concept of walk-in vaccination

Can You Have a Walk-In Vaccination?

Vaccines are vital for your health and well-being. Whether your child is due for some important preventative medication or you are looking to build up an immunity to common diseases, you might be wondering: Can you have a walk-in vaccination? Will any doctor’s office allow you to get a quick vaccine with a same-day appointment?

Can You Have a Walk-In Vaccination?

At West Texas Health, the answer is yes! We invite you to visit our comprehensive immunization center where we have same-day services available for many different vaccinations. Find out what types of vaccines are available and what treatments you and your family are eligible for right away. With your trusted Abilene doctors, you can boost your health and your immune system as soon as today!

Preventing Common Illness With a Single Shot

One of the biggest reasons why patients will put off getting their vaccines is fear of pain. If you have never had a vaccine before or if it’s been a very long time since you last had one, you might be intimidated by the process. You might envision a cold and clinical waiting room where you have to endure a long and torturous appointment.

Fortunately, our immunization processes are not as daunting as that. We offer quick and easy vaccine options for patients on the go. Most of our vaccines can be administered in a single injection, although some patients will require more than one medication. A small needle prick is the only kind of pain you should expect. Before you know it, the immunization process will be over as quickly as it began.

Same-Day Vaccinations Offered at West Texas Health

As a proud member of the Privia Medical Group, we hold ourselves to a high standard of healthcare and customer service. We understand the immediate needs of our community and work always to provide accessible, same-day services to all patients. Instead of searching far and wide to find same-day vaccines, you can simply call your reliable neighbors in Abilene and we will get you on our calendar.

We offer a wide range of required and approved vaccines for children and adults, including:

  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Whooping cough
  • Hepatitis B
  • HPV
  • Measles/Mumps
  • Chickenpox
  • RSV

We also offer the flu (influenza) vaccine during certain seasons of the year, as well as updated COVID-19 vaccines using the Moderna brand. We carry a wide range of vaccines so that the correct medication can be made available to patients based on age and current immune health.

Lower Your Risk – Increase Your Benefits

Vaccines are one of the easiest and most important ways to keep your body healthy. You can prevent diseases while building up a powerful immunity against illness. Vaccines carry virtually no risk. However, there are a few side effects to be aware of.

Vaccines function by putting trace amounts of the disease into your body, helping you build strong antibodies against it. You may temporarily feel the symptoms of this disease, which can include things like nausea, feverishness, sore muscles, and fatigue. These symptoms should only last for a couple of days at most. As your body continues to process the vaccine, it builds a shield that keeps you healthy and protects you from getting sick in the future.

Schedule Your Same-Day Vaccine Today!

We allow walk-in appointments for many essential vaccines. Many of our immunization services are required by the CDC, which is why make it a priority to offer these vaccinations all day long. Make sure you and your children do the best for your health by scheduling a much-needed vaccine with our Abilene doctors. You can make a healthy decision for yourself as soon as today. Get in touch with us to learn more!

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What Does a Doppler Heart Test Feel Like?

A Doppler heart test is a non-invasive medical test that creates images of your heart. The test is performed using a handheld device that transmits sound waves throughout your chest. This creates images of your heart that provide valuable information to your doctor. This includes your heart’s function, structure, and blood flow. The test is commonly used to monitor and diagnose heart-related conditions. If your doctor recommends the test, you may wonder, what does a Doppler heart test feel like? Below you will find more information about the test and what to expect.

What Does a Doppler Heart Test Feel Like?

A Doppler heart test is non-invasive and fast. You may wonder what to expect if your doctor recommends a Doppler heart test. In many cases the preparation is minimal. Your cardiology doctors will provide you with instructions on how to prepare. Most often, you will just need to avoid drinking or eating a few hours before the test. Once you are at the office, you will lie on a table so the sonographer can perform the test. The test involves you lying down on a table. The gel is applied to your chest as the transducer is used to create the images of your heart. In some cases, you may need to change positions or hold your breath. This ensures optimal image quality. Once the test is over you can resume your normal activities. 

Why Do I Need A Doppler Heart Test?

A Doppler heart test is an effective tool that your medical provider may recommend for a variety of reasons. Most of these reasons are either to diagnose or monitor a heart-related issue. Below are some of the common reasons why you may need a Doppler heart test.

Congenital Heart Disease: 

A Doppler heart test can evaluate congenital heart disease. This condition involves a defect in one or more of the heart structures during the formation of the fetus.

Heart Failure: 

Heart failure is a condition where the heart muscle becomes weak or stiff during heart relaxation. This results in inefficient blood plumping that can cause serious issues. This includes fluid buildup in the blood vessels and lungs, in addition to swelling in the feet, ankles, and other parts of the body.


A Doppler heart test is an effective tool to evaluate cardiomyopathy. This is a condition characterized by an enlargement of the heart due to thick or weak heart muscles.

Heart valve disease involves a malfunction in one or more of the heart valves. This can cause abnormalities in blood flow in your heart. A Doppler heart test can examine if heart valve disease has impacted your valves. This is common among those who have the condition, as the valves can narrow and restrict blood flow. The condition can also cause leaks, with blood flow moving backward.

Cardiac Tumor: 

A cardiac tumor can occur in any one of the chambers of your heart. It can also be present on the outside surface of your heart or within the muscles. If your medical provider thinks you may have a cardiac tumor, a Doppler heart test can be used to diagnose and monitor the issue.

Cardiology Specialists

Your heart health is critical to your overall health. Because of this, issues with your heart health need to be treated promptly and with care. Apex Cardiology has the top cardiologists who have the necessary skills and experience to address your heart-related issues. They understand how stressful heart health issues can be and are committed to ensuring your comfort and care. Contact their team today if you need care related to your heart health!

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How to Destress Your Heart

It should go without saying that having a healthy heart is vital to living life to its highest potential. Poor heart health has the potential to be highly debilitating and in its most intense degree, deadly. Below, we cover how to destress your heart.

However, there are many different ways that an individual can take their heart health into their own hands and try to improve it, in conjunction with the recommendations of cardiology doctors. Doing so can make the difference between having a healthy heart and developing issues down the line.

How to Destress Your Heart

If you’re considering the health of your heart and would like to stay on top of it any way that you can, take a look at this list of ways that you can help to destress your heart.

Stress and the Heart

Over time, stress has the potential to impact one’s heart health in profound ways. That being said, the exact science behind this can be somewhat difficult to pin down, as every individual’s experience of stress is somewhat different.

However, the effects of stress on the heart have the potential to impact the heart in severe ways, leading to a number of devastating consequences, including the following conditions:

  • Heart disease
  • Mood disorders
  • Sleep issues
  • Appetite issues
  • Decreased energy

In addition, stress can influence one’s behavior, which can lead one to making decisions that are furtherly unhealthy for one’s heart. This includes drinking excessive alcohol, smoking, or eating unhealthy food. Thus, stress management becomes a balancing act between coping with stress and dealing with unhealthy habits.

Ways to Destress the Heart:

1.  Exercise

Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health in general, and it greatly improves your prospects for delaying the development of various health issues of the heart. The type of exercise that you choose to engage in is up to you. However, aerobic exercise is considered key for the maintenance of heart health. Jogging, swimming, and other types of exercise can help improve your blood pressure, strengthen your heart muscle, and help you maintain a healthy weight.

2.  Meditation

Meditation is another activity that can help you maintain a sense of equilibrium surrounding the health of your heart. There are many different styles of meditation available to try, and you don’t have to be an adherent to a particular religion to participate in them. Meditation has been shown to relax the body and the mind, and give individuals an edge in the health of their heart.

3.  Stay Positive

Staying positive has the potential to give you a boost in your heart health. Laughing and keeping a positive attitude has been shown to benefit one’s health in general, and reduce stress hormones, reduce inflammation in the arteries, and increase the beneficial types of cholesterol.

4.  Unplug

We are constantly barraged with various types of information in our modern world due to the fact that we have unlimited amounts of information at the end of our noses all of the time. Although this access to information and entertainment has many benefits, the stress it can induce can affect one’s health over time. Taking some time to unplug from television and your phone can be a big boost to your health in general and give you more time to focus on the things that are truly important in life.

5.  Find Ways to Destress

Sometimes, destressing can be a highly personal process and one that can be quite fun. Actively seeking out things that reduce your stress and make you feel better can involve many different things. This can include activities like the following:

  • Listening to music
  • Taking a bath
  • Taking a long walk
  • Picking up a hobby
  • Focusing less on work

Of course, you’ll have many other options on your hands in terms of finding the things that destress you on a personal level. Brainstorming this with your physician is one of the things that you can do when you consult with your cardiologist.

The Top Cardiologist in Los Angeles

Setting up a consultation with a professional cardiologist can give you a head start on attaining optimal heart health. That’s why finding one that you connect with can be a key element of your long-term health plan. When it comes to the health of your heart, short cuts simply won’t do.

Apex Cardiology is the top cardiologist in the Los Angeles area, giving its patients the best treatment options possible to give them optimal heart health. If you want to talk with an expert about your heart health, then contact us today to schedule a cardiac stress test. 

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How Often Should I Get a Stress Test?

A stress test shows how your heart performs, including how well blood flows through your heart. The test is a diagnostic procedure that measures your heart during periods when it is forced to work harder than usual. Stress tests reveal a lot of information that can help your medical provider better understand your heart health. You may wonder, how often should I get a stress test? Below you will find helpful information about if and how often you should be tested.

How Often Should I Get a Stress Test?

In many cases, people do not ever need to get a stress test. However, if you do, it’s important to follow your cardiologist’s recommendations when it comes to your heart health. If you need to get tested, your doctor determines when and how often you should be retested. In many cases, a retest is not necessary. This is because a stress test is often performed to diagnose your heart-related symptoms. Once diagnosed, cardiology doctors use the information from the stress test to create a comprehensive treatment plan.

Reasons to Get a Stress Test

nuclear stress test is an effective tool used by cardiologists. It can reveal helpful information about your heart-related issues. Below are some of the reasons you may need a stress test.

Symptom Evaluation: 

A stress test is beneficial if you have symptoms of a heart-related issue. A doctor will recommend a stress test if this is the first time you have had symptoms. Additionally, if you were previously diagnosed with a heart-related issue and your symptoms have gotten worse, a stress test is a beneficial tool. Common symptoms that indicate the need for a stress test include chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, and heart palpitations. A stress test is valuable as it can reveal the heart issue and indicate if further testing is required.

Treatment Determination and Assessment: 

A stress test can assess your heart-related symptoms and help your doctor determine which treatment is right for you. Additionally, a stress test can be later used to determine if that treatment is working. A stress test can help manage your heart health, including diagnosing the issue and assessing the effectiveness of your current treatment. In some cases, patients with heart conditions have to stop certain activities. This is generally not permanent, but it is necessary until the heart issue is resolved. Because of this, a stress test can determine whether you can return to your normal activities.

Assessment Tool For High-Risk Patients: 

If you are high risk for cardiovascular disease, a stress test may be necessary to initially evaluate your heart function. Risk factors include patients with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, smoking, lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet, excess alcohol consumption, or a family history of premature heart disease. Early intervention is key when it comes to managing your heart health. Those at a higher risk need to consult with medical professionals early and regularly to ensure optimal health.

The Importance of Heart Health

Your heart health is critical to your overall health. In fact, your heart is your body’s lifeline as it is responsible for distributing blood all throughout your body. A healthy and efficient heart ensures optimal cardiovascular and overall health. However, issues with your heart can impact your daily life and long-term health. If you have a family history of heart health issues or have any symptoms of heart problems, contact a medical professional right away. A cardiologist can help diagnose and treat your condition. They can also help you with preventative measures to ensure your heart stays healthy. 

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How Often Should I See My Primary Care Doctor? 

Your primary care doctor exists as your first point of contact for any health issues you may be experiencing. But the doctor is not just a resource when you are sick; it is important to schedule regular checkups to make sure you are still practicing good health. Since a lot of our Abeline doctors recommend seeing the doctor several times per year, a lot of our patients tend to ask: How often should I see my primary care doctor? 

How Often Should I See My Primary Care Doctor? 

Everybody has different medical needs, so the answer can vary from person to person. Below, we will outline some general guidelines for visiting your primary care doctor. It is important that you understand all of the benefits available to you through your PCP, so you should visit as often as you feel is necessary. 

What Your Primary Care Doctor is For 

Primary care exists as a one-stop shop for a variety of ailments. This is the doctor you should establish a relationship with and continue to visit as the years go by. This is the person you should trust to help you with routine check-ups, check-ins, and prescriptions. If you are feeling sick or have a sudden injury, you can also visit your primary care doctor for help. Depending on the intensity of your symptoms, you may be referred to a specialist or sent to the hospital for additional care.

Why You Should Visit Your Primary Care Doctor Often

It is really important that you establish regular care with a primary doctor. This person can get to know you and your medical history as you go through life. This is the doctor you can rely on whenever there is a change in your health, or even if you have a quick question about your treatments. 

Other benefits of visiting your primary care doctor include: 

  • Regular check-ins allow you to more closely monitor your health over the years
  • You can catch certain medical issues early and invest in preventative care, avoiding poor health and expensive treatment down the line
  • Discover certain health problems before they grow worse
  • Save time and money by visiting your doctor more often 
  • Create a trusting relationship with your doctor who will always be looking out for your best interests

Committing to regular care means committing to a lifetime of health and happiness. You can both prevent issues before they appear and boost your overall health by learning about different lifestyle practices. Your doctor will be happy to help you out in a way that works best for you. 

Exactly How Often Should You Visit the Doctor?

The number of times you visit your doctor is determined by many factors, including age and overall health status. If you are in good health and you are below 50 years of age, you should visit your doctor at least once a year. However, you may have additional concerns that will cause you to schedule more frequent check-ups with your PCP. 

Similarly, anyone who is over the age of 50 or who has been diagnosed with an illness should visit their doctor more than once per year. You can work to create a professional plan of care that will allow you the flexibility of visiting your doctor only when you need to. As long as no other issues arise, you can expect a fairly regular schedule between you and your doctor. 

Get Caught Up with Your Primary Care Needs Today

If you have not visited the doctor in a long time, it is never too late to get back on track. You can establish a great relationship with one of our primary care doctors in Abilene to work through your health issues and get great preventative care. We are accepting new patients in west Texas right now, so give us a call and schedule your first appointment for a lifetime of great healthcare!