Archives January 2025

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Can You Floss With Veneers?

Veneers are a cosmetic dental solution that can dramatically change the appearance of your smile in just a couple of dental visits. They can solve issues such as stained, discolored, chipped teeth or teeth that are uneven in size and shape. But how do you take care of your oral health when wearing veneers? Can you floss with veneers? In this article, we answer this question and give other veneer care tips to make your dental restoration last.


Can You Floss With Veneers?

The short answer is yes. You can and should floss with veneers, as it is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding cavities and gum disease. Both of these dental health problems can lead to the removal of your veneers to treat the issues. 

Nevertheless, flossing with veneers can be challenging for some people. Let us look at proper flossing techniques with dental veneers: 

  • When flossing with dental veneers, you must be careful and gentle to avoid accidentally dislodging them. Dentists recommend using waxed floss and moving it carefully up and down between your teeth. Do not push hard into the gums or snap the thread against your teeth.
  • Additional tools, such as floss threaders and interdental brushes, can help streamline the process of flossing with veneers. Ask your dentist to recommend the right size of an interdental brush.
  • It is also helpful to add a water flosser to your hygiene routine when wearing dental veneers. Although a water flosser can not replace traditional flossing or brushing your teeth, it has proven very effective as an additional tool. A water flosser uses a stream of pressurized water to loosen food debris and plaque on and between your teeth, making it easier to remove them with a traditional flossing thread and a toothbrush.


Other Veneer Care Tips

As previously mentioned, flossing is essential when wearing dental veneers, but it is not the only thing you need to do to preserve the health of your teeth and the appearance of your veneers. Below, we discuss our essential tips for wearing veneers.


Brushing with Dental Veneers

Brushing with dental veneers is similar to brushing your natural teeth: you should brush twice a day, making sure to clean your teeth on both sides and along the chewing surface. Do not use abrasive or whitening toothpaste on your veneers, as it can scratch their surface and prompt staining and discoloration. Instead, opt for a fluoride toothpaste that will strengthen your teeth and help reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.


A Diet with Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and resilient, but they still can get discolored if staining foods and beverages is a big part of your diet. To preserve the appearance of your veneers, we recommend avoiding the following products:

  • Soda and other drinks containing dye 
  • Artificially colored candies
  • Red wine 
  • Brightly colored juices (grape, carrot, etc.)
  • Berries
  • Curry, paprika, and other brightly colored spices
  • Black coffee and tea
  • Beetroot and carrots

If you consume any staining foods or drinks, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth immediately after the meal, if possible.

Additionally, to avoid cracking or chipping your veneers, abstain from hard foods, foods that require significant biting force (for example, whole apples), or crunchy foods, such as crackers, nuts, etc. 


The Importance of Regular Dental Visits

Visiting your dentist every six months for a check-up and a professional cleaning will help preserve the appearance of your veneers and ensure that any dental health issues are spotted and treated in time. 

Even if you brush and floss thoroughly, some food debris and plaque are still likely to accumulate on your teeth and veneers over time. These substances can cause cavities and gum disease, but they also can make your veneers appear stained or discolored. If this happens, do not use over-the-counter whitening solutions, but consult your dentist. Often, a professional cleaning can significantly improve the appearance of dental veneers.


Make an Appointment Today

If you are considering getting dental veneers or need any of the veneer service procedures, do not hesitate to call our office and make an appointment with a reliable and experienced dentist. At the Smiles of Arcadia dental office, we will help you choose a cosmetic dental procedure that is suitable for your lifestyle and budget.

Featured image for Is Dental Health Genetic

Is Dental Health Genetic?

Some of us have fewer dental issues than others throughout our lives. But what does it depend on? Is dental health genetic, or does preventative dentistry play a significant role in the condition of your teeth and gums? In this article, we answer this question and give tips on how to improve and preserve your dental health.


Is Dental Health Genetic?

Genetics influences most of our traits, including dental health, to some extent. We might be prone to certain illnesses that we inherit from our parents or, on the contrary, be less susceptible to others.

Some people are born with stronger teeth and more resilient enamel, while others have softer enamel with more grooves. Grooves in the enamel make it easier for bacteria to linger on the teeth and can make it harder to clean the teeth sufficiently. Thus, the risk of cavities for people with soft enamel is higher. 

Another genetic trait that can play a role in your dental health is the chemical makeup of saliva. Saliva plays a significant role in fighting bacteria in the mouth. Thus, people with “thinner” saliva can be more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. However, the condition of our general health and dental health largely depends on the amount of care we take for our bodies and our life and diet habits. Below, we give tips on how to preserve or improve your dental health, regardless of the genetics you have.


Dental Health and Oral Hygiene

Even people who are lucky to have strong teeth due to their genetics will soon notice changes for the worse if their oral hygiene is habitually insufficient. Bacteria and food debris that are not removed from the teeth turn to plaque and then to tartar over time. 

Acid and bacteria in plaque and tartar eat away at the enamel of the teeth, causing cavities and gum disease. If not addressed in time, both these issues can eventually lead to tooth loss. Efficient and regular oral hygiene is the most essential preventive dentistry measure, helping to avoid many oral health issues and complicated treatments. 


Effective Oral Hygiene Tips

Here are several tips on how to boost your oral hygiene:

  • Brush your teeth for two full minutes in the morning and before going to bed. Make sure to remove residue from the front and back of the teeth and the chewing surface. Also, clean thoroughly along the gum line, as plaque tends to accumulate along and under the gums. 
  • Choose a brush that is suitable for you and cleans effectively. When brushing along the gumline, do not harm the gums or cause them to bleed.
  • Opt for a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is proven to remineralize and strengthen the enamel of the teeth, making them more resistant to bacteria. It also helps reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.
  • Floss your teeth every evening, removing food residue between the teeth but making sure not to harm the gums with the flossing thread. If flossing is challenging for you, try additional tools such as a floss threader or interdental brushes. 
  • Consider using a water flosser as an additional step in your hygiene routine. When used before brushing and flossing, a water flosser can help loosen plaque and food debris and make it easier to remove them with a toothbrush and floss. It can also boost the effectiveness of fluoride toothpaste and help fight gum disease.
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months for a professional deep cleaning and a fluoride treatment, even if you enjoy good oral health. Most of us have areas in the mouth that are hard to reach when brushing and flossing, especially if the teeth are not aligned perfectly. As a result, some plaque and tartar might accumulate in these areas. On top of that, once plaque turns into tartar, it is impossible to remove using just a toothbrush. Your hygienist has special tools and products to effectively remove both plaque and tartar, thus preventing cavities and gum disease.
  • Consult an orthodontist if you have a significant midsegment, as this can influence how well your teeth can be cleaned daily. In some cases, orthodontic treatment can reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities and improve the general condition of the teeth and gums.


Make an Appointment Today

Boost your dental health by making an appointment with a reliable dentist at the Smiles of Arcadia dental office today. We will conduct an examination of your teeth and gums to offer you an effective treatment plan. Our specialists look forward to your visit. 

concept for what to expect at your first cardiology appointment

What to Expect at My First Cardiology Appointment

Cardiologists specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect your heart. Your primary care provider may recommend a visit to the cardiologist. Heading to your first appointment can be nerve-wracking. However, going to an appointment is necessary for your health. Feeling good about your appointment can ease your fears and reduce your anxiety. You may wonder what to expect at my first cardiology appointment. Below, you will find helpful information to guide you through the process.

What to Expect at My First Cardiology Appointment

Cardiologists are trained to understand issues with your heart. They use advanced tests to diagnose and treat the heart. Echocardiography is a common method to get a good picture of your heart. From there, cardiologists can work on effective treatment plans to ensure you stay in good health. Before you head to your first appointment with a cardiologist, consider the following information to get prepared.

Before Your Appointment

Before your first appointment, prepare any information the cardiologist’s office requests. This may be medical records, family history, and your current medications. Gather as much information as possible to help your cardiologist better understand your current health. This can help them narrow down the possibilities when it comes to your current symptoms.

Note down your current symptoms and the frequency and severity of them. You may feel nervous or easily forget things when you are at the appointment. In addition to your current symptoms, write down any questions that you have. This is helpful so you get a better understanding of your current health.

The Day of Your Appointment

Wear comfortable clothing and arrive early. You may need to dress down for a physical examination. If you are concerned about this, be sure to ask in advance. In many cases, you will need to have a physical examination of your chest.

Arrive at least 15 minutes early to your appointment. This can help reduce your anxiety and ensure you do not feel rushed. You will likely have to fill out paperwork, so fifteen minutes is a great cushion for that. If possible, fill out any paperwork early to streamline the process. Be sure to pack the documents you gathered, your identification, and insurance information.

At the Cardiology Appointment

In the majority of cases, you will be met with a nurse. They will likely measure your height and weight, take your vital signs, and ask about why you are at the appointment. This is all preparation for the cardiologist so they have a good idea of what is going on in advance.

The cardiologist will then meet with you to discuss your symptoms and answer any of your questions. They will discuss the next steps with you to be sure you are on board. Once you both have agreed, they will create a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs. This will likely include a physical examination at the appointment. From there, they will likely order diagnostic testing for a later date. However, some offices may have you do them at the same appointment.

Diagnostic Testing and Your Results

One of the most common diagnostic tests cardiologists order is an echocardiogram. This test allows them to get more information about what is going on with your heart. This is a non-invasive and painless exam. It lasts no more than one hour and is essentially an ultrasound of your heart. Additional testing may include an electrocardiogram (“ECG”), stress test, or blood test.

Once your results are in, the cardiologist will go over them with you. From there, a treatment plan is created to address your health needs. This may include medication, lifestyle changes, or both. Follow-up appointments may be necessary to ensure your treatment is working.

Apex Cardiology

If you need to see a cardiologist, schedule an appointment at Apex Cardiology today!

concept for a nonsurgical neck lift

How Long Does a Neck Lift Take?

The signs of natural aging show up on your neck. This can be in the form of sagging skin, wrinkles, and vertical bands. These issues can be the result of natural aging or poor lifestyle habits. No matter how young your face looks, your neck can show your age. This can impact one’s self-esteem and your overall facial aesthetic. There are several treatment options to address the signs of aging on your neck. There are both neck lifts and non-surgical neck lifts. You may wonder, how long does a neck lift take?

How Long Does a Neck Lift Take?

Addressing the signs of aging on your neck can improve your aesthetic and your self-confidence. Despite the benefits of improving your look, people often wonder about the timeline of these procedures. A traditional neck lift can take several hours to complete and several weeks to recover from. However, a non-surgical neck lift takes much less time and you can see your results in as short as one week.

A non-surgical neck lift includes Coolaser and Neustem. Combining both treatments can easily target the signs of aging on your neck. This includes banding, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, stretchy skin, and uneven texture. Patients with minor signs of aging may only need one to two treatments. However, patients with more advanced signs of aging benefit from four to five treatment sessions. Both can see results within just one week after the first treatment.

Non-Surgical Neck Lift Technology

For patients who do not want to get a traditional neck lift, a non-surgical neck lift is highly effective. A non-surgical neck lift uses Coolaser and Neustem technology to rejuvenate your neck. Combining both treatments maximizes your results, leaving you looking years younger.

Coolaser System

Coolaser utilizes a fractional CO2 laser to treat problem areas around your neck. It delivers precise laser energy that offers several benefits. The laser system eliminates dead and damaged cells. It also tightens your skin and boosts collagen production. Boosting collagen production continues to promote healthy and younger-looking skin even after treatment.

Coolaser lasts no more than one hour, depending on the extent and size of the treatment area. Treatment is fast and comfortable. You can expect to see results within just one week after your first treatment. Due to the aesthetic benefit of treatment, patients often report a boost in self-confidence.

Neustem Treatment

Neustm injections are combined with Coolaser treatments to enhance your results. The injections are used to fill out lost volume. They also help boost collagen. Combining both treatments maximizes collagen production, which lasts well after treatment. Improving collagen production can reduce the signs of aging by improving the look of your skin.

Nuestem injections are fast and smooth, as they take less than thirty minutes. It is done in the same treatment session as your Coolaser. The infections leave your neck looking better by reducing the appearance of wrinkles. They also create a tighter appearance, leaving you looking years younger.

Cosmetic Dermatology Treatment

A non-surgical neck lift is a highly popular cosmetic dermatology treatment. It offers so many benefits as it leaves you looking refreshed and youthful. The non-invasive procedure provides immediate results that last. One of the major benefits of a non-surgical neck lift is that there is virtually no downtime or recovery. You can get back to your daily routine within 24 hours or less.

The first step in moving forward with treatment is scheduling a consultation. From there, a customized treatment plan is created to address your aesthetic concerns. If you are interested in a non-surgical neck lift, contact the team at Epione today to schedule an appointment!

featured image for what to buy for breast reduction recovery

What to Buy for Breast Reduction Recovery?

You’ve decided that investing in some products to help during the recovery process of breast reduction would be beneficial, and that is often the case, depending on what you purchase. The key to getting back on your feet and feeling normal as painlessly as possible is choosing appropriate items that support your recovery. Yes, your plastic surgeon will provide you with what you need following your reduction mammoplasty, but there may be a thing or two you should consider purchasing that will promote a more restful recovery. With so many products being advertised as helping recover after a surgical procedure, it can get overwhelming to determine what you need and what you would be wasting your money on. Discover effective products you should buy for breast reduction recovery.

What to Buy for Breast Reduction Recovery?

Comfortable Clothing

Your plastic surgeon and care team will provide you with all the post-op necessities required to prevent infection and manage recovery symptoms. Additionally, it may be beneficial to splurge on some post-op luxuries as well.

  • Post-Surgery bras. If you are someone who prefers to wear a bra, even during recovery, some options will limit any discomfort. Look for bras that have a front closure, which will make it easier to put on and take off than a back closure.
  • Loose-fitting tops. Following your procedure, you will want to limit the amount of pressure applied to breasts as much as possible. Looser-fitting clothes are going to provide less pressure and more comfort post-op. Consider button-ups or zipper hoodies for easy dressing that reduces the amount of movement necessary. Soft stretch materials are going to offer the most comfort and breathability.

Supportive Pillows

  • Body pillows. Body pillows offer support and comfort during recovery. They can provide easier access to positions that better alleviate any pressure your breasts may be under.
  • Extra pillows. Elevation to reduce swelling is a tried and true home remedy. Extra pillows are good for keeping areas of the body elevated to support blood flow and reduce bruising and swelling.

Supplies for Pain Management

  • Pain relievers. With any surgery, you are likely to experience some discomfort. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are a great way to ease pain and can be alternated for maximum pain relief.
  • Ice packs. From sports injury to post-op icing, the affected area is always a go-to remedy to reduce swelling and ease pain. Gel packs are a great option for ice packs as they can be molded to suit your needs.
  • Cold water bottle. If you are on the hunt for something a little sturdier than ice packs, a cold water bottle might be for you. Like a hot water bottle, cold water bottles are typically silicone and are used to ease pain and swelling. The only difference is that instead of hot water, you will fill the water bottle with very cold water.

Surgery Site Care Supplies

  • Bandages and gauze. Your care team will provide you with any wound care supplies you may need, but having some extra on hand is never a bad idea.
  • Nonstick pads. Nonstick pads are a great tool in wound care. They keep any blood or seepage from fusing into the gauze. This keeps the gauze from removing the layer of dried blood or infection from being torn away during removal and reopening the wound.
  • Antiseptics. Any antiseptics or topical ointments should not be applied unless specifically stated by your physician. All after-surgery instructions must be followed. If it pertains to the care and recovery following your procedure, consult with your doctor before going any further. Your care team is a vital resource during the recovery process of a reduction mammoplasty.

The Road to Recovery

When being diligent on your road to recovery, it is important to consult with your surgeon about any specific details about your recovery. Techniques and recovery procedures vary from surgeon to surgeon, and there is no universal technique that is good for everyone. Any information gained that doesn’t come from your surgeon or care team should not be implemented above your official post-op instructions. Instructions provided by your healthcare team always take precedence.

However, adding in a few purchases for comfort that alleviate pressure and reduce swelling will very rarely get any argument over. Remember, these products are not necessary for a healthy recovery. Purchasing products that are going to aid in your recovery doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a couple of well-informed purchases, you will be on your way to optimal recovery.


Dickie, S. (2022). What to expect after your breast reduction surgery.