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Is It Safe to Remove Age Spots with Hydrogen Peroxide?

Age spots, also referred to as liver spots, spots are patches on the skin that typically can appear as people get older. They are usually in areas of the body that are exposed to sunlight often, like the face or hands. Age spots are not dangerous, but some folks look for age spot removal to improve their appearance. One popular approach is using hydrogen peroxide, but that leads to the question, “Is it safe to remove age spots with hydrogen peroxide?” We discuss the answer to this question and delve into the dangers and benefits of this therapy option below.


What Is Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless, liquid, and strong chemical often employed as a disinfectant and cleaner. It possesses potent bleaching abilities that have made it popular for addressing skin issues, like reducing dark spot appearance. It is typically found in different strengths, with the 3% solution being widely used at home. Nevertheless, its efficacy and safety in treating age spots lack documentation.


Is Hydrogen Peroxide Effective at Eliminating Age Spots?

Hypothetically, hydrogen peroxide may be able to lessen the visibility of age spots by disintegrating melanin. However, the available scientific data supporting hydrogen peroxide as a remedy for addressing age spots is scarce. Although it might offer lightening of the skin layer, it fails to tackle the underlying pigmentation concerns. For this reason, the spots might come back after the skin heals, and the results may not be permanent.

The use of hydrogen peroxide also has the potential to create an uneven skin tone. It may not lighten age spots, but it also may affect the surrounding skin area and result in a patchier or inconsistent look. Additionally, the use of hydrogen peroxide on the skin is generally not recommended for any purpose.


The Dangers of Applying Hydrogen Peroxide to Skin

Hydrogen peroxide may have gained traction due to its affordability and accessibility. However, it is very likely to irritate the skin. In higher concentrations, it can not only irritate the skin but also cause burns, scarring, and damage to the skin barrier. If you have sensitive skin, your skin can have an even more severe reaction to using hydrogen peroxide.

Using hydrogen peroxide for age spots may also cause lightening to occur around the age spot instead of on the spot itself and lead to an uneven skin tone. As a result, the dark spots may become even more noticeable.

Following application of hydrogen peroxide, exposure to sunlight may lead to increased skin sensitivity. This enhanced sensitivity could potentially exacerbate existing age spots or lead to the formation of new ones over time.


Better Treatments for Age Spots

If you are looking for hydrogen peroxide for age spot treatment, there are better, more secure methods available. Instead of opting for hydrogen peroxide, consider these alternative treatments for age spots:

  • Hydroquinone: Hydroquinone works by inhibiting an enzyme that is involved in the production of melanin and, as a result, can fade dark spots. A concentration above 2% is not available over-the-counter and must be prescribed by a dermatologist.
  • Retinoids: There are various options of topical retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) available over the counter, such as retinol or retinal. Prescription options include concentrations ranging from 0.01% to 0.1% of tretinoin.
  • Laser therapy: This procedure uses a concentrated beam of light to destroy cells that produce melanin and cause age spots. There are a few different kinds of lasers, and multiple treatments may be needed.
  • Cryotherapy: Also known as freezing with liquid nitrogen, this treatment can get rid of excess pigmentation while facilitating your skin to regenerate its cells. Usually, only one or two treatments are necessary for this procedure. You can expect the treated area to be swollen, blistered, and even scabbed; however, that scab should fall off within a month.

Regardless of what treatment you choose, be sure to always protect your skin from the sun! Wearing sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 can prevent more age spots from appearing on your skin.


See A Dermatologist

For fading your age spots, using hydrogen peroxide comes with various risks. It is better to start with over-the-counter topical treatments that are formulated for evening-out skin tones. If you are unsure where to begin with the slew of products available, consider visiting a cosmetic dermatologist for an expert opinion. A dermatologist will be able to advise on appropriate topical treatments or even procedures for your more stubborn age spots, depending on your skin type. Visit our clinic for a consultation today!

Featured image for How Many Sessions Does Tattoo Removal Take

How Many Sessions Does Tattoo Removal Take?

Not all tattoos stand the test of time. When the luster fades on a tattoo, it is likely time to get it removed. Tattoo removal can remove a massive weight from the shoulders of individuals who are unhappy with any of their current tattoos. However, it is important to know exactly what you are getting into when you sign up for laser tattoo removal. Specifically, you must recognize that complete tattoo removal typically takes several sessions. If you are considering tattoo removal, read this guide, which outlines the process.


What is Tattoo Removal?

Tattoo removal refers to the process of removing permanent ink from one’s skin using laser, surgery, or skin treatments. Several different methods can be used to remove tattoos, but the most common and well-known is laser tattoo removal.


How Many Sessions Does Tattoo Removal Take? 

Generally, fully removing a tattoo can take six to twelve sessions. Although the lasers used in tattoo removal sessions are effective and powerful, tattoo ink can be very difficult to remove completely from the skin. It is much easier to apply a tattoo than to get rid of one, as tattoo ink exists in many layers under the surface of the skin.

Prior to receiving treatment, you can discuss with your laser technician how many sessions they think it will take to remove your tattoo.


What Occurs During Tattoo Removal?

The exact process and timeline of your tattoo removal will depend on the exact type of tattoo removal you decide to receive. The most popular tattoo removal methods are: 

  • Laser tattoo removal
  • Chemical peels
  • Surgical excision
  • Dermabrasion
  • Tattoo removal creams

During your consultation with your physician, you will have the opportunity to discuss what type of tattoo removal will work best for your particular situation. Your physician may ask you questions regarding your tattoo, including the following:

  • Have you had any prior tattoo removals?
  • When did you receive this tattoo?
  • Was this tattoo applied via amateur methods or at a professional studio?

Overall, larger tattoos will require more sessions to remove, while smaller ones will take less time.


Caring for Your Skin Post Tattoo Removal

Your tattoo removal specialist will be able to advise you on how to care for your skin after your tattoo is removed. In most cases, you will be given or recommended to get an ice pack to apply to the part of your skin where your tattoo used to be.

Some patients may be prescribed an antibiotic cream to apply to their removal site to help prevent infection. In addition, you may be asked to bandage this part of your body for at least several days following your procedure.

You will also be advised to avoid exposing your tattoo removal area to the sun after your procedure, as well as to avoid exposing your treatment area to excessive amounts of hot water.


Potential Complications of Tattoo Removal 

There are potential complications to tattoo removal that interested individuals should stay aware of. Some of the complications patients experience include:

  • Infections
  • Skin discoloration
  • Skin irritation
  • Pain
  • Discomfort
  • Rash

Attempting to remove a tattoo on your own can result in discomfort or a medical hazard. In addition, engaging in this process at a tattoo parlor or spa can carry complications.

Tattoo removal is best performed by a trained dermatologist who is well-versed in the anatomy and physiology of the skin. A medical professional will be the best equipped to provide you with a safe and effective procedure that delivers the results that you are looking for.


Does Tattoo Removal Result in Scars?

It is quite normal for many patients to experience some scarring following their tattoo removal. Engaging in the recommended care practices following your procedure can help diminish your chance of scarring in the aftermath of the procedure. You can discuss these details with your physician prior to treatment.


Your Best Resource for Tattoo Removal 

Epione Beverly Hills is wholly dedicated to providing the best in tattoo removal and cosmetic dermatology. If you are interested in having a tattoo removed, contact us today to set up an appointment.

concept for can you prevent cellulite

Can You Prevent Cellulite?

One of the common concerns affecting up to 90% of women and men at some point in their lives is cellulite. Often described as a dimpled or lumpy appearance on the skin, cellulite is usually found on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen. Although it is harmless and entirely natural, it is often stigmatized. This leads many to explore options like exercise, diet, skin care routines, and even cosmetic dermatology to address its appearance. This brings up the important question: Can you prevent cellulite?

Can You Prevent Cellulite?

Although the short answer may be that it may not be entirely preventable, there are things you can do to reduce its appearance and potentially delay its onset. An exploration of what it is, why it forms, and the factors that influence its development will help you to better understand how to manage it.

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a term for the collection of fats that push against the connective tissue beneath the skin. It is a common condition that makes the surface of your skin look dimpled or bumpy. Some people may describe it as something that is akin to the texture of cottage cheese or orange peel. Mild cellulite is only noticeable when you pinch your skin in the area where you have cellulite, while more severe cellulite will make your skin appear rumpled and bumpy. Although it is more common around the thighs and buttocks, you may also notice it on your breasts, upper arms, and lower abdomen.

What Causes Cellulite?


Your genes play an important role in determining your skin structure, body type, and fat distribution. All these can affect the probability that you will develop cellulite.

Hormonal Changes

Estrogen, insulin, and prolactin are hormones that can influence the development of cellulite by affecting your blood flow, fat storage, and the strength of your connective tissues.

Lifestyle Factors

The way you live your life can also influence your likelihood of developing cellulite. Do you usually spend your days sitting down? Do you seldom drink water in a day? Are you fond of eating fried and processed foods? Do you smoke? If you answered yes to most of the questions, you are a good candidate for cellulite formation. These habits reduce skin elasticity and promote fat accumulation.

Good Habits to Help Minimize the Appearance of Cellulite

Although preventing cellulite may be impossible given the strong role that genetics and hormones play, there are certain good habits that can help you minimize the appearance of cellulite.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

What you eat plays a crucial role in your skin’s appearance and overall health.

Eat More Fiber

A balanced diet can reduce the accumulation of fat and improve your blood circulation. This will make cellulite less noticeable. Ensure that you incorporate a lot of fiber in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains promote better digestion and reduce fat storage.

Limit Processed Foods

Foods that are high in sugar and high in salt can lead to water retention, weight gain, and the formation of cellulite.

Stay Hydrated

Drink no less than the required minimum number of glasses of water daily. Water does not only help your organs to function well, it also keeps your skin plump and elastic, reducing the dimpled effect of cellulite on your skin.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity helps reduce the appearance of cellulite by improving muscle tone and circulation.

Strength Training

This builds muscle in areas prone to cellulite, like your thighs and buttocks. Muscle in this area can help create a smoother appearance.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Burn fat and boost blood flow by cardiovascular exercises like swimming, running, or cycling.


Stretching exercises promote flexibility and reduce tension in connective tissues as well. This will support smoother-looking skin.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Cellulite affects people of all body types, but a healthy weight can help minimize fat deposits. In addition, sudden weight gain or rapid weight loss can potentially worsen cellulite.

Consider Professional Treatments

Sometimes lifestyle changes are not enough. If this is your case, there are cellulite treatments you can choose from.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy such as Cellulaze will shrink fat cells, cut the bands that cause the bumps, and thicken your skin. Results usually last a year or sometimes more. If your cellulite is severe, it may not work well for you. Make sure to go to a board-certified surgeon if you are thinking of having this procedure.


This treatment uses a device that gives a deep massage while lifting up the patient’s skin. According to the FDA, the device used has little potential to cause harm. However, the temporary results of this treatment vary from woman to woman.

Radiofrequency Therapy

These treatments will tighten your skin and break down fat cells with the use of heat.


This is a minimally invasive FDA-approved treatment designed to reduce cellulite in a single session. The changes can last for up to two years. However, this is not for everyone. Diabetes patients, women with varicose veins, or those being treated for active skin infection should not undergo this treatment.

These treatments often require multiple sessions and can be costly. In addition, the results may vary between individuals. It is important to consult a licensed and experienced professional who can explain the process to you and help you manage your expectations.

Keep Your Hormones Healthy

Since hormones play an essential role in cellulite formation, it may be advantageous to keep your hormones healthy. You can do this by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, getting enough sleep, limiting your alcohol consumption, and avoiding endocrine-disrupting chemicals. If you think your hormones may be responsible for your cellulite problem, consult a healthcare provider.

Minimize the Appearance of Your Cellulite

Although you cannot prevent the appearance of cellulite, having a healthy lifestyle can definitely help you reduce its appearance and help you look your best. If you think your cellulite needs to be addressed by a professional, go to your trusted dermatologist, who can recommend the best course of treatment for you.

If you are concerned about pain or the method used in the treatments, consider Dr. Simon Ourian. He has a noninvasive, nonsurgical approach when it comes to cellulite treatment or removal. The results from his methods usually last for months to years, with the patients going back to their normal activities right after the treatment. Consult with Dr. Ourian today.

Featured image for How Is Jawline Contouring Performed

How Is Jawline Contouring Performed?

Jawline contouring is a type of plastic surgery procedure that aims to give a patient a more refined and powerful-looking jaw. The procedure can offer stunning aesthetic results, leading to a complete aesthetic overhaul of the jaw. Though the procedure is steadily growing in popularity, many people still wonder how jawline contouring is performed. If you are curious about Epione’s Jawsome jawline contouring, take a look at this guide, which describes some details of the procedure.

What is Jawline Contouring?

Jawline contouring is a type of cosmetic, non-surgical aesthetic procedure. Although it falls under the medical branch of plastic surgery, it is actually a non-surgical operation that involves injecting various kinds of dermal fillers into the jawline to sculpt its appearance more fully. Jawline contouring is renowned for offering patients a more refined and defined jawline appearance. In addition, the procedure can assist those who have suffered injury to their jaw and are looking to restore some element of their appearance.

Two major types of fillers are employed in this procedure. In general, they will likely involve one of the following:

  • Dermal fillers
  • Hyaluronic acid          

The Benefits of Jawline Contouring

There are many benefits to jawline contouring, though the exact benefits you reap will depend on your goals for the procedure. The following are some of the most commonly reported benefits of receiving jawline contouring:

  • Stonger chin
  • Enhanced jawline shape and definition
  • More symmetrical facial structure
  • More defined facial structure
  • Increased volume in the lower portion of the face
  • Increased satisfaction with one’s appearance

How is Jawline Contouring Performed?

There are several steps involved in the jawline contouring procedure. Generally, most patients undergo the following:

  • Patients have a consultation with their physician, and their general medical profile is examined.
  • A general treatment plan is outlined with regard to the patient’s goals for the jawline contouring process.
  • The region that is to receive jawline contouring is identified and marked out.
  • The physician injects the filler into the previously determined areas of the jaw.
  • A post-treatment guide is prepared and provided for the patient.
  • Possible follow-up appointments may be recommended depending on the details of your procedure.

Following one’s physician’s instructions at every step of the process is essential for ensuring the best results. Do not be afraid to ask questions about your procedure.

How Long Do Jawline Contouring Results Last?

The longevity of jawline contouring results depends on the level of work performed and the type of filler used in the procedure. Dermal fillers tend to last for about six months to two years, while hyaluronic acid can last for one to two years.

In addition, the longevity of one’s results is somewhat dependent on how one treats one’s jaw and general lifestyle. For example, prolonged periods of overexposure to UV rays without protection have the potential to negatively impact one’s results.

Risk of Jawline Contouring

Jawline contouring is generally considered a safe and low-risk procedure. However, there are mild risks and side effects of the procedure that one should be aware of. Take note of the following potential risks:

  • Mild bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Numbness
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity and swelling in the jaw
  • Asymmetrical appearance of the jaw
  • Allergic reaction to the fillers, which can result in itching

In addition, one should pay attention to the following symptoms that they are facing a severe allergic reaction to the fillers:

  • Infection
  • Acne-like lumps in the jaw
  • Inflammatory skin reactions
  • Skin nodules

If any of the above side effects persist for more than a few days, contact your physician as soon as possible to schedule a follow-up appointment.

The Top Cosmetic Surgeon in Los Angeles

The doctors at Epione Beverly Hills are widely regarded as some of the top non-surgical cosmetic surgeons in Los Angeles. If you are interested in the benefits of jawline contouring, contact our office today to set up an appointment and begin looking your best.

Line art illustration of a plus size woman with stretch marks on legs and her belly as the featured image for Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented

Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

Stretch marks are an unfortunate physical trait that can be an eyesore for those who have them. Getting rid of them can be somewhat aggravating, as they tend to arise suddenly or after events out of a patient’s control. However, there are steps an individual can take to stop stretch marks from forming in the first place. These preventative measures can save a patient a large amount of time and money in the long run. If you have stretch marks or are worried that you may be vulnerable to developing them, this guide describes how stretch marks can be prevented.

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, also known as striae, are indented streaks that appear on various parts of the body when the skin is stretched beyond its comfort zone.

Stretch marks are not of medical concern but can be aesthetically bothersome. Often, stretch marks fade naturally over time. However, some stretch marks tend to linger and require professional intervention to resolve. Long-lasting stretch marks have the potential to worsen one’s well-being by diminishing self-esteem and one’s self-image. Therefore, if a person has the ability and resources to get rid of their stretch marks, they will likely see the payoff in the long run.

What are the Symptoms of Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can appear in many different forms. That said, there are many easy-to-identify signs of stretch marks, such as:

  • Itchiness
  • Irritation
  • Discoloration on the skin
  • Sunken lines under the skin
  • Glossy-looking skin

Of course, stretch marks will appear and function differently for each person, and it never hurts to have an expert assess your stretch marks to determine their severity.

Risk Factors for Stretch Marks

Several factors can increase the likelihood that an individual develops stretch marks. Being aware of these factors can help you prepare for and take more active steps to treat stretch marks. Qualities that increase the chance of one developing stretch marks are:

  • Being overweight
  • Being pregnant
  • Using corticosteroids
  • Undergoing breast augmentation
  • Having certain genetic disorders
  • Having a family history of stretch marks

Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

Luckily, stretch marks can be prevented. There are several methods for preventing stretch marks, and finding out which ones best suit your routine can help provide a sense of security that you will be able to prevent their development. Those interested in preventing stretch marks should consider adhering to the following:

  • Drink enough water: Hydration is one of the best lines of defense for the body in general and can help prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Eat plenty of Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the best compounds for skin health and is doubly useful for preventing stretch marks. Including a healthy amount in your diet can help you prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Control your weight: Dramatic weight loss or gain is one of the most common causes of stretch marks. Making more modest and gradual weight gains can help prevent the development of stretch marks.
  • Eat plenty of nutrients: Eating a well-balanced diet high in nutrients can maintain the presence of collagen and elastin fibers in your skin, making it less susceptible to stretch marks.
  • Keep track of when they appear: It is easier to treat stretch marks that have recently appeared than those that have been left to linger. Making an appointment with a dermatologist sooner rather than later can help you resolve this issue before it becomes too severe.
  • Get plenty of sun: Vitamin D is another compound essential for skin health. Fortunately, the sun is a plentiful source of Vitamin D. Getting some healthy sun on the parts of your skin that you often cover can help prevent the development of stretch marks. If you are sensitive to the sun, consider taking a vitamin D supplement.

Your Cosmetic Resource in Beverly Hills

Epione Plastic Surgery offers a full suite of resources to aid patients in fading their stretch marks or preventing their development. If you would like to discuss stretch marks with a cosmetic dermatologist in Beverly Hills, contact our office today to schedule a consultation.

Cartoon flat vector illustration of buttock plastic surgery to represent how non-surgical butt lifts are performed.

How Are Non-Surgical Butt Lifts Performed?

Non-surgical butt lifts offer patients the option of receiving the perks of a butt lift without resorting to surgery. In other words, for some patients, this is a precious asset, as some have medical conditions or circumstances that prevent them from receiving invasive surgery. Although a non-surgical butt lift is somewhat less stressful and invasive than a surgical one, it still pays to educate yourself about how some of the niche processes surrounding this procedure work. This can ensure that your procedure is a success. In short, if you are thinking about receiving a non-surgical butt lift, take a look at this guide that describes how non-surgical butt lifts are performed.

How Are Non-Surgical Butt Lifts Performed?

The purpose of a non-surgical butt lift is to change the size, shape, and contour of one’s buttocks. Several different methods can be employed to achieve these effects. One of the advantages of this type of procedure is that there is little to no recovery period from a non-surgical procedure.

A disadvantage of non-surgical butt lifts is that the results you incur from your procedure are not necessarily permanent. On the plus side, because of the non-surgical nature of the procedure, patients are not required to undergo general anesthesia. Accordingly, this opens up the possibility of treatment for a great deal more patients.

Types of Non-Surgical Butt Lifts

There are several different methods available for individuals looking to have a non-surgical butt lift. The best path forward can be determined both by your personal preference and the recommendation of your physician. The primary methods include:

  • Sculptra: Sculptra is a dermal filler that is made of a gel-like substance. During this type of treatment, a healthcare provider injects Sculptra into the buttocks to give it a fuller and smoother look. In general, the results take approximately four to six months to complete.
  •  Dermal fillers: There are other types of dermal fillers aside from Sculptra that can be used as a non-surgical butt lift method. Most of these fillers employ the use of collagen to achieve this effect.
  •  Laser therapy: Laser therapy is another popular method for non-surgical butt lifts. Laser therapy utilizes intense pulsed lights to cosmetically rejuvenate areas of the butt with rippling and wrinkles. The lasers have the ability to break up cellulite in the buttocks using intense pulses of light.

Many different types of dermal fillers can be used in a non-surgical butt lift. Below are some of the most commonly utilized dermal fillers available:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Polymethylmethacrylate
  • Poly-L-lactic acid
  • Calcium hydroxyapatite

The Impact of Non-Surgical Butt Lifts

Many positive benefits can be imparted by a successful non-surgical butt lift. Some of the most commonly reported benefits include the following:

  • Prevent sagging skin
  • Plump up the buttocks
  • Eliminate dimples and unsightly patterns
  • Experience a noninvasive procedure that can improve one’s appearance
  • Little-to-no-recovery time

Preparing for a Non-surgical Butt Lift

Certain steps can help you prepare for your non-surgical procedure and maximize your results. This procedure can be enhanced by a consultation with your physician prior to any work being done.

During this procedure, your physician will examine your medical history and ask clarifying questions regarding any allergies or other inhibiting elements that could impact your procedure. Being as clear as possible can help to improve your procedure and pave the way for satisfying results.

After Your Procedure

There is no recovery period for a non-surgical butt lift, but there are still steps you can take after your procedure to enhance your results and ensure that you remain satisfied.

As an outpatient procedure, you will be able to go home directly after treatment and should be able to drive yourself home without issue. That being said, you should consider taking the following steps to prevent any mishaps:

  • Avoid exercising and engaging in strenuous activities for a few days after your procedure
  • You can expect skin discoloration and some temporary redness
  • You might experience some small amount of pain following your procedure
  • Take a visit to your healthcare provider if you experience intense pain or swelling

Overall, this procedure is considered to be a much less intense version of a surgical butt lift. Many patients should see satisfying results with little mishaps.

The Best Surgeon in Beverly Hills

Epione Beverly Hills is widely considered to be one of the top surgeons actively practicing in Southern California. If you are interested in receiving a consultation regarding your eligibility for receiving a non-surgical butt lift, contact us today to schedule an appointment with our aesthetic specialist in Beverly Hills.

featured image for can hormones cause stretch marks

Can Hormones Cause Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks aren’t a medical concern, but they are something that most people find to be aesthetically unpleasant. Following this, many individuals choose to remove these marks surgically in order to restore their appearance to something that they’re happy with. So can hormones cause stretch marks?

There are many different plausible causes for stretch marks, and determining the source of your own might help you to treat your own. One of the more common sources for the formation of stretch marks is the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

Can Hormones Cause Stretch Marks?

If you’re suffering from stretch marks, take a look at this guide that describes some of the elements surrounding this procedure in cosmetic dermatology. 

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, or striae, are indented streaks that appear on the abdomen, breasts, and other areas of the body. There is the potential for these marks to appear almost anywhere on the body, and they are oftentimes the result of the skin being stretched past its point of comfort, which creates an abnormal appearance.

Overall, stretch marks aren’t painful or medically concerning but appear in a way that most people don’t like. Fortunately, many stretch marks don’t require treatment and will fade over time. On the other hand, many will never disappear completely without some type of treatment.

Severe stretch marks can impact one’s self-esteem and emotional health, so if you’re suffering from these side effects, it doesn’t hurt to investigate your treatment options so that you can restore your appearance and stop worrying about these elements. It likely will end up saving you a large amount of stress in the long run.

Symptoms of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can appear in many different ways. They often depend on the contributing factors that have led to the development of the marks. Some of the more common appearances that stretch marks can take include the following:

· Bright streaks that fade away

· Streaks that cover large sections of the body

· Streaks of the following colors: pink, red, discolored, blue, black or purple

· Indented streaks or lines on the abdomen, hips, breasts, buttocks, or many other places on the body

The symptoms of stretch marks can vary wildly from patient to patient. In rare cases, stretch marks can cover wide parts of the body, mostly as a reaction to corticosteroid medications and rare conditions such as Cushing syndrome.

Although stretch marks aren’t medically concerning, you should look into medically treating your stretch marks if they cause you sufficient mental or emotional distress. Consulting with your physician should be able to help you create a treatment plan and identify your best path forward.

Causes of Stretch Marks

At its root, the primary cause of stretch marks is the stretching of the skin. How severe they are depends on several different factors, including your genetics, the degree of stress on your body and skin, as well as the presence of various hormones such as cortisol.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands in situations of stress or heightened activity. This stress hormone has the potential to negatively impact many elements of the skin, including its elasticity.

Fortunately, many stretch marks will naturally fade over time, meaning that many individuals won’t have to resort to more serious treatments to deal with their own problems. However, there are many different treatment options available for those who wish to deal with their own medicine.

Risk Factors for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks can develop on anyone’s skin, but there are certain risk factors that can make their appearance more likely. Some of the more common risk factors that lead to the development of stretch marks include:

· The use of corticosteroids

· Exercise and the use of anabolic steroids

· Genetic disorders such as Cushing syndrome or Marfan syndrome

· Receiving breast enlargement surgery

· Rapidly weight gain or loss

· Rapid growth in adolescence or childhood

· Pregnancy, with special levels of risk occurring during the third trimester.

· Being prone to developing stretch marks in your personal or family history

You can discuss with your physician which risk factors might have a part to play in the development of your own stretch marks. This can help the two of you develop a plan to treat your own effectively.

Your Trusted Resource for Cosmetic Dermatology

Epione Beverly Hills is one of the best resources you have for your various needs for cosmetic surgery. If you have visible stretch marks that you would like to have removed, take a look at our website and contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss your non-surgical stretch mark removal.