Category Cosmetic Surgery

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Can You Combine a Breast Lift With Other Procedures?

Can you combine a breast lift with other procedures? Most women have been raised in a society where full, firm, and perky breasts are considered attractive. This can lead women whose breasts do not meet this standard of beauty to feel less endowed, less attractive, less feminine, and, therefore, inadequate.

Can You Combine a Breast Lift With Other Procedures?

The impact of these societal expectations goes beyond mere aesthetics and affects a woman’s self-confidence and overall sense of self-worth.

Today, women can dictate the size and shape of their breasts. They no longer have to be stuck with feelings of inadequacy all their life. Cosmetic surgery has seen significant changes over the years. With modern science and techniques, cosmetic surgery offers the women of today safe options that can enhance the appearance of their breasts and boost their self-confidence to a whole new level.

One of the popular options that women take is mastopexy. This surgical procedure is otherwise known as breast lift.  

Those who take this option are women whose ample breasts are sagging due to breastfeeding or due to age and menopause. They have the volume, but they want to bring back the pre-mama or pre-menopause perkiness of their breasts.  

Women who experience substantial weight loss also experience sagging breasts and may want to take this option.

Contrary to what some people may think, small breasts can sag, too, if a woman has lost a lot of weight. Women who are in this situation may think about getting both a breast lift and a breast augmentation.  

One question that needs to be addressed in these circumstances is: Can you combine a breast lift with other procedures?

Before we answer that, let’s look at how a breast lift is performed.

How Is Breast Lift Performed?

  1. Under the supervision of a licensed anesthesiologist, your surgeon will put you under anesthesia.  
  2. He will then make the incision. The type of incision will depend on the size of your breasts and the amount of sagging.  
  3. He will then begin reshaping your breasts. This will involve lifting the underlying breast tissue and reshaping it for improved contour and firmness. The nipple and areola may also be repositioned for a more natural and attractive height. Sometimes, enlarged areolas will need to be reduced. The surgeon may also remove excess breast skin if necessary.  
  4. Your surgeon will close the incisions. 

The entire procedure will take around 2 hours or less.

Are you a candidate for breast lift with augmentation?

✔ You have small sagging breasts.

✔ You want your breasts to be perkier, bigger, and fuller.

✔ breastfeeding has caused your breasts to sag and lose volume.

✔ You want to lift your breasts and restore the volume that they lost 

    due to weight loss. 

✔ You don’t smoke.

✔ You are generally healthy with no underlying medical conditions

Breast Lift and Other Procedures

If you consider your breasts too big and would like to reduce their size, you can have them reduced in combination with the breast lift.

A breast lift may be combined with other procedures as well, like a tummy tuck or liposuction.  

Benefits of Combining Procedures

Combining procedures will allow you to:

  1. Address most, if not all, of your cosmetic issues in one surgical visit.
  2. Undergo one recovery period.
  3. Reduced overall time in surgery.
  4. Reduce time away from work.
  5. Minimize time away from social events.

With all the advantages of combining a breast lift with another procedure, it is still important to note that combining procedures increases the complexity and risks of each procedure.  

In the end, it will still be your decision. Make sure that you are well informed about the procedures, the potential risks involved, and what you can expect during the recovery process. 

It is, therefore, crucial to find a board-certified surgeon you can trust so that you can discuss your concerns with him.  

Remember that each individual is unique. Your body is unique from that of others. It has its own unique needs and peculiarities. What may be applicable to someone you know may not apply to you. Because of this, you must remember to discuss your medical history, current health situation, and other health concerns with your surgeon.


Dr. Chiu has the medical knowledge, expertise, and training to provide you with the proper guidance and customized surgical plan for your unique situation.

At Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, our team of experts is always ready to address your concerns and provide you with expert guidance. Call us at +1 (310) 888-8087.

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Can Hormones Cause Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks aren’t a medical concern, but they are something that most people find to be aesthetically unpleasant. Following this, many individuals choose to remove these marks surgically in order to restore their appearance to something that they’re happy with. So can hormones cause stretch marks?

There are many different plausible causes for stretch marks, and determining the source of your own might help you to treat your own. One of the more common sources for the formation of stretch marks is the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

Can Hormones Cause Stretch Marks?

If you’re suffering from stretch marks, take a look at this guide that describes some of the elements surrounding this procedure in cosmetic dermatology. 

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, or striae, are indented streaks that appear on the abdomen, breasts, and other areas of the body. There is the potential for these marks to appear almost anywhere on the body, and they are oftentimes the result of the skin being stretched past its point of comfort, which creates an abnormal appearance.

Overall, stretch marks aren’t painful or medically concerning but appear in a way that most people don’t like. Fortunately, many stretch marks don’t require treatment and will fade over time. On the other hand, many will never disappear completely without some type of treatment.

Severe stretch marks can impact one’s self-esteem and emotional health, so if you’re suffering from these side effects, it doesn’t hurt to investigate your treatment options so that you can restore your appearance and stop worrying about these elements. It likely will end up saving you a large amount of stress in the long run.

Symptoms of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can appear in many different ways. They often depend on the contributing factors that have led to the development of the marks. Some of the more common appearances that stretch marks can take include the following:

· Bright streaks that fade away

· Streaks that cover large sections of the body

· Streaks of the following colors: pink, red, discolored, blue, black or purple

· Indented streaks or lines on the abdomen, hips, breasts, buttocks, or many other places on the body

The symptoms of stretch marks can vary wildly from patient to patient. In rare cases, stretch marks can cover wide parts of the body, mostly as a reaction to corticosteroid medications and rare conditions such as Cushing syndrome.

Although stretch marks aren’t medically concerning, you should look into medically treating your stretch marks if they cause you sufficient mental or emotional distress. Consulting with your physician should be able to help you create a treatment plan and identify your best path forward.

Causes of Stretch Marks

At its root, the primary cause of stretch marks is the stretching of the skin. How severe they are depends on several different factors, including your genetics, the degree of stress on your body and skin, as well as the presence of various hormones such as cortisol.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands in situations of stress or heightened activity. This stress hormone has the potential to negatively impact many elements of the skin, including its elasticity.

Fortunately, many stretch marks will naturally fade over time, meaning that many individuals won’t have to resort to more serious treatments to deal with their own problems. However, there are many different treatment options available for those who wish to deal with their own medicine.

Risk Factors for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can develop on anyone’s skin, but there are certain risk factors that can make their appearance more likely. Some of the more common risk factors that lead to the development of stretch marks include:

· The use of corticosteroids

· Exercise and the use of anabolic steroids

· Genetic disorders such as Cushing syndrome or Marfan syndrome

· Receiving breast enlargement surgery

· Rapidly weight gain or loss

· Rapid growth in adolescence or childhood

· Pregnancy, with special levels of risk occurring during the third trimester.

· Being prone to developing stretch marks in your personal or family history

You can discuss with your physician which risk factors might have a part to play in the development of your own stretch marks. This can help the two of you develop a plan to treat your own effectively.

Your Trusted Resource for Cosmetic Dermatology

Epione Beverly Hills is one of the best resources you have for your various needs for cosmetic surgery. If you have visible stretch marks that you would like to have removed, take a look at our website and contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss your non-surgical stretch mark removal. 

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Tummy Tuck Recovery Guide

A tummy tuck can provide a patient with a restored sense of confidence and happiness with their appearance. These elements have contributed to the procedure maintaining a high level of popularity over the years. Below, we cover our comprehensive tummy tuck recovery guide.

However, many who might be interested in receiving this procedure might not know what to expect out of the recovery process. This amounts to essential information, as it can have big effects on the patient’s quality of life moving forward.

Tummy Tuck Recovery Guide

If you have a tummy tuck planned, take a look at this guide that describes some of the elements of the recovery process with a Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills. 

What Occurs During a Tummy Tuck?

By removing extra skin and strengthening loose or divided abdominal muscles, a stomach tuck treats loose skin in the abdominal area. This usually leads to a more muscular body. These operations are frequently incorporated into mommy makeover procedures since they are quite popular with women who want to tighten their muscles after giving birth.

The fact that stomach tucks can treat loose skin that is unresponsive to diet and exercise contributes to their popularity. This is frequently the case because simply decreasing more fat will not cause loose skin to naturally tighten again.

What is the Projected Recovery Time for a Tummy Tuck?

There are many different types of recovery scenarios that are possible in a tummy tuck. This is due to the fact that the recovery process is highly variable depending on your exact medical situation. Some of the factors that can influence how your recovery plays out include the following variables:

  • The patient’s general health
  • Post-surgery care options
  • The patient’s age
  • The type of tummy tuck that is performed

After your procedure is complete, your surgeon will be able to offer you a more specific timeline for your recovery process. Generally speaking, you can expect to feel more normal around the eight-week mark after your procedure.

Different Types of Tummy Tucks

Much of what will ultimately influence your recovery process is the exact type of tummy tuck that you receive. For example, if you get an extended tummy tuck rather than a mini tummy tuck, you can expect a much longer recovery process than from the latter.

Generally speaking, the more complex of a procedure that you undergo, the longer you can expect from your recovery process. If you know this prior to going in for treatment, then you likely will end up in a stronger position for both your initial procedure and the recovery process.

Steps in the Tummy Tuck Recovery Process

There are several stages to the recovery process regardless of what type of tummy tuck you receive. In addition, your surgeon will give you a set of safety precautions to undergo in order to ensure your speedy recovery.

One important precaution to take is to choose your surgeon carefully and ensure that you select a board-certified surgeon for your procedure. This can give you the peace of mind that your medical health is in the hands of a consummate professional. The stages of the tummy tuck recovery process include the following:

Immediately after surgery: 

After your procedure is complete, your abdomen will be covered in surgical dressing, and in many cases, there will be thin, small tubes that are placed around your surgical incision. This is a common part of the procedure and shouldn’t cause you any discomfort.

At home: 

You should set aside a couple of days to relax at home right after your surgery. You’ll be prescribed pain medication for your recovery and will likely experience some limited mobility. In addition, you likely will not be able to drive yourself home. You also will have difficulty with bending, lifting, and standing. Plan to take it easy and not exert yourself.

Daily maintenance: 

Your physician will give you a set of instructions to follow in terms of caring for your surgical area. This might include taking antibiotics and anticoagulants for a certain length of time. In addition, you should refrain from smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and imbibing any other toxic substances during your recovery period. This is because it has the potential to interfere with your healing to a high degree.

The Top Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc is one of the best and most thorough plastic surgeons in the Los Angeles area. If you need a tummy tuck performed with sensitivity and care, schedule a consultation with us today and find out why we’re the best plastic surgeon in Los Angeles.

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Top 10 Breast Augmentation Myths

Breast augmentation can help make an individual’s outer appearance more closely match their inner idea of how they should look. Its dependability and power have made it one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures available for years. Below, we cover our top 10 breast augmentation myths.

However, like many plastic surgery procedures, there are some unhealthy and inaccurate myths that are associated with this procedure. These myths can inhibit patients who might otherwise benefit from receiving this type of treatment.

Top 10 Breast Augmentation Myths

If you have breast augmentation planned or are just thinking about receiving this procedure, take a look at some of the myths you can discount from preventing you from seeking plastic surgery in Beverly Hills. 

1.  Breast Implants Need to Be Replaced Frequently

On the contrary, the materials that compose modern breast implants are designed to be highly resilient and can last for quite a long time. In general, you won’t need to replace them unless they suffer some kind of abnormal fissure, such as a rupture or leak. Engaging in regular checkups can help a physician detect abnormalities prior to any kind of issue arising.

2.  Saline Implants are Safer

Saline and silicone implants are both considered safe, and the choice mostly amounts to personal preference in terms of the feel of the implants. Each type of implant carries with it its own set of distinctive advantages. One advantage that comes with saline implants is that in the case of a rupture, the salt water that fills saline implants is completely natural.

3.  Breast Implants Can Create Health Risks

Breast implants are considered safe by the medical community and the FDA. Getting approved by the FDA requires passing rigorous tests. Over the course of decades of study, there have been very few associations made between breast implants and lasting health issues.

4.  Augmented Breast Appear Unnatural

The process that surrounds breast implants has been much refined over the decades. Patients can now expect to have more natural-looking results than what one’s stereotypical image of an individual with implants might look like. This opens up the opportunity for patients with various tastes to consider receiving this type of surgery.

5.  Implanted Breasts Can Impact Breastfeeding

This is a myth that has very little bearing in reality. Most patients receive breast implants at a young age, which allows the implants to integrate into their body prior to child-bearing age. A successful implantation should not interfere with normal breastfeeding.

6.  There are No Limits to Breast Implants

The goal of a breast augmentation process is to create the most satisfying and natural appearing results possible. This means that sometimes there need to be limits to the amount of growth and cup size that can be given to a patient for safety and aesthetic reasons. A patient’s height, weight, and breast size are contributing factors to this.

7.  Only Young Women Can Receive Breast Implants

It is true that younger women are the primary patients who receive breast augmentation, they aren’t the only individuals who receive this treatment. Many older women choose to receive this treatment after childbirth or as their bodies lose their tightness and youthful features.

8.  Breast Implant Surgery Can Be Performed by Any Plastic Surgeon

Like any complex plastic surgery, skilled specialists with a successful history of performing the procedure are to be sought out in order to create the best results. This is why vetting your surgeon prior to your procedure is highly important for any patient.

9.  Breast Augmentation Offers Immediate Results

There will be a clear difference in size almost immediately following your procedure. However, this doesn’t mean that the full bearing of your results will be completely apparent immediately following your procedure. Patients often have to wait a few weeks for the swelling from their procedure to completely subside and settle into their final appearance.

10. Larger Implants are Better

The best type of implant is the kind that fits and complements the form of the patient the best. In fact, the idea that breast implants need to be large in order to be successful is a slightly outdated conception. In fact, it’s more in vogue nowadays to produce more modest and natural-looking results in the implant process.

The Top Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery is considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Southern California. If you have an interest in receiving breast augmentation in Beverly Hills and are curious whether or not you would benefit from this procedure, contact us today in order to schedule a consultation.

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Top 8 Reasons Patients Choose Breast Revision

Feeling confident about one’s appearance is important. Many women experience changes in their breasts throughout life due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, and natural aging. A breast revision is a great opportunity for women to address their concerns with their breasts. Whether it’s the size, shape, or overall appearance, a breast revision is a great way to enhance the look of your breasts. Below you will find the top 8 reasons patients choose breast revision.

Top 8 Reasons Patients Choose Breast Revision

A breast revision is a great way to improve the look of your breasts and boost your confidence. Patients report an increase in self-esteem after a revision due to the success of their results. Consider the following reasons patients choose a breast revision. 

Implant Replacement: 

Breast implants are a great investment into your body. While they are a long-term solution, they are not permanent. Many patients need breast revision surgery every ten to twenty years. This is completely normal as natural wear and tear ultimately necessitates replacement. Working closely with your plastic surgeon on your progress is key in determining when you need a breast revision. 


Unwanted symptoms, such as pain or discomfort, point towards the need for a breast revision. A revision is beneficial for those who have breasts that are sensitive or tender. It’s also beneficial if you experience redness or burning, unusual swelling or firmness, or changes in the size and shape of your breasts. You should not have to live with these unwanted symptoms and a breast revision can provide substantial relief.

Capsular Contracture: 

Capsular contracture occurs when your body forms scar tissue around the implant. This can happen to some patients as your body is responding to a foreign object. Capsular contracture can cause pain and impact the appearance of your breasts. A breast revision in Beverly Hills can address these issues.

Aesthetic Issues: 

A revision may be necessary if you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts. Some women experience rippling or incision scars. These can impact the aesthetic of your breasts and impact your confidence. An augmentation is intended to improve the look of your breasts so consult with the best plastic surgeon in Los Angeles if you are unhappy with the look of your breasts. 

Deflation or Rupture: 

An augmentation that results in deflation or a rupture are agreat reasons to get a breast revision. While it is very rare, a revision is necessary to address the complication. If left untreated, there are health and safety risks.

Changes In Breast Shape: 

The natural aging process, weight changes, and pregnancy can impact the look, shape, and size of your breasts. A breast revision can dramatically improve changes to your breast. Each patient is uniquely different so a consultation is a great place to start. A skilled plastic surgeon can create a customized treatment plan to ensure your aesthetic goals are met. 

Implant Change: 

Saline and silicone breast implants are both used to enhance breasts. Some patients get a breast revision to change their implants from saline to silicone or the other way around. There are unique advantages to each so it’s important to work with a skilled plastic surgeon on which one is right for you. However, changing the type of implant you have is a common reason for a breast revision.


While it is rare, some patients are unhappy with their results. It may be due to an inexperienced surgeon, issues with the size, or something else. If you are unhappy with the results, consult with a skilled plastic surgeon to get their advice. A breast revision surgery can improve the look of your breasts to ensure they meet your expectations.

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Pros and Cons of Natural Breast Augmentation

Enhancing the look of your breasts can improve your overall aesthetic. It can ensure your clothes fit better, your body is proportional, and dramatically boost your confidence. Natural breast augmentation is a popular alternative to traditional surgical breast procedures. It enhances the size and shape of your breasts nonsurgically. The procedure utilizes your own body fat to create fuller and more voluminous breasts. Consider the following pros and cons of natural breast augmentation.

Pros and Cons of Natural Breast Augmentation

Due to the natural aging process and other factors that impact your breasts, many women consider breast procedures. There are several reasons why natural breast augmentation is beneficial. As with any procedure, there are also some cons. Consider the following pros and cons of natural breast augmentation.

Pros of Natural Breast Augmentation

Natural Aesthetic: 

The pro that most patients love about natural breast augmentation is the natural look and feel of the results. One of the main benefits of a natural breast augmentation in Beverly Hills is that it provides a much more natural look, including both the aesthetic and feel of your breast. This is because it is done using your own body fat.

Secondary Benefits: 

Because the procedure uses your own fat, you get additional benefits from a natural breast augmentation. Not only is the fat used to enhance the look of your breasts, but it is also removed from an area that has excess fat. A natural breast augmentation and plastic surgery in Beverly Hills can result in a more sculpted appearance overall due to the secondary benefits. 

Reduced Recovery: 

Non-surgical alternatives have a much faster recovery period as compared to traditional breast augmentations. A faster recovery period reduces your risk of infection and ensures that you get back to your daily routine in no time. This is a great option for those who live a busy and active lifestyle. 

Cons of a Natural Breast Augmentation

Size Limitations: 

Traditional implants can vary in size as you have the option to dramatically increase your breast size. A natural breast augmentation has more limitations in terms of how big you can go. It can provide a modest increase in breast size, which is why it is a great option for those who want a natural look.

Not For Everyone: 

If you have limited fat in your body, a natural breast augmentation may not be right for you. The procedure depends on fat from your own body as it is harvested and then transferred into your breasts. If you are very lean, a traditional breast augmentation may be a better option for you. It’s important to consult with a plastic surgeon to determine what procedures you are a good candidate for. 

Varied Results: 

In some cases, the results can vary. Because the fat is transferred from your own body, the success of the transfer depends on your body’s acceptance of the fat. In rare cases, the results may not be as expected. When this does occur, it can sometimes result in uneven breasts. 

Natural Breast Augmentation Procedure

If you are unhappy with the look of your breasts, consider a natural breast augmentation at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery. The team is skilled in natural and traditional breast augmentations. They have helped countless patients improve the look of their breasts after weight gain, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. The natural aging process can impact the look of your breasts, which is why an enhancement can dramatically improve your confidence. The first step in moving forward with the procedure is scheduling a constellation. Contact the team at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery today to schedule an appointment!