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The Kim Kardashian-Approved Salmon Sperm Facial

While practicing skincare is not new to the modern age, it has become increasingly popular in recent years. As the practice becomes more popular, the available treatment options become more numerous and widespread. Naturally, this also leads to the rise of unexpected treatments. One such treatment is the Kim Kardashian-approved Salmon Sperm Facial.

Bustle recently spoke with Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc.’s own Dr. Gabriel Chiu about the Salmon Sperm Facial. We recap their discussion below.

Is It Actually Sperm?

The name Salmon Sperm Facial is not exactly a misnomer, but it does simplify the reality of the facial. The facial is performed by injecting Rejuran under a patient’s skin to improve their skin elasticity and give their complexion a smoother and more youthful appearance. The main ingredient in Rejuran is PDRN, which scientists extract from salmon milt, the sperm-containing fluid in male fish. This means that while the Salmon Sperm Facial does not directly use salmon sperm for treatment, it does utilize components from the same source.

The History of Salmon Sperm in Skincare

Though the use of salmon sperm as a skincare tool may seem contemporary, Dr. Chiu explained to the team at Bustle that salmon sperm has had a use in skincare for many years. In fact, he said that salmon milt has been used in skincare since the 1980s and has been used as a bio-stimulator “for about 15 years.” Additionally, Bustle says that the modern version of the Salmon Sperm Facial has been around for about nine years.

What is the Process?

Dr. Chiu describes the facial as “the injection of Rejuran in microdroplets under the skin of the face and neck.” In this way, it is similar to other dermal filler procedures, which involve injecting patients under the skin for the desired effect.

Benefits of Salmon Sperm Facial

The idea of the facial can initially be challenging to get behind. Nonetheless, the procedure has some truly incredible benefits. Dr. Chiu describes some of the benefits himself in his interview with Bustle, saying, “Some of the most notable benefits of the salmon sperm facial are that it smooths the texture of the skin, shrinks pores, reduces acne scars, improves skin hydration, promotes collagen production, improves fine lines, and reverses signs of aging.”

Even better, Dr. Chiu also stated to Bustle that “any skin type can benefit from the treatment,” so anyone interested in the Salmojn Sperm Facial can undergo it. Like most skincare treatments, though, it is best for older patients. Dr. Chiu specifically stated that “those with skin damage from sun exposure and aging are likely to see the most [results]” from the procedure.

That said, the treatment’s incredible benefits should not be a huge surprise, as there are many studied benefits of fish oil and fish-heavy diets. Still, just as there are benefits to the Salmon Sperm Facial, there are risks to be aware of.

Risks of Salmon Sperm Facial

As with all cosmetic procedures, the Salmon Sperm Facial has some risks. These include injection site reactions, such as swelling, bruising, and redness, though these symptoms should disappear a few days after treatment. A more serious reaction would occur if a patient is allergic to PDRN. This is unlikely but not impossible, so it is essential to speak with a doctor if considering this facial.

Chiu’s Final Thoughts on the Facial

Dr. Chiu concluded his discussion with Bustle by summarizing his thoughts on the procedure: “Only time will tell if the Salmon Sperm Facial will actually gain FDA approval in the US. I’m sure that there are many who will jump on the bandwagon to exploit the latest trends, but from what I have reviewed about its claims versus actual results, I won’t be jumping on just yet.”

Line art illustration of a plus size woman with stretch marks on legs and her belly as the featured image for Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented

Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

Stretch marks are an unfortunate physical trait that can be an eyesore for those who have them. Getting rid of them can be somewhat aggravating, as they tend to arise suddenly or after events out of a patient’s control. However, there are steps an individual can take to stop stretch marks from forming in the first place. These preventative measures can save a patient a large amount of time and money in the long run. If you have stretch marks or are worried that you may be vulnerable to developing them, this guide describes how stretch marks can be prevented.

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, also known as striae, are indented streaks that appear on various parts of the body when the skin is stretched beyond its comfort zone.

Stretch marks are not of medical concern but can be aesthetically bothersome. Often, stretch marks fade naturally over time. However, some stretch marks tend to linger and require professional intervention to resolve. Long-lasting stretch marks have the potential to worsen one’s well-being by diminishing self-esteem and one’s self-image. Therefore, if a person has the ability and resources to get rid of their stretch marks, they will likely see the payoff in the long run.

What are the Symptoms of Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can appear in many different forms. That said, there are many easy-to-identify signs of stretch marks, such as:

  • Itchiness
  • Irritation
  • Discoloration on the skin
  • Sunken lines under the skin
  • Glossy-looking skin

Of course, stretch marks will appear and function differently for each person, and it never hurts to have an expert assess your stretch marks to determine their severity.

Risk Factors for Stretch Marks

Several factors can increase the likelihood that an individual develops stretch marks. Being aware of these factors can help you prepare for and take more active steps to treat stretch marks. Qualities that increase the chance of one developing stretch marks are:

  • Being overweight
  • Being pregnant
  • Using corticosteroids
  • Undergoing breast augmentation
  • Having certain genetic disorders
  • Having a family history of stretch marks

Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

Luckily, stretch marks can be prevented. There are several methods for preventing stretch marks, and finding out which ones best suit your routine can help provide a sense of security that you will be able to prevent their development. Those interested in preventing stretch marks should consider adhering to the following:

  • Drink enough water: Hydration is one of the best lines of defense for the body in general and can help prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Eat plenty of Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the best compounds for skin health and is doubly useful for preventing stretch marks. Including a healthy amount in your diet can help you prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Control your weight: Dramatic weight loss or gain is one of the most common causes of stretch marks. Making more modest and gradual weight gains can help prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Eat plenty of nutrients: Eating a well-balanced diet high in nutrients can maintain the presence of collagen and elastin fibers in your skin, making it less susceptible to stretch marks.
  • Keep track of when they appear: It is easier to treat stretch marks that have recently appeared than those that have been left to linger. Making an appointment with a dermatologist sooner rather than later can help you resolve this issue before it becomes too severe.
  • Get plenty of sun: Vitamin D is another compound essential for skin health. Fortunately, the sun is a plentiful source of Vitamin D. Getting some healthy sun on the parts of your skin that you often cover can help prevent the development of stretch marks. If you are sensitive to the sun, consider taking a vitamin D supplement.

Your Cosmetic Resource in Beverly Hills

Epione Plastic Surgery offers a full suite of resources to aid patients in fading their stretch marks or preventing their development. If you would like to discuss stretch marks with a cosmetic dermatologist in Beverly Hills, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

featured image for why do hands age so quickly

Why Do Hands Age So Quickly?

Hands are one of the most visible and exposed parts of the body. Given their vast set of utilitarian purposes, it shouldn’t surprise that these appendages are some of the most vulnerable parts of the body to the affects of aging. Why do hands age so quickly?

Why Do Hands Age So Quickly?

Many people would implement higher levels of hand care if they knew the best way to approach this type of care. If you’re concerned about trying to keep the effects of aging away from your hands, then take a look at this overview of the subject with relation to cosmetic dermatology.  

Differences in the Skin

The skin of the hands is much more delicate than the skin on our faces. However, the hands receive almost as much sun exposure as our faces, and we feel the effects of this exposure much more severely than the latter body part.

Age spots, fine lines and wrinkles can all start to appear on the skin of one’s hands much more quickly than on other parts of the body. For this reason, the hands can oftentimes appear older than the rest of an individual.

Sun Damage

The hands are a part of the body that is prone to sun damage. This is partially because individuals have a tendency to neglect to protect this part of the body from solar rays with sunblock and the like. Over time, the sun wil definitely impact the appearance and health of the skin of your hands.

Vigorous application of SPF sunblock is one way to protect your hands against the harmful rays of the sun. Reapplying sunblock to your hands after they get wet will help to apply continual protection to them.

Weathering the Elements

Constant exposure to the elements can make the skin of one’s hands appearance – well, weathered after some time. The hands are one of the parts of the body most exposed to this type of problem.

Cold temperatures, strong winds, ice, and snow, as well as artificial weather-producing conditions such as air conditioning and central heating, can all impact the health of the skin of the hands. Small steps such as wearing gloves when outside can make a difference, as can applying moisturizer frequently.

Excessive Movement

On the face, expressions such as frowning and smiling can eventually produce fine lines and wrinkles on one’s appearance over time. The hands are also prone to such sensitivities, though from a much different range of motions.

Typing, gripping, lifting and shaking are tend to impact the hands more and more as time goes on. These types of aging indications tend to increase as time goes on, and one age in another way. This is partially due to the fact that the skin loses much of its elasticity and ability to recuperate from this type of gradual wear and tear.

Day to Day Wear and Tear

Even outside of the stresses taken on by the hands by day-to-day movements, these appendages are prone to other types of stressors as time goes on. The skin of the hands is exposed to large amounts of chemical and substantive materials over the course of the day. This includes things like handwashes, sanitizers, and other materials that are applied to the skin.

Even regular application of soap can dry the skin of the hands and make things like fine lines and the like appear more prominent. Being diligent about applying moisturizer and other skincare products while performing household chores can help you stay on top of these types of subtle changes in your appearance.

Insufficient Skincare

The skin needs to be cared for, otherwise it will inevitably suffer in some form or fashion. Usually, the skin of our faces is given the most attention, with copious amounts of beauty products being directed at preserving the vivacity of this part of the body.

There are plenty of beauty products for the hands, but due to the excessive wear and tear that can be applied to the hands, as well as the amount of washing that is applied to them over the course of the day, means that these can often be washed away accidentally. For this reason, it’s important to stay mindful of where and how you’re giving your hands the care they need.

The Best Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Epione Plastic Surgeon is one of the best resources for plastic surgery for discerning clients in LA. If you’re interested in receiving a consultation to see how you can improve the appearance of the skin of your hands with non-surgical hand rejuvenation, contact us today in order to schedule a consultation.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin pharetra nonummy pede. Mauris et orci.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna.

Nunc viverra imperdiet enim. Fusce est. Vivamus a tellus.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin pharetra nonummy pede. Mauris et orci.