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What Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Look Like?

A Brazilian butt lift has become an increasingly popular procedure over the last decade. It is a safe and highly effective procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. Many women have undergone this procedure not only for the aesthetic benefits but also for the major confidence boost it presents. You may wonder, “What does a Brazilian butt lift look like?” Below, you will find the benefits of the procedure and why it is right for you.  


What Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Look Like?

A Brazilian butt lift enhances the shape and size of the buttocks. There are several benefits that come with the procedure. Consider the following if you are interested in a butt lift.


Enhanced Curves

A Brazilian butt lift enhances the shape of your curves by lifting the buttocks and creating a rounder and fuller look. The procedure creates smooth contours that look natural yet enhanced. Specifically, the hips and buttocks become fuller, which makes the waist look slimmer and provides a highly desirable shape. The procedure is customized to meet your unique aesthetic goals.


Improved Proportions

A Brazilian butt lift not only enhances your curves but also optimizes your proportions. Because the procedure is customized to your aesthetic goals, you can achieve a balanced and curvaceous shape. For those without shape around the hips and waist, a butt lift can create desirable proportions that show off your body.


Smooth Results

Because a Brazilian butt lift uses fat from your own body for the transfer, the results look natural. Many patients notice a dramatic improvement in the tone and texture of their skin around their waist, hips, and buttocks. The fat transfer smooths out the areas, resulting in smoother skin and a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. Unlike an implant, a butt lift provides natural-looking results.


Addresses Imbalances

Because each body is uniquely different, asymmetry is common, especially in the buttocks, waist, or hips. A butt lift can easily address this. The surgeon can create a more balanced and symmetrical look by strategically placing the injections in the right areas. 


Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

A Brazilian butt lift is unlike other cosmetic surgeries in many ways. The main factor is that it utilizes fat from your own body, usually the abdomen, thighs, or flanks. This results in a thinner and more contoured appearance at the location from where the fat is removed. Once the fat is removed, it is purified to reduce any impurities and prepared for injection. The process ensures that only the lightest cells are used.

The fat is then transferred and injected into the buttocks to enhance their size and shape and create a lifting effect. These actions result in the natural look of a butt lift. A skilled plastic surgeon can customize the butt lift to provide you with results that look right for your specific body size and shape.


Maintaining Your Results

A Brazilian butt lift provides natural-looking results that last. To ensure that your results last, you must maintain your weight by keeping a healthy lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet filled with whole foods is key. It is also necessary to regularly exercise. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. 

Avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as smoking and excessive drinking. Smoking impacts the elasticity of your skin and can accelerate aging, ultimately impacting your butt lift results. Alcohol consumption can lead to weight gain and dehydration. Maintain an overall healthy lifestyle to ensure your results last.


Schedule Your Consultation

If you are interested in a butt lift, contact the team at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.

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How to Prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a very popular cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of the buttocks. It can improve your butt’s size and shape without implants. Rather, your surgeon will transfer fat from other parts of your body—most often, your hips, lower back, abdomen, or thighs—to your buttocks. The surgeon will then strategically inject the removed fat into your buttocks to enhance its size and shape. A skilled surgeon can provide amazing BBL results safely and effectively, but you can ensure the very best results by taking steps to prepare for the procedure. Below you will find helpful information on how to prepare for a Brazilian butt lift.


How to Prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift

Deciding to get a Brazilian butt lift is exciting. Many people are unhappy with the size and shape of their butt, but a BBL can enhance your buttocks and boost your self-confidence. How you spend the time leading up to your BBL will have a major impact on your results. As you navigate the process, consider the following information to ensure an effortless experience.


Schedule a Consultation

The first step in moving forward with a BBL is setting up a consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon. Be sure to only consider plastic surgeons who are board-certified and experienced in the procedure. Choosing a highly qualified surgeon will ensure your health and safety throughout the entire process. During the consultation, the plastic surgeon will evaluate your health, discuss your aesthetic goals, and explain the procedure. You can and should ask any questions you have during this appointment.

Candidates for the procedure should be in good overall health. Good health is necessary prior to surgery to ensure the success of your procedure and the longevity of your results for years to come. Prospective patients should also have realistic expectations going into the operation. Because plastic surgery involves a fat transfer from your own body, you should be near your goal weight before you undergo the process. Once your surgeon has determined you are a good candidate, you can move forward with scheduling the procedure.


Before Your Brazilian Butt Lift

There are several measures you should take before your BBL surgery. Implement the following as you get closer to your surgery date. These practices are necessary to ensure that you are healthy and prepared for the surgery and recovery period.


Lifestyle Habits

Your health prior to the surgery will impact your health both during and after the procedure. Being as healthy as possible before the procedure is critical. Be sure to eat a balanced diet filled with nutrient-dense foods. Specifically, focus on whole foods rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to eating a healthy diet, drink lots of water. Staying hydrated is beneficial for your overall health.

Incorporate exercise into your routine. It is recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.  The exercise you engage in can be anything from walking to exercise classes; just make sure you find something you like so you will stick to it. It is also important to avoid smoking and alcohol as both can increase your risk for complications during the procedure and your healing afterward. If you do not quit both entirely, it is advisable to stop at least 4 weeks in advance of your procedure. Be sure to let your surgeon know what substances you regularly use. They need to have this information to ensure they do not give you anything that will negatively interact with those substances. 


Manage Your Weight

The plastic surgeon will advise you on the ideal weight you should achieve before surgery. Depending on your goals, they may recommend that you gain or lose weight prior to your operation. If your doctor does not recommend any changes to your weight, maintain your weight as best as possible. Weigh yourself regularly to be sure you are on track.

Managing your weight will involve a combination of diet and exercise. Nevertheless, keep in mind that other factors can impact your weight. Cortisol, for instance, is a stress hormone that can impact your weight goals. Focus on managing your stress levels to keep your cortisol at a healthy level. It is also important to get enough rest. Focus on getting at least 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Combining these and other healthy lifestyle habits is crucial to the success of your BBL.


Prepare Your Body

Maintaining your weight and living a healthy lifestyle well in advance of your surgery will benefit your overall wellness and your BBL procedure. In the weeks immediately before your surgery, there are additional steps you can take to prepare your body.

One action you can take to prepare your body for surgery is to increase your protein intake. One to two weeks before surgery, consume between 65 to 100 grams of protein each day. Proteins are necessary for tissue repair and recovery. Thus, increasing your protein intake will ensure a much smoother recovery process. It can also help boost your immune system. Pay close attention to your diet in the weeks before your surgery.


Care For Your Skin

The healthier your skin is going into surgery, the better. Surgery will cause some trauma to the skin, and caring for it in advance can help with the healing process. It is also helpful for creating a suitable environment for the fat transfer. Healthy skin will reduce the risk and appearance of hyperpigmentation and scarring post-surgery. Being proactive about your skincare before your surgery is key.

Hydrating is one of the best and easiest ways to improve the health of your skin. Drink at least eight glasses of water each day. In addition to hydrating, exfoliate your skin to remove dead cells. Exfoliating will be especially beneficial in the areas where the liposuction and fat transfer will be performed. Using products that boost collagen and hydrate your skin after exfoliating is another helpful tip. Use at least SPF 30 daily to avoid sun damage. Talk with your surgeon about any other recommendations they have in regard to skincare. 


Plan For Your Recovery

How you spend your recovery period will have a significant impact on the quality of your results. Most surgeons recommend taking at least two to three weeks off after a Brazilian butt lift. Make sure to rest as much as possible so you can expedite your recovery.

Talk with friends and family before your surgery to ask for help post-surgery. Having people to physically support you after surgery is necessary for optimal recovery. Specifically, you will need someone to drive you home and care for you for at least the first week. This care will include helping you take your prescribed medications and preparing your meals. Rest is the most important priority when you get out of surgery. Enlist and schedule as much help from friends and family as possible.


Organize Recovery Supplies

Recovering from a BBL takes time and patience. In addition to taking time off work and getting help from trusted friends and family, stock up on what you need beforehand. Be sure to prepare recovery supplies—such as compression garments, pillows, and medication—and a space in your home where you will be able to comfortably rest afterward. Make sure that your recovery area is clean and comfortable.

It is also advisable to prepare meals in advance. Healthy meals filled with lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can strengthen you during the recovery process. You will be staying home for a while during the beginning of the recovery process. Plan what you want to watch or read so you have entertainment ready. Doing all of the preparation in advance can make the recovery process a stress-free experience.


Follow Your Surgeon’s Pre-Operative Instructions

Your surgeon will provide you with instructions before surgery. You may get this information at the consultation or a later date. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and in their entirety. Each surgical procedure is unique, so it is important to ask questions if you are unclear about anything. 

You will likely need to adjust your current medications. Surgeons commonly advise patients to avoid taking blood thinners and herbal supplements prior to surgery. That said, always be sure to speak with your doctor before stopping any of your prescribed medications. In the time immediately before surgery, you will likely need to fast. Follow your surgeon’s instructions on when to stop eating and drinking. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shower before surgery.


The Night Before and Day Of Surgery

Prepare for the day of the surgery the night before. In particular, you should set out the clothes you will wear on your way to surgery, prepare a bag of anything you may want or need for the next day, and confirm your check-in time and the address of the surgical location. If possible, have the person driving you to the appointment stay the night with you. Taking these steps ahead of time can relieve a lot of stress and ensure you get to your appointment on time. Be sure to go to bed early. A good night’s rest will do wonders before a cosmetic procedure.

The day of the procedure can be stressful, so be sure to wake up with enough time to avoid rushing and arrive on time for your surgery. Aim to arrive at least 15 minutes early, as you will need to check in and complete paperwork. 


Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

If you are interested in a BBL, contact the team at Gabbay Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation!

concept for guide to brazilian butt lift procedure

Guide to the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

Butt enhancement is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures across the globe, and millions of people are seeking to enhance the look of their backsides through a variety of groundbreaking augmentation methods. Below, we factor out our guide to the Brazilian butt lift procedure.

Brazilian butt lifts, also known as BBLs, are one of the most popular types of methods available to create a pronounced and voluminous backside. There are many advantages to getting this type of butt enhancement, but many patients are unsure how to start, or even what the procedure entails.

Guide to the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

You can read through this short guide to the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure to familiarize yourself with the entire process from beginning to end.

What Is a BBL?

A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical augmentation procedure that uses natural fat from the body to create implants. This is an alternative to using silicone or disc implants. In a typical BBL procedure, the plastic surgeon uses liposuction to remove the fat from the stomach or waist and then injects it into the patient. This creates a natural augmentation in the butt that will lift in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Dr. Chiu, a renowned Board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, makes a surgical incision either above or below the buttocks muscle to create a pocket where the harvested fat will be inserted. Then, Dr. Chiu double-checks the size of the butt cheeks to make sure the size looks natural.

Who Qualifies for a BBL?

Many types of patients would make excellent candidates for our simple and successful Brazilian butt lift procedure. The best candidates for this procedure usually have:

  • A suitable amount of fat available in the stomach, hips, lower back, and waist; there must be enough fat available for liposuction to remove so it can be re-inserted into the buttocks area.
  • A good bill of health, with no underlying medical issues or chronic conditions
  • Healthy eating and exercise habits, refraining from smoking or drinking too much
  • Good expectations of what the surgery entails and what results may look like
  • Missing fat or a lack of volume in the buttocks region

A Brazilian butt augmentation uses the patient’s fat harvested from other parts of their body, using it to form a bigger and more rounded backside for a more aesthetically pleasing look.

What Is the Recovery Process Like?

After you undergo a Brazilian butt lift procedure, it can take a few weeks to recover fully. Dr. Chiu would suggest not sitting fully on your butt for two weeks, though this time may vary depending on how big your BBL is. You might be asked to wear a compression garment around your backside for a few weeks, which helps to keep the harvested fat in place.

No Sitting

The most difficult part of recovery is not being able to sit. You should avoid prolonged sitting, especially on one side of your body, as this can shift the fat around and create some major asymmetry. There are BBL pillows you can buy to help you relax in several comfortable positions without compromising your results. After about six weeks, you can resume sitting normally.

Are BBLs More Popular Than Implants?

A Brazilian butt lift is a great alternative if you do not want silicone implants. BBLs are natural butt augmentations that take from existing fat in a less invasive procedure. While the butt may be able to be shaped more precisely with a butt implant than with a BBL, Brazilian butt lifts often feel and look more natural. Ultimately, the choice of method and procedure is totally up to you.

How Long Do BBL Results Last?

One of the risks of a BBL procedure is that the body will naturally reabsorb some of the fat that is injected into it. That is why our surgical team uses a precise method to make sure as much fat is retained as possible. Despite the possibility of some fat loss, BBLs are still an incredibly successful procedure. At least 60% of the fat injected into the butt will stay in place for a nice, rounded look.

You can enjoy the results for many years before some of the fat starts to get absorbed due to age. While the natural signs of aging cannot be avoided indefinitely, BBLs can help you reshape and restructure your body for a look that lasts for decades.

Get a Personalized BBL in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc. offers the most luxurious methods for a butt lift in LA. Enjoy the rest of your life with a BBL that perfectly suits you when you contact us today.