How to Maintain Facelift Results

Let us look at how to maintain facelift results. A facelift procedure has the potential to give patients a very high level of renewed appearance by tightening and enlivening the skin and muscles of the face. This has made it one of plastic surgery’s most requested procedures since its inception. 

However, like most plastic surgery procedures, if you want to keep your results looking their best, then it pays to learn a little bit about the best ways to preserve your results.

How to Maintain Facelift Results

If you’re considering receiving a facelift or have recently received one, take a look at this overview that describes the best ways to preserve your results.

Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

Exposing your skin to excessive amounts of sun can be very detrimental to your skin, and compromise your results before their time. You can protect yourself against the negative effects of sun exposure by wearing protective clothing, consistently wearing hats, and using sunscreen when you go outside. In addition, you should avoid venturing outside during peak daylight hours, when the sun is strongest.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is very hazardous for your health in several different ways, including in the way it impacts your skin. Smoking can reduce blood circulation and increase the risk of complications after surgery. Quitting smoking will inevitably lead to improved health over time and help you to preserve your results.

Employ a Thorough Skincare Routine

You can help extend your results by consistently employing high-quality skincare products. You can discuss with your physician what types of products would be most beneficial for you with your physician as you’re walked through the facelift procedure process. Exfoliation, moisturizers, and other techniques should be looked into.

Enjoy a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is also something that can benefit you and your facelift results. Packing your body with essential nutrients and vitamins can help reduce skin-damaging impacts from inflammation and sun damage. Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can only benefit someone who’s attempting to preserve their results for longer.

Get Plenty of Rest

Sleep is another essential part of health that can help you preserve your skincare results. While you sleep, your skin and the rest of the organs of your body repair and regenerate. Getting plenty of adequate sleep should be considered essential for preserving your facelift results.

Research Cosmetic Injectables

Sometimes, applying injectable treatments from dermal fillers can help to enhance and maintain your plastic surgery results. Injectables have the potential to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and restore volume lost by the wear and tear of life.

Watch Your Weight

If you have excessive amounts of weight fluctuation, either in gaining or losing weight, it may affect the appearance of your face in the long run. Maintaining a steady weight through a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise can help you to maintain your results for longer.

Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

As with any medical procedure of import, your surgeon will provide you with some detailed post-operative instructions that are crucial for ensuring that you maintain the highest level of quality for your results. Following these instructions and attending all of the follow-up appointments they instruct for you should remain essential.

In addition, you should try to schedule at least a couple of follow-up procedures with your surgeon just to receive some checkups. This will help to ensure that you stay on track with your recovery process.

What to Do if Your Results Start to Fade

A facelift can provide an individual with a major revision in terms of the vivacity of their appearance. Despite this, it remains important to remember that your skin will continue to age in its natural way. This may find you returning to the surgery clinic if the proper steps remain not taken to preserve your results.

Although this doesn’t have to be the end of the world, if your results begin to lose their freshness, there are options available. You should return to your surgeon to discuss the best path forward for preserving or restoring your results before they degrade too severely. By keeping track of the quality of your results, you can assist your surgeon in making a plan for restoring them.

The Beverly Hills Center for Quality Facelifts

Beverly Hills Center for Plastic Surgery is one of the best resources for receiving a facelift procedure. If you’re considering undergoing this type of treatment for yourself, contact us today to find out why we’re considered the best place for plastic surgery in Beverly Hills.