concept for does root canal treatment hurt

Does Root Canal Treatment Hurt?

Root canal treatment is a standard procedure performed in cases of severe tooth decay. But does root canal treatment hurt? Please read our article to learn more about the procedure, its benefits, and recovery tips.

Does Root Canal Treatment Hurt?

Modern anesthetics allow dentists to perform even the most invasive treatments with little to no discomfort for the patient. Root canal treatment is not an exception, and most patients report not feeling any pain during the procedure. In some cases, patients might feel discomfort or slight pain during the root canal treatment. However, your dentist might be able to adjust the strength of the anesthetic during the procedure if you are in pain. 

Once the anesthetic wears out after the procedure, you will most likely feel soreness and tenderness at the treatment site for a couple of days. But keep in mind that the tooth decay pain you most likely experience before the procedure is much greater than that you might feel after the tooth is treated. The post-root canal treatment soreness typically can be remedied with over-the-counter painkillers, such as Ibuprofen. 

If you feel a lot of anxiety because of the upcoming procedure and if your pain tolerance is very low, ask your dentist about sedation dentistry. It might be a good option for you, as the relaxant is administered before the procedure begins and allows the patient to go through the procedure without stress. 

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is done in cases of severe tooth decay. It involves accessing the pulp chamber of the tooth and removing the infected pulp. After your dentist cleans the canals of the tooth from infection, they will be filled with a special biocompatible dental material and sealed. This prevents the reinfection of the tooth. 

In some cases, if the infection severely weakens the tooth, a dental crown is placed on top of it after the root canal treatment is complete. The crown reinforces the tooth and protects it from future damage. 

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

To help cope with anxiety about root canal treatment, keep its benefits in mind:

  • Root canal treatment helps eliminate the source of the infection in the mouth, preventing the surrounding teeth from also getting infected and decaying. Thus, it improves your oral health.
  • Root canal treatment helps save the infected tooth from extraction and avoid more complicated and expensive treatments, such as dental implants, in the future. 
  • By eliminating the harmful bacterial growth in the mouth, root canal treatment helps prevent gum disease—chronic infection of the gum tissue. Gum disease is a dangerous condition because it weakens the support for the teeth and can penetrate and destroy the jawbone, leading to tooth loss. 
  • Root canal treatment improves your general health. Bacteria and infection in the mouth can negatively affect the well-being of other organs in the body, for example, the gastrointestinal system. The health of the gut is closely linked to the appearance of the skin and the mood and energy levels. Also, gum disease is associated with heart, lung, joint, and blood sugar issues. Thus, by treating tooth decay with a root canal procedure, you can boost your quality of life. 

Recovery Tips After Root Canal Treatment

To make sure that your recovery is fast and smooth, follow several tips we list below:

  • Avoid eating for several hours after the procedure, especially while the anesthetic is still working. 
  • Chew your food on the other side of the mouth for a couple of days after the procedure to avoid damaging the newly restored tooth and let it fully heal.
  • Adhere to a soft diet that does not require a lot of chewing or biting for several days after the procedure. The options of such a diet might include yogurts, cottage cheese, smoothies, pate, soft pasta, etc. 
  • Use cold compresses if you experience swelling. Apply the compress for 15 minutes at a time to the outer side of your chick and take 30-minute breaks between the applications.
  • Keep your head alleviated during the night to reduce the swelling.
  • Take over-the-counter painkillers if you feel soreness or pain. However, remember to never exceed the recommended dose. 
  • Maintain thorough oral hygiene by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every night. Also, rinse your mouth with warm salt water after every meal.
  • Avoid sports and other strenuous activities for at least a week after the procedure. 

Make an Appointment Today

If you have signs of severe tooth decay and experience pain, do not hesitate to make an appointment at Smiles of Arcadia today. A root canal in Arcadia is an effective way to eliminate the infection in the mouth, save your tooth from extraction, and boost your oral and general health. Our specialists will ensure that the procedure is stress-free. We are looking forward to your visit.

Featured image for How to Prepare for Root Canal

How to Prepare for Root Canal

Many patients find an upcoming root canal treatment daunting. However, root canals are a common, safe, and well-researched procedure that has been used in dentistry for decades. In most cases, root canal treatment is pain-free and stress-free. Please read our article to learn how to prepare for a root canal and ensure the procedure goes as smoothly as possible.

How to Prepare for Root Canal

A root canal procedure typically does not require a patient to have complicated preparations. However, the tips we list below might help you to have a more stress-free procedure.

Abstain from Alcohol and Tobacco Before the Procedure

Both alcohol and tobacco products slow down the body’s healing processes, which are necessary for recovery after the root canal. Also, alcohol and tobacco can interfere with the anesthetic or sedation that will be administered before the procedure. Thus, it is advisable to avoid these products for at least 24 hours before the root canal treatment. 

Get a Full Night’s Rest Before the Procedure

After a root canal treatment, your body will require strength to recover properly. The body’s ability to heal and restore itself is most effective when we are asleep. For a smoother and faster recovery, we recommend sleeping for at least eight hours the nights before and after the procedure.

Eat Before the Procedure

It is recommended not to eat for a couple of hours after the procedure, especially before the anesthetic wears out, to avoid damaging the restored tooth or biting yourself. So, having a filling, nutritious meal before the procedure will help you sustain yourself until you can eat again and give you the necessary energy for recovery. However, if you are going to be sedated during the procedure, ask your dentist about the appropriate eating schedule beforehand, as it might be necessary to abstain from food for a longer period. 

Stay Informed About the Procedure

Ask your dentist all your questions during your consultation. Staying informed about the procedure, the preparation, and the recovery period can help relieve anxiety about root canal treatment and make the procedure much smoother than it would be otherwise. Remember that your dentist would not recommend this procedure if it did not benefit you.

Ask Your Dentist About Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry can be a good option for patients who experience acute anxiety and stress before operations. Mild or complete sedation can help the patient feel calmer during the treatment and simplify the procedure. 

Think of Ways to Relieve Anxiety if You Are Nervous

Beyond sedation dentistry, there are other ways to relieve dental anxiety. We have already mentioned that having your dentist answer your questions and learning about the procedure’s benefits can help you stay calmer. You can also try exploring breathing and relaxation methods, ask a friend to accompany you, and plan to reward yourself for going through with the treatment.

Take the Medication Prescribed by Your Dentist

In some cases, your dentist might prescribe antibiotics or other medication to take before the procedure. Make sure to follow the prescription and the recommended schedule for taking those medications.

Prepare a Soft Diet for After the Procedure

It is advisable to adhere to a soft diet for several days after the root canal treatment to avoid straining or damaging your newly repaired tooth. We recommend preparing the food in advance to avoid the need to travel to the store during the recovery period. Examples of soft diet foods that do not require much chewing include smoothies, yogurt, pure soup, mashed potatoes or other vegetables, pate, soft pasta and bread, etc. Remember that your diet should also be nutritious to give your body the necessary vitamins and energy for healing and restoration. 

Plan Down Time for After the Procedure

It is crucial to avoid sports or other strenuous activities for several days after the root canal procedure. Make sure to plan downtime and take a couple of days off work to be able to rest fully and help your body heal.

Prepare Painkillers and Other Medication in Advance

You might require over-the-counter painkillers and antibiotics (if prescribed by your dentist) for several days after the procedure. We recommend buying these medications in advance and having them on hand during recovery time. You might also need to prepare an ice pack to have cold compresses if you experience swelling after the root canal procedure.

Make an Appointment Today

The dental office in Arcadia offers high-quality, effective, and stress-free root canal treatment procedures to our patients. If you experience toothache caused by tooth decay or any other dental issues, do not hesitate to make an appointment at our office today. Our specialists look forward to welcoming you and your family to Smiles of Arcadia.

The image shows a 3d illustration of teeth in a pattern. Some of the teeth are red and shining to show injury and introduce the signs you need a root canal.

Signs You Need a Root Canal

Root canal treatment restores severely decayed teeth. According to various studies, more than 40,000 procedures are performed each day in the USA. In this article, we discuss signs you need a root canal. 

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Typically, root canal therapy is performed by a general dentist or by an endodontist. Root canal therapy is usually used to save the tooth with severe decay from extraction. The procedure usually includes the following steps:

  1. The infected pulp is removed from the chambers of the decayed tooth.
  2. The root canals are cleaned, filled with dental material, and sealed.
  3. In some cases, a dental crown is placed on a tooth that is significantly weakened by the infection and needs additional support.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Immediate and long-term benefits of root canal treatments include:

  • Root canal therapy removes the infection from the mouth and prevents it from moving to the other teeth and gums. 
  • Root canal therapy helps prevent gum disease, which can occur if an infection in the tooth penetrates the gum tissue. Gum disease can destroy the jawbone structure, undermine the stability of your teeth, and lead to tooth loss. It is also associated with many general health issues, like heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and lung problems.
  • A root canal can solve the problem of bad breath and bad taste in the mouth by eliminating infection and improving overall oral health.
  • Root canal treatment improves general health, as infection in a decayed tooth can often negatively affect other organs in the body and even lead to life-threatening sepsis. 

Signs You Need a Root Canal

Your dentist will be able to recommend the appropriate treatment after a comprehensive exam to determine your oral health condition. Also, the type of the infection and other individual factors can determine what symptoms you experience and how severe they are. Below, we list the signs that might indicate that you need root canal therapy.

  • Toothache that is actively worsening or does not go away
  • Pain or tenderness in the tooth when touched with a finger or a tongue
  • Sensitivity to changes in temperature or to air when breathing through mouth or talking
  • Dark stains on the tooth or tooth discoloration
  • Red, bleeding, or swollen gums around the tooth
  • Pus that comes out of the gums or pimples on the gums
  • Bad taste in the mouth or bad breath that does not go away after brushing and flossing
  • Mobile teeth

Is Root Canal Therapy Painful?

Root canal treatment is performed using an anesthetic. Most patients report not feeling any pain during the procedure, while others may feel minor discomfort or sensitivity. In fact, tooth decay and infection usually lead to much more pain than the root canal treatment can cause. Once the anesthetic wears out after the procedure, you might still feel some pain or soreness for a couple of days. However, the pain will not be as intense as before the procedure and can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers. All unpleasant sensations should subside within a week after the procedure.

How Can You Make Your Root Canal Treatment Results Last Longer?

There are several simple rules we recommend you adhere to to keep your newly treated tooth healthy for longer:

  • Follow your dentist’s recommendations for the root canal recovery period. Avoid hard and chewy foods for several days and take the prescribed medication. 
  • Maintain a thorough oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss every evening, and use a water flosser to enhance your hygiene even more. 
  • Visit your dentist every 6 to 12 months for checkups, professional cleanings, and fluoride treatments to keep your teeth in excellent condition and avoid costly and complicated treatments in the future. 
  • To avoid physical damage to your teeth, do not use your teeth as tools, avoid very hard and crunchy foods, and wear a mouthguard when playing sports. 

Make an Appointment Today

If you identify with any of these signs that you need a root canal, visit your dentist as soon as possible. A timely root canal treatment can help save the tooth from extraction and avoid other complications. Do not hesitate to call our dental office today and make an appointment for a root canal in Arcadia.

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our clinic.