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Tips to Improve Your Veneers Color

Getting porcelain veneers is a great way to enhance the appearance of your smile. Veneers make the teeth look whiter and straighter and also can change their size and shape. Porcelain veneers are also resistant to damage and can last quite some time. However, veneers are not invincible and can lose their original color over time, especially if not taken proper care of. Your dentist will be able to accurately determine why your veneers changed color and suggest the best course of action. In this article, we will give you tips on how to improve your veneers color.

Do Veneers Stain?

Porcelain veneers are more stain-resistant than natural teeth. Porcelain is less porous than natural enamel, which means it is less absorbent. However, you should still adhere to the recommended diet and lifestyle restrictions to preserve the original color of your veneers for as long as possible. Over time, some discoloration and staining might appear, spoiling the appearance of your veneers. 

Another material used for dental veneers is resin composite. This material is much less stain-resistant than porcelain, and you need to take extra care to preserve its appearance. 

Why Have My Veneers Changed Color?

Dental veneers can change color with time for several reasons, including:

  • Consumption of staining foods and beverages, such as red wine, black coffee and tea, berries, drinks, and candies containing dye, etc. It is best to avoid these types of products as much as possible and brush your teeth immediately after the meal containing them. 
  • Tobacco consumption.
  • You have had your veneers for a long time. Two factors can cause staining in this situation. Firstly, your veneers can be stained and due to replacement just because they are old. Porcelain veneers tend to last for about 15 years and composite veneers—for about 7 years. Secondly, as you age, your gum can start receding, exposing the top part of the veneer. This results in darker spots being visible along the gumline.
  • The adhesive seal that attaches veneers to your teeth is broken. When this happens, food and beverage residue can accumulate between the tooth and the veneer, making the latter appear stained or discolored.
  • Micro abrasions on your veneers. If you use abrasive toothpaste or toothbrushes, it can result in micro scratches on the surface of your veneers. The damaged area absorbs pigment and bacteria, which provides for staining. 
  • The tooth underneath the veneer became discolored or decayed. Modern veneers are made to be partially translucent to resemble natural teeth by letting some light through. This means that if there are issues with the tooth itself, your veneer can appear discolored or stained.
  • The glazing of your veneer is wearing down. In most cases, this can happen if your veneers are too old or if they are damaged. Glazing protects the harder and more absorbent parts of the veneer. When they become exposed, the veneer can become more prone to staining. 

Tips to Improve Your Veneers Color

  • The first and main tip is not to use any at-home whitening solutions on your dental veneers. Unfortunately, such whitening kits are made of natural enamel and are not compatible with porcelain or resin composite. In fact, using whitening solutions at home can make your veneers look worse. 
  • Toothpaste with bleach and baking soda also can damage your veneers, so avoid using them.
  • Make an appointment with your dentist for a professional dental veneer cleaning. Your dentist might be able to remove stains and discoloration and refinish the porcelain glaze. This is the most effective cleaning method for your dental veneers, and it can make them look significantly better. However, in cases when the staining is too severe, your dentist might offer to replace your veneers altogether.

How to Take Care of Your Veneers Properly

Proper and regular care can ensure that your veneers stay white for years to come:

  1. Thoroughly brush your teeth twice a day and floss every night. It is crucial to remove food residue and bacteria to prevent them from accumulating on and between your teeth. On top of that, maintaining proper oral hygiene will help to avoid tooth decay underneath your veneers.
  2. Use a soft toothbrush and a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid micro scratches on the surface of your veneers. 
  3. Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash.
  4. Use a special dental veneer cleaner. Ask your dentist to recommend one that will be the most suitable for your veneers.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly for oral health checkups and professional cleanings to prevent plaque and tartar accumulation and other oral health issues.

Make an Appointment Today

If you are concerned that your veneers do not look as good as they used to, make an appointment at Smiles of Arcadia with a porcelain veneers expert. We can professionally clean your dental veneers and improve their appearance. Do not hesitate to call our office today.

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How Treating Sleep Apnea Improves Oral Health

Sleep apnea is associated with a variety of health considerations, including oral health issues. Interestingly, some dental problems can contribute or even cause sleep apnea. In this article we will talk about the connection between dental health and sleep apnea. We will also answer the question: “How treating sleep apnea improves oral health?” 

Why Is Sleep Apnea Dangerous

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder associated with breath interruptions during sleep cycles. The danger of sleep apnea is that it disrupts oxygen flow to the lungs. This can increase blood pressure, strain the heart, negatively influence energy levels and mental performance throughout the day. Needless to say, these side effects have long-term health complications. 

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea, as any other illness, should be diagnosed by your doctor. However, there is a list of symptoms that, if present, can prompt you to consult a specialist. You might suffer from sleep apnea if the following happens during sle:

  • Loud snoring
  • Gasping for air
  • Interruptions in breathing 
  • Waking up with a headache and/or dry mouth
  • Trouble staying asleep

Also, there are symptoms associated with sleep apnea that can be present during the day:

  • Decreased energy levels and fatigue
  • Decreased concentration and forgetfulness
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety and depression (especially in women)
  • Asthma exacerbation, or bed-wetting in children

Oral Health Issues Associated with Sleep Apnea

Deep and sufficient sleep is crucial for the health of the whole body. Sleep Apnea disrupts sleep cycles, resulting in all sorts of problems. Some illnesses that might develop as a result of sleep apnea include: 

Bruxism (teeth grinding and jaw clenching)

You might not know that you grind your teeth and clench your jaw at night, because it happens involuntarily when you are asleep. Indicators that you have bruxism might include:

  • Headaches, jaw and neck pain
  • Erosion of teeth surfaces
  • Cracked, chipped and even broken teeth
  • Sore spots inside the mouth
  • Lips, mouth and throat dryness upon awakening

Some of these symptoms can be spotted only by your dentist. That is why we recommend having regular checkups at the dental office. Diagnosing a problem at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment.

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder

Temporomandibular joints connect the lower and the upper jaws. Symptoms of TMJ disorder include:

  • Jaw pain
  • Head, neck and shoulders pain
  • Difficulties chewing
  • Clicking sounds in the jaw joints
  • Locked jaw or inability to open or close your mouth for a period of time

Mouth Breathing

Snoring and gasping for air caused by sleep apnea go hand in hand with breathing through your mouth instead of your nose. This leads to mouth and throat dryness and tooth decay. It also increases the risk of mouth sores, gingivitis (gum inflammation), and gum disease.

How Treating Sleep Apnea Improves Oral Health

We recommend getting a professional opinion as soon as possible if you suspect you might have sleep apnea. Your dentist might suggest ways to alleviate the some symptoms of sleep apnea, making its negative effects on oral health less pronounced.

Possible courses of action for treating negative consequences of sleep apnea for oral health can include:

  • Your dentist might refer you to a specialist who can prescribe CPAP treatment. A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine generates pressure with the help of a small and quiet motor. The air is taken in through a filter, pressurized, and delivered via a tube to the mask worn by a patient during sleep.
  • Orthodontics treatments might be used to fix teeth and bite misalignment. This can reduce strain in the jaw joints, reduce neck and back pain.
  • Dental mouthpiece can be used in managing teeth grinding and jaw clenching habits. In fact, this is an extremely effective way to improve sleep and oral health. Ask your dentist to recommend a mouthpiece that is suitable for you. 

Sleep apnea treatment and available dental treatments for problems associated with sleep apnea, can noticeably improve oral and overall health. The risks of tooth decay and gum disease can be significantly reduced as well. This can have a positive influence on the heart and digestive system, as these are two organs weakened the most by dental infections.

Make an Appointment Today

As we mentioned before, untreated sleep apnea can be associated with a big range of cardiovascular (hypertension, atherosclerosis), brain (stroke, brain damage, cognitive dysfunction), metabolic (diabetes, obesity), and systemic (depression, anxiety) issues. Normal sleep is extremely important for staying healthy and having a good quality of life.

Make your first step towards improving your sleep and dental health today by making an appointment at our office. We are looking forward to welcoming you at Smiles of Arcadia. 

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How Do Full Mouth Implants Feel?

Implants are a fantastic modern solution for people who need to replace their natural teeth. Tooth loss can occur due to many different factors, but regardless of the reason, it causes significant inconvenience in daily life. Dental implants can be used to replace one tooth or as many as the whole set of 32 teeth. If you are considering choosing implants as a dental restoration option, you might be wondering: how do full mouth implants feel? Below we will answer this question and talk about the procedure of dental implants in our dental office.

What is Full Mouth Implants Dental Restoration?

Full mouth implants solution does not mean that you will have screws for all 32 teeth inserted in your mouth. Typically, 4 or 6 implant posts are used per arch. This number is sufficient for supporting full fixed arch or prosthetic teeth. 

The Procedure Of Full Mouth Implants

If there are still some natural teeth in your mouth that you need to remove in order to get the full mouth implants for dental restoration, it will be done as a first step. The procedure of getting full mouth implants starts with a scan and checking your medical history to make sure that you are eligible for receiving dental implants and that your mouth will be able to heal successfully. Then a customized treatment plan is made. Choosing the shape, size, and shade of your future implants is the next step.

On the day of the surgery, the necessary number of metal posts will be screwed into your jawbone, and a temporary set of teeth will be placed in your mouth. Typically, some time is allowed for the implanted posts to fuse with your bone and for the healing process. When this is done, a permanent dental restoration will be placed in your mouth.

How Do Full Mouth Implants Feel?

Dental implants are a very comfortable permanent teeth replacement solution. It has numerous advantages compared to, for example, dentures, when it comes to eating and maintaining oral hygiene. On top of that, dental implants look great. 

This being said, full mouth implants do not feel exactly like your natural teeth. The main difference between natural teeth and dental implants is that the latter, being fully artificial, do not have nerves. The absence of nerves means that dental implants can not feel pressure, changes in temperature, or pain. Having a full set of artificial teeth can feel unusual at first and might require some time to get used to. Typically it takes about 1 to 2 months to get used to having full mouth dental implants.

Dental implants are a considerable improvement in comfort compared to lack of teeth or to dentures. Another advantage of dental implants being artificial teeth is that they will not get cavities or require complicated treatments like, for example, root canal therapy. The only issue that can occur with full mouth implants is inflammation or infection around the 

Full Mouth Dental Implants Versus Dentures


Dentures tend to allow only about 30% of the natural chewing force. This means that eating a lot of the foods you are used to becomes a big challenge or impossible. On top of that, the whole roof of the mouth is covered with dentures, meaning that a lot of the taste buds are blocked from experiencing the taste of food. 

Most dentures use suction to be attached to your gums. You can also use adhesive to help them stay in place. Dentures can sometimes get dislodged or fall out unexpectedly when eating, causing a lot of inconvenience, discomfort, or even pain to the patient. 

You have to take them out after every meal to clean. Also, you should take them out for the night  to store in water or a special solution.

Snapping Dentures

This dental restoration is supported by dental implants. When putting it in, it is literally snapped onto the implanted posts. This makes it more secure than the traditional dentures and gives you about 60 to 65 % of your natural chewing force. 

The snaps can wear out over time and typically have to be replaced every 1 to 2 years. Otherwise the dentures become loose and can start getting dislodged when eating too easily. This type of dentures is removable and should be removed and cleaned well after every meal. You can taste food better with this type of dentures, as they do not cover the roof of your mouth.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

The biting force with full mouth dental implants is the same as with your natural teeth. On top of that, they do not cover the roof of your mouth. The pressure from the bite is distributed evenly throughout the mouth. This means that you will be able to enjoy a wide range of foods without issue. 

When getting full mouth dental implants, everything is completely customizable: the color and shape of the teeth, and even the color of the part representing the gums. Dental implants are made from very strong materials, do not easily break, and tend to last 10 years on average. They are secure in your mouth, are not removable and do not ever shift around or feel loose. 

The cleaning process of full mouth implants is similar to that of real teeth. However, flossing is different and takes time getting used to. You will be taught how to properly care for your full mouth implants by your dentist.

Make an Appointment Today

Getting dental implants can be a big decision to make. But getting dental implants in Arcadia is a great option. In Smiles of Arcadia we will make sure to carefully examine your case and to suggest the best solution for you. Our dental implant specialists are looking forward to welcoming you to our office.

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How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Teeth whitening can offer a patient a big boost in confidence by giving them a brighter and more radiant smile. It’s one of the most requested procedures in dentistry for this very reason. Below, we look at how long does teeth whitening last.

However, many who might be interested in receiving this type of dental work might not know how long they can expect their results. The good news is that, in general, a patient’s results can last for quite a long time if they’re well taken care of.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

If you have a teeth whitening procedure planned, take a look at this overview that describes how long you can expect your results to last.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a set of practices that can make one’s teeth appear whiter. Because having pearly white teeth is one of the most highly sought-after elements of our culture’s beauty standard, these procedures have become extremely popular.

There are many different types of teeth whitening procedures. Some can be bought over-the-counter, while others are applied in-office in the dental office. Each method has its own set of advantages. Some of the more popular types of teeth whitening procedures include:

· Whitening toothpaste

· Whitening rinses

· Whitening strips

· Whitening pens

· DIY whitening tray kits

· In-Office bleaching

· KoR teeth whitening system

· Laser teeth whitening

Your dentist can help to determine what will be the overall most beneficial for your particular situation during a consultation.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Stains

Teeth stains come in a variety of forms that can damage and discolor teeth. The origins of these stains are divided into two categories: intrinsic and extrinsic. Whiter teeth can have a positive

Stains that start inside the enamel of your teeth are known as intrinsic stains. There may be instances of intrinsic discoloration in young teeth and gums. Additional causes of intrinsic staining include dental enamel thinning with age and exposure to fluoride. There’s a chance that it may also have hereditary roots.

Stains that appear on the outside of your teeth are known as extrinsic stains. Exposure to environmental factors that discolor teeth causes these stains. The most prevalent causes of these stains include coffee, smoking, and other staining agents.

Factors That Can Influence Your Longevity

Many of the things that can influence the longevity of your results are the very things that can impact the overall health of your teeth and cause staining in general. Taking note of the following can impact your teeth whitening results to a very large degree:

· The food and drink you consume: If you have a tendency to eat large amounts of sugary foods or foods that have a tendency to stain your teeth, you may impact your results and cause them to fade sooner rather than later. Colas, coffee, wine, and other substances are all examples of things that can influence this.

· The type of teeth whitening method you use: Whether you decide to go with at-home teeth whitening or in-office treatment can have an impact on the longevity of your results. In-office treatments are generally thought to last longer.

· The overall color of your teeth: The color of your teeth prior to your treatment can impact how long your results last. If you have darker-shaded teeth, you might need to return for more extensive treatments in the future.

· How old you are: As one ages, their teeth naturally begin to become more yellow. This means that if you receive teeth whitening treatment later in life, there’s a strong chance that your results won’t last for as long.

Professional vs. At-Home Whitening

One of the main benefits of in-office tooth whitening is that patients may usually see noticeable improvements faster. Nevertheless, even with this kind of tooth whitening, it usually takes several sessions to get the desired level of whiteness.

Furthermore, a lot of these sessions can be costly, and insurance frequently doesn’t cover them. To find out whether your operation will be covered, you might need to get in touch with your insurance company on your own.

Power bleaching and laser therapy are two of the main teeth-whitening instruments in a dentist’s toolbox. Before you get treatment, your dentist can decide which one is best for you during a screening session.

The Best Dentist in Arcadia

Premier Dental Esthetics is widely considered to be one of the best dentists in Arcadia. If you’re interested in receiving a teeth whitening in Arcadia and would like to discuss the prospect with a consummate professional, contact us today in order to schedule a consultation.

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Is Sedation Dentistry Safe While Pregnant?

Dental sedation is a very helpful modern method that helps both the patient and the dentist. Some patients might experience acute anxiety during dental procedures. This makes the process extremely uncomfortable. On top of that, if the procedure is difficult or long, having the patient sedated can help the dentist to perform the procedure in a proper manner. 

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe While Pregnant?

Typically, sedation is considered safe for general patients. However, expecting a child is a delicate condition, and patients want to know if sedation dentistry is safe while pregnant. In this article, we will go through the possible concerns patients may have about the effects sedation can have on the unborn child. Also, the article will help you determine if sedation dentistry is right for you when you are pregnant.

What Is Sedation Dentistry

The main focus of sedation dentistry is to alleviate stress and pain during dental procedures. The levels of sedation depend on the individual needs of the patient and on the length and difficulty of the procedure. There are different types of sedation:

Oral conscious sedation

Medication for this type of sedation usually comes in a pill form. Typically, a patient takes the medication an hour before the procedure. You might expect feeling sleepy or actually falling asleep after taking the medication. But it is easy to wake the patient up, and they can communicate with their dentist without any issues. Patients have to make sure that they have someone to drive them back home after the procedure, as the medication can temporary affect memory and motor skills. 

Intravenous sedation

IV sedation is a deeper form of sedation than oral conscious sedation. The medication is delivered into the bloodstream through an IV line. The dosage of the medication can be adjusted at any point during the procedure if necessary. Also, reversal medications can be used if need be. Typically, after receiving IV sedation, patients fall asleep and later have almost no memory of the procedure. This method is usually used in cases of very long and complicated procedures or if the level of anxiety is unbearable for the patient.

Nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas)

The medication is delivered by inhaling nitrous oxide through the mask. You can expect the calming effects to start in 3 to 5 minutes. The amount of sedation can also be adjusted during the procedure. After the dental procedure, the patient receives oxygen to remove nitrous oxide from their body, which happens quite quickly. Usually, this method does not have any effects once the procedure is over, and the patient can drive home by themselves.

Your general health condition and medical history will determine the choice of sedation appropriate for you.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe While Pregnant

Even though there are different opinions on sedation dentistry during pregnancy, some doctors advise against using this method when pregnant. In fact, sedation has not been proven safe for pregnant patients. The concern is that some of the chemicals contained in sedation medication might pass through the placenta. This can result in developmental issues in the unborn child. 

The stage of pregnancy can also determine if you can have sedation in cases when it is unavoidable. Usually, the second trimester is considered to be the safest time to undergo sedation. Undergoing sedation during both the first and third trimesters can cause problems with development and labor. 

Dental Treatments While Pregnant

There are still options to alleviate the pain during dental procedures while pregnant. Topically applied numbing medications are safe to use for both you and the child.

On top of that, preventative dentistry is a big help when it comes to pregnant patients. Pregnancy brings a lot of hormonal changes to the body. There is also a possibility of higher carbohydrate consumption and an increased amount of acid in the mouth caused by morning sickness. These lead to weakening of the tooth enamel and to cavities and tooth decay. Make sure to constantly maintain good oral hygiene to avoid acid and food debris collecting in your mouth. This can ensure that complex treatments will not be necessary while you are pregnant.

It is a good idea to see your dentist regularly while pregnant to have checkups and cleanings that are totally safe for pregnant patients. These preventative measures will help you avoid health complications caused by tooth decay and infections.

Make an appointment with one of our qualified dentists at Smiles of Arcadia to ensure your and your unborn child’s health.

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What Causes a Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile is characterized by a smile that is filled with your gums. The proportion between your teeth and your gums can have a serious impact on the look of your smile. Too much gum tissue can be distracting and impact your entire facial aesthetic. This can have a serious impact on your self-esteem. In fact, people who have gummy smiles tend to laugh and smile less. Issues with your confidence can have an impact on your professional and personal life. However, there are several treatment options available to address the issue. Before treatment, it’s necessary to determine the cause of your gummy smile. You may wonder, what causes a gummy smile? Below you will find the causes and what you can do to improve the look of your smile.

What Causes a Gummy Smile?

A gummy smile can make you feel insecure and even smile less. This can impact your confidence and self-esteem. There are options to correct the issue. Understanding the cause is critical to improving the issue. Consider the following causes of a gummy smile.

Short Teeth: 

Teeth that prematurely erupt may remain partially covered by your gums. This can make your teeth appear shorter and result in a gummy-looking smile.

Small Teeth: 

The ratio between your teeth and gums can impact how gummy your smile looks. In fact, teeth that are much smaller can make your smile look gummy. Small teeth may be due to genetics or just natural wear and tear.

Jaw Overgrowth: 

An overgrowth of your upper jaw area can cause bulging gums. This can result in your gums looking prominent when you smile. Upper jaw overgrowth is referred to as vertical maxillary excess.

Upper Lip Issues: 

There are a couple of issues caused by your upper lip that can impact the look of your smile. A small or short upper lip can result in a gummy-looking smile. In addition, a hyperactive upper lip can also result in your gums looking much larger when you smile. A hyperactive upper lip occurs when your lip is normal length when your face is at rest. However, when you smile, the upper lip raises too high and becomes nearly invisible.

Enlarged Gums: 

Sometimes the issue is the result of enlarged gums. Enlarged gums are referred to as gingival hypertrophy. The condition is characterized by gums that are long or enlarged.

Gummy Smile Correction Treatment

Due to the impact a gummy smile can have on your facial aesthetic and confidence, it’s important to address the issue. There are treatment options available that can improve the look of your smile. Gummy smile correction is a great treatment option that can leave your smile looking better than ever. This is a great option if the cause of your gummy smile is due to short teeth or overgrown gums. In other cases, alternative options are available. This includes bone surgery or a lip augmentation. A skilled dentist can determine which treatment option is right for you. The first step in moving forward with treatment is scheduling a consultation.

Laser Treatment: 

Laser treatment is a common treatment option to address a gummy smile. The treatment involves the use of a soft-tissue laser. It is used to trim back your gums and leave your smile looking much better. It helps balance out the proportions between your teeth and gums. It is precise and has a fast recovery period. Patients also report minimal discomfort.

Premier Dental Aesthetics

If you are unhappy with the look of your smile, contact the team at Premier Dental Aesthetics. They are skilled in cosmetic dentistry and can help improve the look of your smile. Contact their team today to schedule an appointment to see if gummy smile correction is right for you!

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How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment. It can transform your smile by improving your teeth’ shape, color, and overall appearance. Veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored material that are attached to the front of your teeth. They are customizable to ensure they fit your overall aesthetic. They are long-lasting treatment options but they are not permanent. You may wonder, how long do dental veneers last? Below you will find helpful information about veneers and how to care for them to ensure they last.

How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Most veneers last between ten to twenty years. However, they can last even longer if properly cared for. The lifespan of dental veneers depends on several factors, including the type of veneers, your oral care routine, and individual lifestyle habits. Regular care and maintenance are key to making dental veneers last. Porcelain veneers in Arcadia are the most popular choice as they are long-lasting and look the most natural.

Caring For Dental Veneers

There are several factors that can determine how long your dental veneers last. Consider the following tips on how to care for your dental veneers.

Oral Care Routine: 

It is critical to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brush for at least two minutes and avoid using any abrasive products. If possible, brush after every meal. In addition to brushing, floss daily. Even though you have veneers, oral care is still necessary to prevent decay and other harmful oral health issues.

Regular Dental Checkups: 

Schedule regular checkups at the dental office at least every six months. This is necessary to ensure your oral health. Additionally, your dentist can monitor your progress and address any issues with your veneers early on. Talk with your dentist about when and how often you should visit.

Use Caution: 

Veneers are strong and durable, but they are not indestructible. It’s important to use caution when eating. Avoid biting down on hard substances, such as nuts, hard candy, ice, or other hard foods. In addition, avoid using your teeth as tools. Do not use your teeth to open things or even chew on objects. This can place too much pressure on your teeth and damage your veneers.

Address Grinding: 

Teeth grinding can place too much pressure on your veneers. If you grind your teeth, talk with your dentist about a mouth guard. Using a mouthguard at night can protect your veneers. It is also helpful to address the original cause of your teeth grinding as it is often associated with stress and anxiety.

Avoid Certain Foods: 

Veneers are resistant to stains. However, certain substances can impact the shade of your veneers. Avoid consuming teeth-staining foods in excess. This includes tea, coffee, sugar, and other processed foods. Not only is it good for your health but it can also improve the longevity of your veneers.

Dental Veneer Treatment

If you don’t like the way your teeth look, consider dental veneers. Many people are unhappy with the look of their smile. This can result in laughing and smiling less which can impact your confidence and self-esteem. If you feel like this, schedule a consultation with the team at Premier Dental Aesthetics. They can determine if you are a good candidate for treatment and discuss your overall aesthetic goals. 

The team at Premier Dental Aesthetics is skilled in cosmetic dentistry, including dental veneers. They have helped patients achieve their desired dental aesthetic and improve the look of their smile. In fact, they will work with you to ensure your smile is customized to meet your unique needs. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation!