How to Prepare for Revision Surgery

A well-executed plastic surgery has the potential to give a patient a new and refreshed appearance, as well as to resolve potentially serious medical issues that may have been bothering them. Below, we cover how to prepare for revision surgery.

However, mistakes are bound to be made in this area of medicine, and even an expert surgeon can perform an operation that doesn’t quite stick for one reason or another. When this occurs, you may have to return for revision surgery.

If you’re due to experience a revision plastic surgery procedure and would like to know how to properly prepare for plastic surgery repair, check out this overview that may be of some use.

What Is Revision Surgery?

Revision surgery is any type of plastic surgery that intends to amend some of the results of an initial procedure. In the plastic surgery sphere, a revision procedure is usually executed when a patient is unhappy with the appearance of their initial results.

Why Receive Revision Surgery?

The primary reasons that one engages in revision surgeries are either medical or aesthetic. Sometimes, if a surgery doesn’t go as intended the first time around, a revision surgery becomes a medical necessity due to the hazards that arise.

Other times, revision surgery is executed to give the patient the aesthetic results of a procedure that may have eluded them the first time around. In addition, the recovery period from any procedure is a delicate period where a patient must stay wary of certain indicators that their body has not responded well to the procedure. This includes the danger of infection.

After you receive any type of medical work, your physician will likely schedule a couple of follow-up visits for you to discuss how your recovery period is going. Should anything appear especially awry to them during these visits, then there is a chance that this will be the time that they determine that you should receive revision care.

Most patients who are interested in receiving a revision surgery should qualify for the work, as for the most part, the requirements for such a procedure will be very similar, if not the same as the original requirements for the surgery that one received in the first place.

How to Prepare for Revision Surgery

There are several different steps one might take to properly prepare for a revision procedure. Much of this is dependent on the exact nature of the revision surgery at hand, as there are many different areas of the body that might expect to see this treatment.

However, there are several steps that can be taken that will likely benefit you regardless of the exact type of revision procedure you are to receive. Some of these steps include:

  • Adjust your alcohol intake for several weeks prior to your procedure
  • Quit smoking for several weeks before your procedure
  • Adjust any herbal supplements or over-the-counter medications you use
  • Consult with your doctor about whatever prescription medications that you might use

Depending on your personal medical situation, there’s some chance that your physician may have additional advice regarding how you prepare for your procedure. In addition, it must be noted again that there will be a wide variety of possible preparatory steps depending on the exact type of procedure you’re going to take part in.

Recovering from Revision Surgery

The recovery period for a revision procedure will likely look similar to the recovery period from your initial procedure. There may be additional considerations at play depending on how your initial revision procedure has impacted you.

That being said, there are certain steps that you can take to improve your situation regarding having a successful recovery period. Some of these steps include:

  • Refraining from engaging in overly strenuous activities for the first several weeks following your procedure
  • Refrain from imbibing alcohol or smoking
  • Receive plenty of rest
  • Make arrangements for a family member or friend to assist with daily activities while you recover

Your physician will likely have additional steps for you to take in terms of handling your recovery period. Following this advice to the highest degree will represent your best shot in terms of having a healthy and safe recovery period.

The Revision Expert of Beverly Hills

Dr. Chiu and the rest of the team at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery Inc run the best cosmetic surgery center in Beverly Hills. If you’re interested in discussing your upcoming revision procedure with Dr. Chiu, contact our office today to have a conversation.