How Do Full Mouth Implants Feel?

Implants are a fantastic modern solution for people who need to replace their natural teeth. Tooth loss can occur due to many different factors, but regardless of the reason, it causes significant inconvenience in daily life. Dental implants can be used to replace one tooth or as many as the whole set of 32 teeth. If you are considering choosing implants as a dental restoration option, you might be wondering: how do full mouth implants feel? Below we will answer this question and talk about the procedure of dental implants in our dental office.

What is Full Mouth Implants Dental Restoration?

Full mouth implants solution does not mean that you will have screws for all 32 teeth inserted in your mouth. Typically, 4 or 6 implant posts are used per arch. This number is sufficient for supporting full fixed arch or prosthetic teeth. 

The Procedure Of Full Mouth Implants

If there are still some natural teeth in your mouth that you need to remove in order to get the full mouth implants for dental restoration, it will be done as a first step. The procedure of getting full mouth implants starts with a scan and checking your medical history to make sure that you are eligible for receiving dental implants and that your mouth will be able to heal successfully. Then a customized treatment plan is made. Choosing the shape, size, and shade of your future implants is the next step.

On the day of the surgery, the necessary number of metal posts will be screwed into your jawbone, and a temporary set of teeth will be placed in your mouth. Typically, some time is allowed for the implanted posts to fuse with your bone and for the healing process. When this is done, a permanent dental restoration will be placed in your mouth.

How Do Full Mouth Implants Feel?

Dental implants are a very comfortable permanent teeth replacement solution. It has numerous advantages compared to, for example, dentures, when it comes to eating and maintaining oral hygiene. On top of that, dental implants look great. 

This being said, full mouth implants do not feel exactly like your natural teeth. The main difference between natural teeth and dental implants is that the latter, being fully artificial, do not have nerves. The absence of nerves means that dental implants can not feel pressure, changes in temperature, or pain. Having a full set of artificial teeth can feel unusual at first and might require some time to get used to. Typically it takes about 1 to 2 months to get used to having full mouth dental implants.

Dental implants are a considerable improvement in comfort compared to lack of teeth or to dentures. Another advantage of dental implants being artificial teeth is that they will not get cavities or require complicated treatments like, for example, root canal therapy. The only issue that can occur with full mouth implants is inflammation or infection around the 

Full Mouth Dental Implants Versus Dentures


Dentures tend to allow only about 30% of the natural chewing force. This means that eating a lot of the foods you are used to becomes a big challenge or impossible. On top of that, the whole roof of the mouth is covered with dentures, meaning that a lot of the taste buds are blocked from experiencing the taste of food. 

Most dentures use suction to be attached to your gums. You can also use adhesive to help them stay in place. Dentures can sometimes get dislodged or fall out unexpectedly when eating, causing a lot of inconvenience, discomfort, or even pain to the patient. 

You have to take them out after every meal to clean. Also, you should take them out for the night  to store in water or a special solution.

Snapping Dentures

This dental restoration is supported by dental implants. When putting it in, it is literally snapped onto the implanted posts. This makes it more secure than the traditional dentures and gives you about 60 to 65 % of your natural chewing force. 

The snaps can wear out over time and typically have to be replaced every 1 to 2 years. Otherwise the dentures become loose and can start getting dislodged when eating too easily. This type of dentures is removable and should be removed and cleaned well after every meal. You can taste food better with this type of dentures, as they do not cover the roof of your mouth.

Full Mouth Dental Implants

The biting force with full mouth dental implants is the same as with your natural teeth. On top of that, they do not cover the roof of your mouth. The pressure from the bite is distributed evenly throughout the mouth. This means that you will be able to enjoy a wide range of foods without issue. 

When getting full mouth dental implants, everything is completely customizable: the color and shape of the teeth, and even the color of the part representing the gums. Dental implants are made from very strong materials, do not easily break, and tend to last 10 years on average. They are secure in your mouth, are not removable and do not ever shift around or feel loose. 

The cleaning process of full mouth implants is similar to that of real teeth. However, flossing is different and takes time getting used to. You will be taught how to properly care for your full mouth implants by your dentist.

Make an Appointment Today

Getting dental implants can be a big decision to make. But getting dental implants in Arcadia is a great option. In Smiles of Arcadia we will make sure to carefully examine your case and to suggest the best solution for you. Our dental implant specialists are looking forward to welcoming you to our office.