What to Know Ahead of Your Screening Mammogram

Any healthcare physician will tell you about the importance of scheduling a screening mammogram regularly. This is an opportunity to assess the health of your breasts while checking for any abnormalities. These preventative measures can possibly save you from years of pain and expensive treatment. Below, we cover what to know ahead of your screening mammogram.

What to Know Ahead of Your Screening Mammogram

If you are getting a mammogram in Abilene for the first time or for the first time in a while, you are probably eager to learn more. In this article, we will discuss what to know ahead of your screening mammogram so you can be fully prepared for your appointment.

The Preparation Process

You do not need to do anything in particular before your appointment, such as fasting or taking a certain medication. But it is important that you are also mentally prepared. To help the process run more smoothly, make sure you wear clothing with a top that is easily removable. A mammogram requires you to remove all clothing above the waist.

You can bring lotion or deodorant with you to apply after the mammogram, which can provide some instant relief and comfort. However, make sure that you do not use these products before your screening. Certain products can show up as spots on mammogram results, but they will look indistinguishable from other spots, which could be a cause for concern.

During Your Appointment

If you have had a mammogram before, you should bring your records with you. This can help the doctor gauge whether or not there have been any changes since your last screening. Before you begin, you should let the doctor know whether you have implants or if you are breastfeeding. If you have trouble standing up straight and still, please let us know so we can provide you with the proper means of accessibility.

The Mammogram

You will be in a standing position during your mammogram screening. There will be two plates on which each breast will be put. Two upper plates will come down and compress your breast tissue slowly during the screening. It will feel like your breasts are being squished, which can cause some discomfort. You will feel the machine rotating a few times in order to capture images and X-rays of your breast tissue.

Your appointment will last around 45 minutes or less, but the time you will spend with your breasts in the mammogram machine is much shorter. Most screenings take just a few minutes! The machine spends about 15 seconds taking each image, and the doctor will likely take a few images of each breast.

Do Mammograms Hurt?

Some people experience pain during the mammogram screening. Most experience discomfort. A lot of people have avoided their necessary mammogram screenings in the past because they worry about the painful process.

While mammograms can be a bit painful, the sensation only lasts a few seconds at a time. We need to compress your breast tissue to get an accurate and detailed reading of your chest area, as well as to prevent radiation from reaching other parts of your body. You can take Advil or Tylenol prior to your appointment to help ease any feelings of pain.

Assessing Your Results

Once the radiologist receives your mammogram images, testing will begin. The doctor will look for any signs of abnormality, including solid masses that may or may not be cancer. Mammograms are also helpful to measure things such as breast density, fibrous tissue, calcifications, and more.

In some cases, you will receive your results on the very same day that you had your mammogram screening. You may have to wait until the next business day. However, you can usually find your results pretty fast. If you are called back for a second mammogram, do not panic – this is common and can mean a lot of different things. Your doctor may want to simply give you another screening to establish a record of your breast health.

Get in touch with your trusted Abilene gynecologists to schedule your mammogram screening today.