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What to Buy for Breast Reduction Recovery?

You’ve decided that investing in some products to help during the recovery process of breast reduction would be beneficial, and that is often the case, depending on what you purchase. The key to getting back on your feet and feeling normal as painlessly as possible is choosing appropriate items that support your recovery. Yes, your plastic surgeon will provide you with what you need following your reduction mammoplasty, but there may be a thing or two you should consider purchasing that will promote a more restful recovery. With so many products being advertised as helping recover after a surgical procedure, it can get overwhelming to determine what you need and what you would be wasting your money on. Discover effective products you should buy for breast reduction recovery.

What to Buy for Breast Reduction Recovery?

Comfortable Clothing

Your plastic surgeon and care team will provide you with all the post-op necessities required to prevent infection and manage recovery symptoms. Additionally, it may be beneficial to splurge on some post-op luxuries as well.

  • Post-Surgery bras. If you are someone who prefers to wear a bra, even during recovery, some options will limit any discomfort. Look for bras that have a front closure, which will make it easier to put on and take off than a back closure.
  • Loose-fitting tops. Following your procedure, you will want to limit the amount of pressure applied to breasts as much as possible. Looser-fitting clothes are going to provide less pressure and more comfort post-op. Consider button-ups or zipper hoodies for easy dressing that reduces the amount of movement necessary. Soft stretch materials are going to offer the most comfort and breathability.

Supportive Pillows

  • Body pillows. Body pillows offer support and comfort during recovery. They can provide easier access to positions that better alleviate any pressure your breasts may be under.
  • Extra pillows. Elevation to reduce swelling is a tried and true home remedy. Extra pillows are good for keeping areas of the body elevated to support blood flow and reduce bruising and swelling.

Supplies for Pain Management

  • Pain relievers. With any surgery, you are likely to experience some discomfort. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are a great way to ease pain and can be alternated for maximum pain relief.
  • Ice packs. From sports injury to post-op icing, the affected area is always a go-to remedy to reduce swelling and ease pain. Gel packs are a great option for ice packs as they can be molded to suit your needs.
  • Cold water bottle. If you are on the hunt for something a little sturdier than ice packs, a cold water bottle might be for you. Like a hot water bottle, cold water bottles are typically silicone and are used to ease pain and swelling. The only difference is that instead of hot water, you will fill the water bottle with very cold water.

Surgery Site Care Supplies

  • Bandages and gauze. Your care team will provide you with any wound care supplies you may need, but having some extra on hand is never a bad idea.
  • Nonstick pads. Nonstick pads are a great tool in wound care. They keep any blood or seepage from fusing into the gauze. This keeps the gauze from removing the layer of dried blood or infection from being torn away during removal and reopening the wound.
  • Antiseptics. Any antiseptics or topical ointments should not be applied unless specifically stated by your physician. All after-surgery instructions must be followed. If it pertains to the care and recovery following your procedure, consult with your doctor before going any further. Your care team is a vital resource during the recovery process of a reduction mammoplasty.

The Road to Recovery

When being diligent on your road to recovery, it is important to consult with your surgeon about any specific details about your recovery. Techniques and recovery procedures vary from surgeon to surgeon, and there is no universal technique that is good for everyone. Any information gained that doesn’t come from your surgeon or care team should not be implemented above your official post-op instructions. Instructions provided by your healthcare team always take precedence.

However, adding in a few purchases for comfort that alleviate pressure and reduce swelling will very rarely get any argument over. Remember, these products are not necessary for a healthy recovery. Purchasing products that are going to aid in your recovery doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a couple of well-informed purchases, you will be on your way to optimal recovery.


Dickie, S. (2022). What to expect after your breast reduction surgery.

Featured image for Does Breast Reduction Leave Scars?

Does Breast Reduction Leave Scars?

Breast reduction is a plastic surgery procedure that reduces the overall size of an individual’s breasts. This surgery can have a huge positive impact on a person who is facing issues like back pain and sleeping difficulties as a result of their chest size. Though the surgery can improve a person’s well-being, many still have questions about the side effects of this procedure. Specifically, prospective patients ask questions such as “Does breast reduction leave scars?”.

If you have a breast reduction surgery planned and are worried about the scarring you might incur, take a look at this guide that can help you navigate this element of the procedure.

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction refers to a surgery that reduces the size of one’s breasts. People undergo the procedure for a range of cosmetic, medical, and functional reasons. The surgery can be performed for males or females.

Does Breast Reduction Leave Scars?

Most breast reduction procedures will leave some scarring. These scars form along the lines of incisions that your physician will make to access your breast fat. These incision lines will become scar tissue that differentiates from your natural skin tone. Still, there is a high level of variability in relation to the look of the scars that form after your surgery. The look of your breast reduction scars will depend on the following factors:

  • The type of breast reduction procedure performed
  • Your breast size
  • Your breast shape and symmetry
  • The scale of your breast reduction

Will Breast Reduction Scars Fade Naturally?

Many patients find that their breast reduction scars do significantly fade over time. Although every patient has a unique recovery timeline, the following benchmarks are generally accurate:

  • Six weeks: For the first six weeks following your procedure, you will have bandages over your surgical site. Your physician will provide some guidelines advising you when to remove your bandages. In this initial period, your scars may be quite noticeable.
  • Six months: Within the first six months of your procedure, your scars will still likely be quite noticeable. You will not need a bandage to cover your scars at this point. The inflammation surrounding the scarred parts of your breasts will likely have significantly subsided at this point.
  • One year: Within one year of your initial procedure, you should find that most of the scarring you have experienced has subsided. The slightly off-colored scars may still be visible to a small degree.

Habits to Avoid

Some activities may exacerbate the formation of breast reduction scars on the body. The following activities should be avoided in order to reduce the chance of making your breast reduction scars worse:

  • Scratching your scars
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Sun exposure

In addition, you should take steps to ensure that your surgical site and scars remain clean and free of interfering factors in the first several weeks following your procedure. Keep an eye on any excess swelling or pain that arises that seems beyond the scope of what your doctor says is expected.

Treating Breast Reduction Scars

There are several treatments available for eliminating or heavily reducing the presence of breast reduction scars. The following are effective scar removal options:

  • Silicone ointment
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Massage
  • Laser treatments
  • Creams and ointments

You should discuss with your physician which of these treatments would work best for your particular situation.

There are some risks inherent in attempting to reduce or remove breast reduction scars. Your physician may warn you about the following:

  • Further skin discoloration
  • Itching
  • Peeling skin
  • Numbness
  • Injection site pain

Considering these risks can help you determine whether eliminating these scars is ultimately in your best interest. Your physician can advise you on your risk for side effects based on your medical profile.

Your Best Option in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc. is widely regarded as one of the best celebrity plastic surgeons in California. If you would like to discuss a breast reduction procedure with a professional, contact our office today to schedule an appointment.