-surgical cosmetic technique that can improve the appearance of one’s skin and counteract the impacts of aging. It is popular with patients seeking to rejuvenate their appearance without resorting to invasive surgery. That said, certain traits of both the procedure and potential patients make this treatment more appropriate for some than for others. Knowing whether you are an ideal candidate can give you a good idea of whether you should pursue skin tightening at all.

If you are considering receiving non-surgical skin tightening, take a look at this guide, which can help you determine whether you are a suitable candidate.


What is Skin Tightening?

Non-surgical skin tightening is a cosmetic procedure that tightens the skin of the face, body, and neck to give a patient a more youthful appearance. This procedure can postpone the need for more invasive surgical procedures and counteract the impact of aging.


Who is the Ideal Candidate for Skin Tightening?

The best candidates for non-surgical skin tightening are those who have mild-to-moderate needs in terms of revising the appearance of their skin. Those who have more serious concerns about their skin might benefit from more invasive surgery to achieve their desired aesthetic results.

In addition, although non-surgical skin tightening has very few serious side effects, it may not be appropriate for individuals who:

  • Are pregnant
  • Take certain medications
  • Have certain chronic medical conditions

The most dependable way to determine whether you are a good candidate for non-surgical skin tightening is to set up a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. They will assess your needs and determine whether you would benefit from the procedure.


Benefits of Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

Skin tightening is an effective procedure with many benefits. The following are among the most commonly reported:

  • Quick recovery time
  • Considerable improvement in appearance
  • Leaves no scars
  • Low-risk
  • Long-lasting results
  • Short procedure

For those for whom the procedure fits, there are very few reported adverse effects. Most patients will find that they experience an improvement in the appearance of their skin with very few side effects.


Types of Non-Surgical Skin Tightening

There are several different kinds of non-surgical skin tightening methods on the market. Your physician will help determine which type is right for you prior to treatment. The primary skin tightening methods include:


Radiofrequency Treatments

Radiofrequency treatments use radiofrequency energy to heat the skin and trigger collagen production. The treatment focuses on the epidermal layers of the skin to create a firmer and smoother appearance for the skin. This type of treatment can be effectively used both for older patients who are hoping to improve the appearance of their skin and younger patients who are hoping to counteract the effects of aging before they truly appear.

Radiofrequency treatments are considered safe for patients of all skin types. Because the appearance of the skin is altered by collagen production, patients should see a gradual improvement in the appearance of their skin in the months that follow their treatment.


Ultrasound Skin Tightening

Ultrasound skin tightening is the other primary type of non-surgical skin tightening. It uses focused ultrasound energy to heat the skin up to 5mm below the surface. This process induces collagen production and helps the skin become firmer and tighter. Your physician will run a handheld device that transmits ultrasound waves to the skin over your body during this treatment. Ultrasound skin tightening has a safe track record in terms of giving patients of all types an improvement to the appearance of their skin.


Combination RF/IPL Treatments

This type of treatment combines radiofrequency (RF) energy with intense pulse light (IPL) energy to treat the skin. The combination of these two energies triggers the skin’s natural healing response, which in turn triggers collagen production. This treatment is a powerful non-surgical option that can effectively treat a wide range of skin conditions and issues. It targets multiple layers of the skin to provide a patient with a deep makeover in terms of their appearance.  


The Best Clinic in Reno

Nevada Eye Plastic Surgery is a pristine plastic surgery clinic that gives patients the best in skin tightening and other plastic surgery procedures. If you are interested in a consultation to discuss the health of your skin, contact us today to set up an appointment.

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Can You Prevent Cellulite?

One of the common concerns affecting up to 90% of women and men at some point in their lives is cellulite. Often described as a dimpled or lumpy appearance on the skin, cellulite is usually found on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. Although it is harmless and entirely natural, it is often stigmatized. This leads many to explore options like exercise, diet, skin care routines, and even cosmetic dermatology to address its appearance. This brings up the important question: Can you prevent cellulite?

Can You Prevent Cellulite?

Although the short answer may be that it may not be entirely preventable, there are things you can do to reduce its appearance and potentially delay its onset. An exploration of what it is, why it forms, and the factors that influence its development will help you to better understand how to manage it.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a term for the collection of fats that push against the connective tissue beneath the skin. It is a common condition that makes the surface of your skin look dimpled or bumpy. Some people may describe it as something that is akin to the texture of cottage cheese or orange peel. Mild cellulite is only noticeable when you pinch your skin in the area where you have cellulite, while more severe cellulite will make your skin appear rumpled and bumpy. Although it is more common around the thighs and buttocks, you may also notice it on your breasts, upper arms, and lower abdomen.

What Causes Cellulite?


Your genes play an important role in determining your skin structure, body type, and fat distribution. All these can affect the probability that you will develop cellulite.

Hormonal Changes

Estrogen, insulin, and prolactin are hormones that can influence the development of cellulite by affecting your blood flow, fat storage, and the strength of your connective tissues.

Lifestyle Factors

The way you live your life can also influence your likelihood of developing cellulite. Do you usually spend your days sitting down? Do you seldom drink water in a day? Are you fond of eating fried and processed foods? Do you smoke? If you answered yes to most of the questions, you are a good candidate for cellulite formation. These habits reduce skin elasticity and promote fat accumulation.

Good Habits to Help Minimize the Appearance of Cellulite

Although preventing cellulite may be impossible given the strong role that genetics and hormones play, there are certain good habits that can help you minimize the appearance of cellulite.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

What you eat plays a crucial role in your skin’s appearance and overall health.

Eat More Fiber

A balanced diet can reduce the accumulation of fat and improve your blood circulation. This will make cellulite less noticeable. Ensure that you incorporate a lot of fiber in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains promote better digestion and reduce fat storage.

Limit Processed Foods

Foods that are high in sugar and high in salt can lead to water retention, weight gain, and the formation of cellulite.

Stay Hydrated

Drink no less than the required minimum number of glasses of water daily. Water does not only help your organs to function well, it also keeps your skin plump and elastic, reducing the dimpled effect of cellulite on your skin.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity helps reduce the appearance of cellulite by improving muscle tone and circulation.

Strength Training

This builds muscle in areas prone to cellulite, like your thighs and buttocks. Muscle in this area can help create a smoother appearance.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Burn fat and boost blood flow by cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running, or cycling.


Stretching exercises promote flexibility and reduce tension in connective tissues as well. This will support smoother-looking skin.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Cellulite affects people of all body types, but a healthy weight can help minimize fat deposits. In addition, sudden weight gain or rapid weight loss can potentially worsen cellulite.

Consider Professional Treatments

Sometimes lifestyle changes are not enough. If this is your case, there are cellulite treatments you can choose from.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy such as Cellulaze will shrink fat cells, cut the bands that cause the bumps, and thicken your skin. Results usually last a year or sometimes more. If your cellulite is severe, it may not work well for you. Make sure to go to a board-certified surgeon if you are thinking of having this procedure.


This treatment uses a device that gives a deep massage while lifting up the patient’s skin. According to the FDA, the device used has little potential to cause harm. However, the temporary results of this treatment vary from woman to woman.

Radiofrequency Therapy

These treatments will tighten your skin and break down fat cells with the use of heat.


This is a minimally invasive FDA-approved treatment designed to reduce cellulite in a single session. The changes can last for up to two years. However, this is not for everyone. Diabetes patients, women with varicose veins, or those being treated for active skin infection should not undergo this treatment.

These treatments often require multiple sessions and can be costly. In addition, the results may vary between individuals. It is important to consult a licensed and experienced professional who can explain the process to you and help you manage your expectations.

Keep Your Hormones Healthy

Since hormones play an essential role in cellulite formation, it may be advantageous to keep your hormones healthy. You can do this by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, getting enough sleep, limiting your alcohol consumption, and avoiding endocrine-disrupting chemicals. If you think your hormones may be responsible for your cellulite problem, consult a healthcare provider.

Minimize the Appearance of Your Cellulite

Although you cannot prevent the appearance of cellulite, having a healthy lifestyle can definitely help you reduce its appearance and help you look your best. If you think your cellulite needs to be addressed by a professional, go to your trusted dermatologist, who can recommend the best course of treatment for you.

If you are concerned about pain or the method used in the treatments, consider Dr. Simon Ourian. He has a noninvasive, nonsurgical approach when it comes to cellulite treatment or removal. The results from his methods usually last for months to years, with the patients going back to their normal activities right after the treatment. Consult with Dr. Ourian today.

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Can You Finance a Brow Lift?

Having a brow lift can make a tremendous difference in one’s appearance. However, the price tag of the procedure can be significant. This especially holds true for working with a skilled surgeon. Like most services, you get what you pay for. However, the up-front price may be prohibitive for some patients who could truly benefit from the procedure. So, can you finance a brow lift?

How Much Does a Brow Lift Typically Cost?

Based on surveys, the cost of a brow lift can range from $325 to $16,775. Right away, we will tell you that you want to stay away from a brow lift that costs only a few hundred dollars. Price tags that look too good to be true have a tendency of indeed living up to that suspicion.

While an experienced surgeon may offer deals during the off-season, it is not unusual for a surgeon to maintain a consistent price for their services. Cosmetic surgeons spend years honing their craft. If they value their ability, then it tends to reflect in the cost.

Price Tag Does Not Always Reflect Quality

That said, a more expensive brow lift does not always mean a better one. Some surgeons certainly will charge beyond the quality of their skill. When choosing your brow lift surgeon, cost should only serve as a single factor.

Look for patient reviews, especially ones that seem buried beneath a slurry of five-star ones. See what patient satisfaction with the surgeon’s brow lift actually looks like. Also, check multiple sources. Look at Google Reviews, Yelp, and medical-specific sites like Healthgrades.

Can You Finance a Brow Lift?

So, you have found a surgeon with good reviews. However, the cost of surgery may stand a few steps outside the range you can pay upfront. What do you do?

Fortunately, many financing options exist for plastic surgery, including brow lifts. Some surgeons may offer financing directly through their clinic’s programs. Others may work with established financing institutions like CareCredit.

Some institutions offer medical loans, which serve a similar purpose as financing.

Does Financing Include Interest?

Again, this can vary according to the program. Some brow lift financing options may start with a 0% interest rate over a set period. Beyond that period, there may be a varied interest rate. For example, CareCredit can often offer no interest for 6 to 12 months, followed by a fixed 14.9% rate for up to 60 months.

We recommend carefully reading the conditions of your financing option.

How to Decide on Financing Your Brow Lift

When choosing to finance your brow lift, we recommend considering a few factors. After your consultation, your brow lift surgeon can provide you with an estimate of the cost. You can use this to evaluate your financing options.

Payment Rate: Look at the expected monthly payments. Do these fall within the range of payments you can make? Would you have to cut back on other expenditures to afford it?
Interest Rate: Even a fraction of interest will mean your final brow lift cost will be higher than the one quote. However, a reasonable interest rate is worth this extra cost because it lightens the financial burden. Avoid high interest rates that could see you locked into payments.
Personal Goals: If your appearance is causing significant stress, then a brow lift can prove worth it. Take time to consider how you feel and what goals you have.

Is Financing a Brow Lift Worth It?

The results of a brow lift can not only stun but can last for years to a lifetime. Plastic surgery is an investment in yourself and your confidence. For many people, directing substantial financial resources toward surgery can prove a smart investment.

However, we recommend taking a careful look at your finances. Committing to a brow lift can bring lasting benefits. But it might not be worth it if your financing solution causes you additional stress. Take your time to decide, and look for a financing program that has honest rates that fall within your financial range.

Also, you can consider alternative treatments. Nonsurgical brow lift treatments can prove more affordable upfront while still producing stunning results. However, these results are not permanent. So, you may need to weigh the benefits of each approach.

A Brow Lift With the Best

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc, patients can work with a celebrity plastic surgeon with years of experience. They offer flexible financing options for a brow lift and other surgeries.

concept for the most popular plastic surgeries for men

Most Popular Plastic Surgeries for Men

Plastic surgery is often thought of as a medical field that primarily serves women. However, more and more men are opting to receive plastic surgery treatment to achieve the appearance that they feel best represents their inner self. Below, we cover the most popular plastic surgeries for men.

Many different plastic surgery procedures are available for men, and it can be overwhelming to decide on one to pursue. Knowing which ones are popular can help you narrow down which ones would serve you best.

If you’re interested in receiving a male plastic surgery treatment and don’t know where to start, take a look at this overview of some of the most popular treatments requested.

Men and Plastic Surgery

In some ways, for a long time, it has been somewhat taboo for men to consider modifying their appearance medically. Thankfully

The Most Popular Plastic Surgeries for Men

Plastic surgery has increased in popularity for men in recent years. There are particular surgeries that are frequently requested across demographics from men. Some of the following are considered mainstay surgeries for men interested in improving their appearance:

Chin and Jaw Implants

These types of procedures are popular with men due to their ability to increase the masculine qualities of a man’s face and jawline. A successful jaw implant can make a man’s jawline appear stronger and more pronounced. Most patients will be able to see the full effects of their jaw implant within two to three weeks following their procedure.


A rhinoplasty is another prevalent plastic surgery procedure for men. Rhinoplasty is the technical term for a nose job, a plastic surgery procedure designed to modify the appearance of one’s nose. This includes reducing or augmenting the size of one’s nose, as well as making adjustments to its shape and overall appearance.


Also known as a facelift, this type of procedure is designed to counteract some of the common impacts of aging. This includes reducing the presence of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as tightening and smoothing the skin of the face. A facelift can potentially be combined with other types of plastic surgery procedures. Ask your physician about potential combinations if this is something that you’re interested in.

Brow Lift

This procedure pulls the skin of the forehead tighter to reduce the presence of wrinkles and creases in the skin of the upper face. This type of procedure also has the potential to correct drooping eyebrows and “hooded” eyelids. Like a rhytidectomy, a brow lift can be successfully combined with other plastic surgery procedures to give a patient a more comprehensive update in terms of their appearance.

Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is a term that refers to a condition that can cause swelling and breast enlargement in men. Male breast reduction reduces the swelling caused by this condition. It can give men a more masculine appearance in their chest area. This procedure is effective at removing most of the excess fat and tissue that may be contributing to the enlargement of the breasts.


Abdominoplasty gives patients a sleeker and slimmer appearance in their midriff area. During an abdominoplasty, a physician will manipulate the skin and muscles in the abdominal area to give a patient a more toned look. This type of procedure is commonly performed on patients who have recently lost a significant amount of weight.

Eyelid Surgery

Also known as blepharoplasty, this plastic surgery adjusts the appearance of the eyelids for either medical or aesthetic reasons. Several types of eyelid surgeries can be performed, including the following:

  • Upper eyelid surgery
  • Lower eyelid surgery
  • Double eyelid surgery

Upper eyelid surgeries and lower eyelid surgeries refer to their respective nominal eyelids. Double blepharoplasty aims to modify elements of the Asian eyelid. It is becoming increasingly popular in North America.


Liposuction is a body sculpting technique that can give a patient a more refined and slimmer appearance. Also, liposuction manipulates the muscles and fat of the target area to create a new appearance in this area. Contrary to popular belief, liposuction does not actually involve weight loss.

The Best Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc. is dedicated to offering the patients of Beverly Hills and beyond the best in all types of plastic surgery. If you’re looking to have some work done and need some guidance in terms of what you’re looking for from a cosmetic surgeon, contact us today to review your options from popular plastic surgeries for men.

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How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last?

A breast lift is an incredibly popular cosmetic surgery that aims to lift and reshape the breasts. The natural aging process, lifestyle habits, and certain life events can impact the look of your breasts. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight gain, in particular, can leave the breasts sagging. This change in your breast’s appearance can impact one’s self-esteem due to the impact it has on one’s overall appearance. You may wonder, how long do breast lift results last?


How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last?

A breast lift is intended to provide you with perkier breasts that are more lifted and firm. Uneven breasts lack definition and sag in a way that can impact the way you feel about your appearance. A breast lift involves the removal of excess breast skin and a reshaping of the breast tissue. The results of this procedure are firmer and higher-set breasts than before. The results of a breast lift are long-lasting; typically, the results last well over a decade. Several controllable factors impact the longevity of your results, so it is essential to take good care of your skin and body to extend your results.


Factors That Impact The Longevity of Your Breast Lift

Right after surgery, you will notice the results are the most pronounced. Your breasts appear firmer and more lifted right away. Patients often report results lasting well over a decade and only notice changes after approximately fifteen years. The surgery results often begin to decline due to the decrease in skin elasticity. The loss of skin elasticity is a natural part of aging, and a lift cannot stop these effects. Below are some of the most critical factors that impact the longevity of your breast lift.


Weight Changes

Significant weight gain or loss can impact the size and shape of your breasts. Specifically, weight gain can cause stretching, which affects the structure of your skin and breast tissue. Alternatively, weight loss can result in lost breast volume, which can make your breasts appear saggier. Maintaining a consistent weight after a breast lift from a female plastic surgeon can ensure the results last.


Skin Quality and Genetics

The quality of your skin is often determined by genetics. In fact, genetics determines everything from the color and texture of your skin to the way it responds to the environment and if it will be to certain skin conditions. Beyond genetics, simple aging leads to many changes in your bodily function, particularly the slowing of collagen production as early as your twenties. Collagen is responsible for keeping your skin voluminous and youthful-looking. Without it, you may notice fine lines, wrinkles, and skin sagging. Work with your breast surgeon on ways to reduce the impact of this on your breast lift results. Common approaches include a high-quality skincare routine and sun protection.


Lifestyle Factors

Several lifestyle habits can impact the longevity of your breast lift results. Common factors include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, sun exposure, and chronic stress. These can all show up on your skin, including on your chest. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is critical to ensuring your health and the results of your breast lift. Manage stress, stay active, eat a balanced diet, and drink in moderation. Use at least SPF 30 and avoid the sun during peak hours.


Breast Lift Procedure

If you are unhappy with the size and shape of your breasts, consider a breast lift. It is an effective surgery to address those issues because of its ability to reshape, resize, and lift your breasts in a natural-looking way. Many women who undergo breast lift surgery report an increase in self-confidence. Their clothes fit differently, and they no longer feel self-conscious about their body.

The first step in moving forward with a breast lift is scheduling a consultation. You can ask your questions and share your aesthetic goals with the surgeon, who will then determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Contact the team at Elise Min Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today!

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Why Are Immunizations Important?

Immunizations can prevent the contraction and spread of infections that have the potential to negatively impact your health and the health of those around you. In that way, immunizations play a critical role in individual and public health and allow for improved conditions for all. Understanding the role immunizations play in public health is necessary to protect it, which is why we address the question, “Why are immunizations important?” Below, you will find helpful information for navigating your immunizations.


Why Are Immunizations Important?

An immunization, often used interchangeably with vaccination, stimulates your body’s natural defense mechanism and essentially prepares your body’s immune system to fight off certain infections. When you get a vaccination for a particular virus, your doctor will administer a weakened or inactive version of the virus so your body triggers an immune response. Specifically, it will lead your immune system to create antibodies that will protect you in the event you are exposed to the live, uncontrolled version of that virus at a later time. Vaccinations are often given in the form of an injection into the skin, but they can also be orally or nasally administered.

Immunizations are a tool that trains your body to identify viral and bacterial dangers and protect you from them. Getting vaccinated can prevent infections that cause serious health complications, such as illness, disability, and death. Consider the following reasons why immunizations are important.


Protects Your Health

Immunizations protect you from serious illnesses and reduce your chance of incurring serious complications caused by vaccine-preventable diseases. Complications that vaccine-preventable diseases cause can include brain damage, disability, heart irregularities, sensory issues, and other long-term health problems. 


Improves Widespread Immunity

Widespread vaccinations make it much harder for certain diseases to spread. When a substantial part of the population is vaccinated, the virus or bacteria has fewer host bodies it can infect and survive on; thereby, the effects of that disease are diminished. Fewer spread illnesses benefit everyone, as any can be affected by them, but it is especially beneficial for those with compromised immune systems or those with medical conditions that keep them from being vaccinated.


Reduces Healthcare Costs

Getting vaccinated means a greater likelihood of staying healthy, which in turn reduces the impact on healthcare systems. In fact, research has shown that vaccines save millions of lives globally every year and reduce patient days spent in-hospital by more than half. Fewer in-hospital days mean fewer funds spent on the labor, medication, and equipment needed to treat those patients.

Even beyond the overt financial benefits of immunization, there is the bonus that less impacted hospitals mean happier nurses and doctors. When our healthcare professionals no longer feel the burden of overcrowded hospitals and never-ending work, they face less burnout and can provide more exceptional care. Immunization then has medical and financial benefits as well as medical ones.


Safe and Effective Treatment

Some people are concerned about the safety of immunizations. It is vital to make educated, well-researched decisions about your health and healthcare practices. By researching immunizations and speaking to qualified medical professionals, you can gather the knowledge required to make an informed decision.

Research has shown that immunizations are safe and effective. They undergo rigorous testing before they are approved for use. If you have any questions, talk with Abilene doctors. They can provide you with evidence-based information about the safety of immunizations.


Candidates for Vaccinations

There are several immunizations that can ensure you are protected from harmful diseases. Common vaccines include those that treat measles, polio, hepatitis B, human papillomavirus “HPV), and influenza. Consult with your doctor about which immunizations you are eligible for. They can assess your health history to determine which vaccines you should take.


Children and Teens

Children are provided immunizations according to a specialized schedule based on their age. Some of the immunizations this schedule includes are those which target measles, mumps, and whooping cough. Getting protection against these illnesses early on in life can benefit the child, both at present and in the future, as well as the larger community. This immunization schedule continues through a person’s teenage years. Specifically, teens can benefit from meningitis and HPV vaccines. These can reduce the risk of infections that cause cancer and other harmful illnesses.



A person’s immune system and lifestyle change as they grow, so there are some vaccinations suitable for adults that health professionals do not recommend for younger people. That said, in addition to several new immunizations adults should get, a number of adolescent immunizations would benefit from a booster when a person becomes an adult.

Standard vaccinations for adults include the shingles vaccine and flu and tetanus boosters.

The most critical measure to take is to talk with your medical provider about your risk for certain illnesses. They can discuss your risk and determine which vaccines are right for you.


People Traveling

Traveling is a great way to spend your free time and build new memories. Before you travel, be sure to consult with your doctor about where you are headed. They can advise you on which vaccines you need based on where you are traveling. In fact, some countries will only allow you to enter their borders with proof of vaccination for certain illnesses. Common immunizations for those who are traveling include yellow fever and typhoid vaccinations. Speak with your doctor well in advance of your trip, as some immunizations take time to go into full effect. 


Abilene Doctors

If you are not current on your immunizations, schedule an appointment with West Texas Health today!


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Is Gummy Smile Correction Painful?

A gummy smile treatment is a procedure that can be life-changing for some people, boosting their confidence and presentation. But is gummy smile correction painful? In our article, we answer this question and discuss the procedure and the recovery.


Is Gummy Smile Correction Painful?

The procedure of gummy smile correction is typically not painful since, in most cases, the surgery site is numbed with a local anesthetic. Modern anesthetics are highly effective and prevent most patients from feeling anything at all. 

Sedation dentistry is available for patients who have a high tolerance to local anesthetics. It can also be helpful to people with acute anxiety about dental procedures. Sedation dentistry helps patients feel relaxed and at ease during the procedure. There are several types of sedation dentistry available:

  • Oral sedation that is administered by taking a pill by mouth
  • Intravenous sedation
  • Nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) that is inhaled through a mask
  • General anesthesia 

Talk to your doctor about the anesthetic and sedation options they can offer. 


What Happens During a Gummy Smile Correction Procedure?

A gummy smile procedure can be done using different methods: gum contouring using a laser or a scalpel or lip repositioning surgery. In some cases, these methods can be combined. An orthodontic treatment can also be beneficial for some patients in combination with gum contouring or lip repositioning. 


Gum Contouring

Before the procedure of gum contouring, you will have a consultation with your dentist and discuss the look you want to achieve with this treatment. Also, you will have an exam on your oral health during this visit. Your dentist will need to make sure that you do not have any cavities, periodontitis, or other issues. If any of these problems are present, you will have to treat them before gum contouring can be done.

At the beginning of the procedure, your dentist will mark the gum tissue to make sure that the gum line looks unified. In addition, factors such as tooth wear and facial structure will be taken into account when deciding how much gum tissue should be removed, as the goal is to achieve a balanced and symmetrical look. 

Additionally, your dentist will check if you have excess bone tissue around your teeth, as it will cause your gums to grow back after the procedure. If there is excess bone tissue, it will be removed during the gum contouring procedure as well.

Before the surgery begins, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the procedure site. Once your gums are numb, your doctor will remove the excess gum tissue to reveal more of your teeth’ surface. 


Lip Repositioning

In some cases, a gummy smile can be a result of the position of the upper lip or the way it moves when you smile. Therefore, surgical lip repositioning helps change the amount of gum visible when smiling by limiting the movement of the lip. 

This procedure takes approximately an hour and is performed under a local anesthetic that prevents the patient from feeling pain.


The Recovery After a Gummy Smile Correction

Once the anesthetic wears off, you will most likely start feeling some tenderness, soreness, or discomfort in the area of your gums or lip that got altered. You can also experience swelling. However, these symptoms typically go away within several days after the procedure as your gums or lips heal. 

Any excessive pain or discomfort can be remedied with over-the-counter pain medication, such as Ibuprofen. Recovery typically takes approximately a week. To minimize pain and discomfort during gummy smile correction recovery, follow these tips:

  • Abstain from sports or other strenuous physical activities for about seven days after the procedure, as they can increase bleeding and swelling.
  • Make sure to clean the surgical area well and to maintain thorough oral hygiene in general to prevent bacterial growth. Follow your dentist’s recommendations on how to brush and floss your teeth after the procedure. You might also be recommended an antibacterial mouthwash or antibiotics. 
  • Avoid hard, crunchy, and sticky foods such as crackers, chips, nuts, etc. Such foods can damage your gums. Instead, adhere to a soft diet for several days after the gummy smile correction. Examples of a soft diet include yogurt, smoothies, soups, eggs, mashed potatoes, etc. 


Make an Appointment Today

If you are considering a gummy smile correction procedure, do not hesitate to sign up for a consultation at our dental office today. Our specialists will carry out a detailed examination of your case to offer you the best solution. We look forward to your visit to the Smiles of Arcadia dental office. 

Featured image for Dismantling Myths About Thigh Lifts

Dismantling Myths About Thigh Lifts

A thigh lift is a plastic surgery procedure designed to improve the appearance of the thighs and upper legs. For patients who are self-conscious about this part of their body, a thigh lift has the potential to give them a markedly improved appearance and sense of confidence. However, there are an unfortunate number of misconceptions and myths about this procedure that can contribute to patients not fully understanding the procedure that they are about to engage in. In other cases, it can deter a patient from engaging with the procedure at all. If you are interested in the benefits of a thigh lift but are worried about some of the information you have heard about it, take a look at this article that works at dismantling myths about thigh lifts.


What is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a type of cosmetic surgery that can help to improve the appearance of one’s thighs. Often, this procedure is employed to remove excessive amounts of skin and fat from this area of the body. The results deliver a more contoured and toned appearance to the thighs.


Dismantling Myths About Thigh Lifts 

A thigh lift can be a wonderful and life-affirming procedure for those for whom it works. However, there are some myths surrounding this procedure that do not serve either doctor or patient as they navigate the complexities of surgery. Dispelling these myths can help you feel more confident as you move forward with your procedure.


Myth 1: Thigh Lifts Leave Large and Noticeable Scars

One common myth surrounding thigh lifts is that they tend to create large and noticeable amounts of scarring on a patient. In fact, the most contemporary surgical techniques have progressed to the point that they are able to leave minimal amounts of scarring throughout the procedure.


Myth 2: Only Women Receive Thigh Lifts

Another pernicious myth surrounding this procedure is that a thigh lift is a procedure that is only ever sought after by women. The reality is that a thigh lift can benefit any individual looking to improve the appearance of their thighs, regardless of their gender.


Myth 3: Thigh Lift Recovery is Painful

Thigh lifts entail an average amount of discomfort in their recovery periods in relation to surgery of comparable scope. Most patients will find that they are finished with the most uncomfortable period of their recovery period within a few weeks. You can help facilitate this by following your physician’s instructions regarding your recovery period very closely.


Myth 4: Thigh Lifts Do Not Offer Long-lasting Results

The results from a thigh lift procedure can last for a very long time and may last for life if paired with a reasonable level of exercise and healthy living. Most patients who see their results fade more quickly do so because they do not couple their procedure with a healthy lifestyle.


Myth 5: You Cannot Walk Normally After a Thigh Lift

This is true for some patients, but this situation will likely only be the case for a few days. Most patients will find that they are fully mobile and can move about normally within a couple of days from their initial procedure. Special medical circumstances may extend this period, so talk with your doctor if you have particular concerns.


Myth 6: Thigh Lifts Are Only Cosmetic

There is a common misconception that thigh lifts are performed only for cosmetic benefits and do not offer a patient any other type of advantage. Although the aesthetic benefits of a thigh lift are strong, there are a number of other gifts that this procedure can impart. Many patients end up with a stronger sense of confidence, less skin chafing, and, on average, a stronger sense of mobility. These benefits reach into the psychological and lifestyle sectors of one’s life.


Myth 7: Any Plastic Surgeon Can Perform a Thigh Lift

In fact, a thigh lift is best left in the hands of a specialist who has performed the procedure successfully numerous times. When researching the doctor with whom you are thinking of performing your procedure, make sure to look into their surgical history and check to see that they have a strong record of performing the procedure successfully.


Myth 8: Thigh Lifts Are for Young People

A thigh lift can benefit a person of any age, so long as they are healthy enough to endure some of the stressors that come paired with receiving an invasive surgery. The primary factors that influence a candidate’s eligibility for a thigh lift are not their age but rather the health of their skin and their general health profile.


Myth 9: Thigh Lifts Only Help People Trying to Lose Weight

The overall purpose of a thigh lift is not actually to help an individual lose weight, although this may be a benefit that some patients experience. Rather, a thigh lift aims to reshape and sculpt the thighs to make them look better. This involves adjusting the skin and fat of the thighs into a different form.


Myth 10: Thigh Lifts Are For Individuals Who Have Experienced Dramatic Weight Loss

These individuals make up a significant number of the patients who come seeking thigh lifts. This is due to the fact that losing significant amounts of weight can result in warping and stretch marks on the thighs, which a thigh lift can help to readjust into a more pleasing form. However, these types of issues can affect anyone, regardless of whether or not they have recently lost significant amounts of weight. Thigh lifts can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to adjust the appearance of their thighs.


Benefits of a Thigh Lift 

There are many different benefits of receiving a thigh lift, which is a procedure that can positively impact the appearance of one’s thighs in a number of different ways. Some of the common issues that can be addressed with a thigh lift include:

  • Rashes
  • Chafing
  • Sagging skin
  • Discoloration
  • Cellulite and lumpy skin
  • Poor skin tone
  • Loss of elasticity

Many patients report a higher overall sense of confidence in their appearance following a thigh lift procedure. In this way, the benefits of the procedure can spill over from just simply the target area of the surgery.


Who Is a Good Candidate For a Thigh Lift? 

Most healthy patients who are interested in receiving a thigh lift will find themselves qualified to receive treatment. Some of the qualities that your physician will look for include: 

  • Non-smoker
  • No severe underlying health conditions
  • No health conditions that would complicate one’s recovery
  • Having maintained a healthy weight for about a year prior to surgery

In addition, your physician will provide an overview of your general health profile and physical fitness before they approve treatment for you.


What Occurs During a Thigh Lift?

There are several steps that you can expect to experience as you proceed through the thigh lift process. In general, the steps of a thigh lift look something like this:

  • Your physician will make incision lines on the thighs to indicate where the cuts of the surgery will take place.
  • Your anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia to you so you lose consciousness during the procedure.
  • Your surgeon will make an incision in the groin area. Depending on the patient, this incision may extend around the back of the thighs and down towards the knees.
  • Your surgeon begins to remove fat, reposition muscles, and tissues, and trim away excess skin during the thigh lift procedure.
  • Sutures are applied to help secure the new shape of the thighs.
  • Stitches are utilized to close all incisions and prepare the area for the healing and recovery period post-surgery.

A thigh lift will typically take about two hours to complete. After your procedure is complete, you will enter the recovery period.


After Your Surgery

Following the completion of your surgery, you will be moved into a recovery area until you awaken from general anesthesia. Depending on your state, you will either spend the night in the hospital or be released from the hospital to head home that same day. 

Your physician will give you a set of guidelines to follow to maximize your recovery period and ensure that you have the knowledge required to safeguard your results. In general, you can expect to need plenty of rest and avoid engaging in any overly strenuous physical activities for the first few days following your procedure.

You will likely experience modest pain and discomfort during this recovery period. Your thighs may feel irritated and sore. This is considered a normal effect of the procedure. However, you should keep note if you experience any of the following risks and side effects:

  • Bleeding
  • Odd skin sensations
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Pour wound healing
  • Swelling
  • Seroma


The Best in LA

Dr. Joubin Gabbay is a fellowship-trained surgeon who specializes in a number of popular plastic surgery procedures. If you are interested in a thigh lift but are unsure if it is for you, contact Dr. Gabbay today to set up an appointment to discuss the benefits of this procedure.

Featured image for When to See a Doctor About a Mole

When to See a Doctor About a Mole

Moles are a common occurrence on the skin of many individuals. Most of the time, moles are aesthetic marks on the skin that are not indicative of any serious medical situation. However, misshapen, large, or roughly textured moles can indicate the presence of skin cancer in the body. In this case, mole removal is essential for preserving the health of a patient, and can even be lifesaving. If you have a mole that you worry might be cancerous, take a look at this guide that can help you determine whether you should see a doctor about your mole to talk about mole removal. 


What Are Moles? 

Moles are a common skin growth that can occur on any part of the skin. Most moles are benign and present no threat to one’s health. Moles can change in appearance over time, and can also disappear gradually. Changes in the appearance of a mole may indicate the presence of cancer.


Why Do Moles Develop? 

A mole develops when the cells in the body, known as melanocytes, begin to form in clusters. These types of cells are more often normally spread evenly throughout the skin, with the purpose of producing melanin, which can give skin its color. In most cases, the development of a mole is not considered cause for alarm, and most people have moles at least somewhere on their skin.


When To See a Doctor About a Mole

There are some changes to the appearance of a mole that should be watched closely, as they may indicate that a mole has become cancerous and needs to be removed. Common symptoms in this regard include:

  • Changes in color: Moles that change colors, have an uneven color distribution, or contain many colors may be cancerous.
  • Asymmetry: Most normal moles are symmetrical. An extremely asymmetrical mole can sometimes indicate an abnormality.
  • Evolving: Moles that change in shape or size too rapidly to be considered normal should also be eye suspiciously. In addition, you should take note of whether your mole is consistently itchy or begins bleeding.
  • Changing border: Moles that have irregular borders, notched borders, or roughly textured borders may also indicate cancer.
  • Large diameter: Moles that are larger than ¼ inch in diameter may be cancerous.

Not every malignant mole will display all of the above characteristics. Inspection by a medical professional is required to determine the malignancy or benign nature of any mole.


Complicating Factors

 Everyone’s skin is different, and therefore, the study of melanoma and moles can be highly personal. For example, there are many individuals with dozens or even hundreds of freckles and moles that do not ever become cancerous.

 Staying aware of these complicating factors is essential for both patient and doctor as you work together to produce the most accurate portrait of one’s health. Keep an eye out for these other complicating factors:

  • Being born with moles that are unusually shaped, without being malignant
  • Being born with large moles from birth
  • Naturally having many moles on the skin
  • Being from a family where skin cancer is common
  • Using tanning beds or excessively sun tanning

The above are just examples of some of the factors that can impact the development of moles on one’s skin, as well as the risk factor that one or more of them might become cancerous.


Protecting Your Skin and Lowering the Risk of Cancer

There are a number of steps that you can take to protect your skin and any moles you might have to help prevent them from becoming cancerous. Some of the following are considered best practices: 

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure, especially during the peak hours of the day
  • Use sunscreen when you’re going to spend lots of time outside
  • Wear protective clothing if you’re spending extended time outside
  • Avoid using tanning lamps and tanning beds


The above advice is doubly recommended if a patient comes from a family with a history of skin cancer or has had cancerous moles in the past. If this is the case for you, you should consider receiving annual check-ups from a dermatologist to examine your skin for signs of skin cancer.


Your Best Resource for Mole Removal


Dr. Brent is a board-certified plastic surgeon who routinely delivers high-quality procedures for individuals in Southern California and beyond. If you have a mole that you are concerned about and would like removed, contact Dr. Brent today to discuss your options.